
Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
I was sitting here looking through some posts and reading some reviews on paysites. They are very informative and interesting to read, but I am wondering what you are looking for in a paysite? What is most important for you? Is it the amout of content? Is it the quality? Is it special features you look for?? I guess for me to be willing to pay for a site it would first of all be something that really made me want to see more, something different that I haven't seen before, something that took me by surprise. And quality is also another key factor. Would have to make me feel worth the payment already in the tour section.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Personally, I don't subscribe to many paysites. Why? Because most of them are complete rip-offs. If I am going to sign up for a paysite, I look for the following things...

The membership fee has to be cheap. I'm not going to spend $20-30/month just to see some porn, when I can get it for free almost anywhere else on the internet.

The content can't be extremely repetitive. Yes, in general, all porn is repetitive, as it is just sex scene after sex scene, but it's nice to see a little bit of variety; different sets, different outfits, different "themes", etc.

I hate when paysites only update with one new video or one new picture set per week. Personally, I think that's a huge rip-off when that happens. I want to see a few new videos every week and a few new photo sets. It sucks paying money to be a member of a site and then look at the dates of when the galleries were added and then notice that they're weeks and weeks apart from one another.

It's really annoying when a website is poorly designed and has a mediocre layout. I like it when a website is really simple to navigate and doesn't have a bunch of random graphics and moving animations that screw up the speed when loading a page.


Loves the double vag
All good advice from the Chef, I look for my personal fetish so I have paid for D P Fanatics in the past as I enjoy the content.
Chef made some good points there. I also would look for downloadable videos, rather than only ones you can view on the site. Zipped sets of pictures is very important to me too. I would also make sure that any site I joined featured many of the girls I really like and not just a few. Of course it is a no-brainer that I would also look for a site that has lots and lots of content.
Thirty dollars per month to me is outrageously expensive. I think sites would triple memberships if they included advertising and charged 30 dollars per year.
Initial profit would noesdive, however with volume sales revenues would exceed current levels.