What are your origins ? Where do your ancestors come from ?

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Italy, Ireland, Sweden, Germany, Czechoslovakia and I'm loathe to admit it, France (but it happened so far back that I try not to hold it against my family).
Italy, Ireland, Sweden, Germany, Czechoslovakia and I'm loathe to admit it, France (but it happened so far back that I try not to hold it against my family).

:rofl: ha ha ha ! Don't be so hard with frenchies :1orglaugh !
Irish and French. Straight up. I can drink way too much, and I'm an excellent lover. You can figure out which trait belongs to which heritage.
I think my mothers side came from Russia a few hundred years ago.
My fathers side are all northern farmers,I think.
Irish and French. Straight up. I can drink way too much, and I'm an excellent lover. You can figure out which trait belongs to which heritage.

i am irish too so i am an excellent lover,english but i have excellent teeth

i thought being french made you an excellent runner?
I'm Turkish. My mother's side came from Khorasan in Turkmenistan back in 13th century. My father's side is fully Anatolian Turks.
I'm 100% Aryan Caucasian WHITE, and I can guarantee that based on full documents that go back to prehistoric times. My blood is completely PURE!!!!!

I have no idea either, my mom is half Spanish half Black, Dad is half Criole half black, and both my grandmothers are half white half Criole. One grandfather is all black, the other is half American indian, half Black. And it just gets more mixed up from there.
Three-quarters Irish, but my grandfather on my father's side is Italian, from Casalattico. My full name is entirely Italian, so people tend to assume I'm more than just a quarter. Basically, I can cook like a demon but I tend to drink the wine I'm meant to be cooking with.