What are some good films i can watch?

I'm looking for some good films to watch from any genre. I've only recently seen some big films that i should have seen ages ago i.e the shawshank redemption, the godfather, resevroir dogs, american beauty, american history x, requiem for a dream, city of god, the shining etc-just basically working my way through the top 250 on IMDB- can anyone suggest any others?


FreeOnes Lifetime Member
Three Russell Crowe films based on true stories: Gladiator, A Beatiful Mind, and Proof of Life.


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
Risky Business
Laurence of Arabia
The Rite
The World's Fastest Indian
Et tu Mama Tambien
Hard Core Logo
Badder Santa
Thank You For Smoking
Immortal Beloved
Sin City
The Watchmen
Honkeytonk man
The Prophecy
The Outlaw Josey Wales
Angel Heart
Stranger Than Fiction
Starship Troopers
Boondock Saints
30 Days of Night

There, that should keep you busy for a while :D
Risky Business
Laurence of Arabia
The Rite
The World's Fastest Indian
Et tu Mama Tambien
Hard Core Logo
Badder Santa
Thank You For Smoking
Immortal Beloved
Sin City
The Watchmen
Honkeytonk man
The Prophecy
The Outlaw Josey Wales
Angel Heart
Stranger Than Fiction
Starship Troopers
Boondock Saints
30 Days of Night

There, that should keep you busy for a while :D

haha, yep some good films in there


Closed Account
If you can find it Night of the Running Man (1995). There are parts that if you have a sick sense of humor, you'll like. It's a about a taxi driver who's passenger gets killed because he stole from the mob and he takes the money. Similar premise to No Country for Old Men.

For a comedy It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World. I believe it came out in the sixties.
Some of my favorites:

Saturday Night Fever
Basketball Diaries
This Boy's Life
In the Line of Fire
Bad Lieutenant
Blood Diamond
Taxi Driver
Anything by Mark Wahlberg
Taxi driver was good but IMO it had no real story line, just a guy trying to get a girl but then tries to save a prostitute, didnt really have much substance
Taxi driver was good but IMO it had no real story line, just a guy trying to get a girl but then tries to save a prostitute, didnt really have much substance

You know I've always felt that way about that flick as well, but Deniro was a madman in that movie. I really enjoyed his performance although you are right - the storyline was somewhat weak.


Postal Paranoiac
There are only three movies you need to see:

Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs

Rebel Without A Cause

The Ten Commandments

The first one has cartoon animals, little horny men living in the woods, and an evil queen who wants to kill some girl.
The second one has a kid with f*cked-up parents who is trying to fit in with a new crowd, while trying to prevent the cops from killing his nutty friend.
The third one is about a baby floating in the Nile River, that gets adopted by a queen, becomes a prince, but then gives it all up so that he can find some magical tablets and lead his friends to freedom.
That's what life is all about. Horny midgets, poisoned apples, chickie runs, and Yul Brynner. No shit.

Naw...just playin'. Here's a link to some cool movies:
There are only three movies you need to see:

Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs

Rebel Without A Cause

The Ten Commandments

The first one has cartoon animals, little horny men living in the woods, and an evil queen who wants to kill some girl.
The second one has a kid with f*cked-up parents who is trying to fit in with a new crowd, while trying to prevent the cops from killing his nutty friend.
The third one is about a baby floating in the Nile River, that gets adopted by a queen, becomes a prince, but then gives it all up so that he can find some magical tablets and lead his friends to freedom.
That's what life is all about. Horny midgets, poisoned apples, chickie runs, and Yul Brynner. No shit.

Naw...just playin'. Here's a link to some cool movies:

  • Cool Hand Luke
  • The King's Speech
  • North by Northwest
  • Vertigo
  • Dawn of the Dead
  • Dances with Wolves (unedited or uncut not the television version)
  • Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
  • Lord of the Rings Trilogy
  • Lifeboat
  • The French Connection
  • Unforgiven
  • Gran Torino
  • The spaghetti westerns man with no name trilogy: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly; Fist full of Dollars, For a Few Dollars More.
  • True Grit (I prefer the newest one but both are awesome)
  • The Magnificent Seven
  • The Great Escape
  • The Thomas Crown Affair
  • Heat
  • 007 GoldenEye
  • First Knight
  • The Saint
  • Top Gun

Bloodshot mentioned anything by Mark Walberg...I can't agree with that at all as I feel he's a toolbag. He also made Max Payne the movie which is sad.

The movie he's in that I did enjoy though was Shooter; I would recommend that for sure.
Fargo or The Big Lebowski
  • Cool Hand Luke
  • The King's Speech
  • North by Northwest
  • Vertigo
  • Dawn of the Dead
  • Dances with Wolves (unedited or uncut not the television version)
  • Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
  • Lord of the Rings Trilogy
  • Lifeboat
  • The French Connection
  • Unforgiven
  • Gran Torino
  • The spaghetti westerns man with no name trilogy: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly; Fist full of Dollars, For a Few Dollars More.
  • True Grit (I prefer the newest one but both are awesome)
  • The Magnificent Seven
  • The Great Escape
  • The Thomas Crown Affair
  • Heat

Bloodshot mentioned anything by Mark Walberg...I can't agree with that at all as I feel he's a toolbag. He also made Max Payne the movie which is sad.

The movie he's in that I did enjoy though was Shooter; I would recommend that for sure.

Wahlberg has had some legit performances. He's was pretty damn sharp in I Heart Huckabee's. I just like him because he's the same heritage as me - half Swede.
Wahlberg has had some legit performances. He's was pretty damn sharp in I Heart Huckabee's. I just like him because he's the same heritage as me - half Swede.

My opinion isn't fact and everyone likes or hates for their own valid reasons...I just happen to loath him most of the time.

It bothered me when he got mad about Andy Samberg's portrayal of him on SNL.

As far as movies I forgot to mention to my list

The Saint
Arsenic and Old Lace
The Producers -Original
Blazing Saddles