What game have you absolutely played the shit outta?


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I used to play Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 non-stop. I got so good at it that I could get my high score so high that the system wouldn't be able to handle it and it would start counting backward. God, I was a nerd.

I've completed Metal Gear Solid at least thirty times.

L3ggy!!! You're still around!!! Yeeeeeah!!!
You want a game that will give you weeks of play, try Skyrim. I would go with PC over console due to the mods you can get. Those just add even more time to the game.
There are several, pokemon games, fire emblem games, bravely default, mkx android and ios, hyrule warriors, etc.
Mass Effect Trilogy, Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Yol Toor Shul bizatches! :banger: ) :yesyes: , Saints Row IV, Batman: Arkham Asylum+Arkham City (all on PC), Lego Batman on PS2 (way to make Batman cute lol), both Plants vs. Zombies games on iPhone, and the aforementioned Pokemon


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Steam just clocked 600 hours on Europa Universalis 4 for me.

And since the Common Sense expansion just came out I don't really see that number staying still.
Tekken Tag Tournament 2

Devil May Cry 3 and the DMC remake (played through every difficulty and beaten Bloody Palace multiple times with both Dante and Vergil; With Vergil only on DMC remake)

Mass Effect 2 and 3
Age of Empires, MGS 2, GTA San Andreas, Mass Effect 1& 2 and Dragon Age: Origins. I've played each one for hundreds and hundreds of hours.
Super Mario World. Never gets old.

If we're going back that far, then Super Mario Bros. 3, Super Mario World, Mario 64, MegaMan 3, Batman (NES), Contra: Shattered Soldier (PS2), Resident Evil, Streets of Rage 2, Sonic the Hedgehog 1 and 2... I know there are others.

And when I say I played the absolute shit out of them, I mean it.