Westboro Baptist Church

You know what the funny thing is? They're actually bringing people together.

Imagine you have one gay guy, one straight guy, and one Westboro Baptist Church member sitting in a room. You have everyone side their opinion about their preference on sexuallity. By the time they leave the room the straight and gay guy are going to come together and go "You are fucked up and WRONG".

People come together when they share the same idea, and EVERYONE thinks the Phelps family is fucked.
There are groups of bikers who go to the funerals these inbred hicks go to so they can drown out their cries of hatred by revving their Harleys.

Those guys (the bikers) are awesome.



Man, who hasn't heard of those scumbags?

The BBC doc "The Most Hated Family in America" is VERY good and you should check it out.

How these guys haven't been killed I really don't know. Innocent hard working civilians get killed every day, and everyone seems to let these guys go without punishment...
Oh yeah. I've heard of these guys. I actually sent an Email to their website, criticizing their protests of funeral services. It was promptly answered by one of the craziest women I have ever come in contact with. I mean she was as fire 'n brimstone, god-will-cleanse-the-earth-of-sinners-with-a-swing-of-his-fiery-sword batshit, fanatically insane as anyone could ever strive to be.

I don't remember much of what was said on either side, since this all happened two years ago or so (wish I still had them, I changed email addresses since then and have deleted my old account) but I'll never forget the mood of her responses. She was hostile in almost everything she said. The most simple things became, in some way or another, a "fuck you!" I'll never forget that.

Or how, as we Emailed back and forth, as I questioned her beliefs and her actions, calmly, cooly, rationally- it seemed to me- that she began to question them as well. Until eventually she wouldn't respond to me anymore.

It's a mixture of fanatacism, brainwashing... the power of suggestion... what ropes these people in. They're being taken advantage of. But then, they really do believe what they've been preached. I often wonder what happened to her. Is she still involved with that nonsense, or maybe has she moved on?

It was a bit scarey, that whole exchange. I kept thinking... well, what if she gets my information some how, and these people come and kill me in my house! :eek: It was also very interesting though.

Wow, I wish I'd kept those Emails.
They are allowed to do this under "freedom of speech".

So I propose that we - members of FreeOnes - form a posse (I always like a good posse) travel down to what ever hell hole these people come from and shout abuse at them. Maybe even fuck one another just to show them that even if "God Hates Fags" Fags can have a great time :D. Okay thats taking it a little far, but shouting at them when they're in church maybe burning the building down whilst they're in it seems like a good idea :1orglaugh

If there is a hell, I hope I see these fucks there. To live your lives hating others really isnt what I would assume Jesus if he ever existed would have wanted.

Nazis. I don't know what else to say.
They are allowed to do this under "freedom of speech".

So I propose that we - members of FreeOnes - form a posse (I always like a good posse) travel down to what ever hell hole these people come from and shout abuse at them. Maybe even fuck one another just to show them that even if "God Hates Fags" Fags can have a great time :D. Okay thats taking it a little far, but shouting at them when they're in church maybe burning the building down whilst they're in it seems like a good idea :1orglaugh

If there is a hell, I hope I see these fucks there. To live your lives hating others really isnt what I would assume Jesus if he ever existed would have wanted.


I'm in. Not too excited about the gay sex part, but I am willing to sacrifice my virgin ass to make this point heard loud and clear, loud and clear over the voices of the pure insanity laden bullshit these Reich members are spewing forth from their demon infested bodies......

I forget exactly what issue of Penthouse it was, but there was an awesome article about the bikers mentioned above and what they do to keep these fiends at bay......if there is a hell, I hope they all go to it. (the "church" goers, not the bikers) Goddamn, that didn't pack the punch I wanted it to.....I don't know how else to get across my level of disgust for these "people".
Has anyone heard of these nutbars? They are some sick people.

They protest funerals of dead soldiers with signs saying "FAG USA", "God Hates Fags", and "Thank God for Dead Soldiers".


Yeah, they're some of the most disrespectful people I've ever heard of.

They are allowed to do this under "freedom of speech".


Yeah, unfortunately even inbred, hateful people get to have their say in the US too. But if I remember correctly, all of the member of that church are from the same family, so hopefully it'll dwindle as its member do.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
There are groups of bikers who go to the funerals these inbred hicks go to so they can drown out their cries of hatred by revving their Harleys.

Those guys (the bikers) are awesome.


Has anyone heard of these nutbars? They are some sick people.

They protest funerals of dead soldiers with signs saying "FAG USA", "God Hates Fags", and "Thank God for Dead Soldiers".

Is that what Jesus would do?

Fucking assholes....

they're too bat shit crazy right wing for even fox news!

The bikers are usually US veterans sometimes known as freedom riders and they try to ensure these assholes don't come within several hundred feet of the mourners. Also, their engines tend to drown out a lot of their chants, which is nice too.

I lived in Overland Park, KS when these "people" started making their opinions heard. Believe it or not, most of the people in Kansas really have no desire to be identified as living in the same state as them. Local politicians have gone after their tax exempt status seeing as how most of Rev. Phelps congregation is actually his extended family and I seem to recall some bankruptcy proceedings a few years back.

Their particular brand of retard logic is protected, like it or not, but if a funeral is being held they must maintain a distance from which the gathered mourners cannot hear them.

I don't think they're right wing. They hate politics of any ilk and show their distaste for the don't ask don't tell policy and the tolerance of gays in our society by making these awful pronouncements. I think one of the Daily Show correspondents did a bit where he interviewed Fred Phelps and made subtle...actually not too subtle, passes at him. I know I saw it somewhere on You Tube, but I'm too lazy to check.

Having served in the Marine Corps I fought for their right to do exactly what they're doing, otherwise this wouldn't be America. Despite my distaste for them and their beliefs I would probably do it again. That's not to say I wouldn't punch that geezer in the neck any other time.
Believe it or not, most of the people in Kansas really have no desire to be identified as living in the same state as them. Local politicians have gone after their tax exempt status seeing as how most of Rev. Phelps congregation is actually his extended family and I seem to recall some bankruptcy proceedings a few years back.

I actually have no trouble believing that, I think it's idiotic for anyone to assume the people of Kansas are anywhere in the same league as the hate spewing bigots.

Having served in the Marine Corps I fought for their right to do exactly what they're doing, otherwise this wouldn't be America. Despite my distaste for them and their beliefs I would probably do it again.

You have my gratitude and respect for that, my friend. :hatsoff:
they're too bat shit crazy right wing for even fox news!

My point exactly. People who would normally hate Fox news (and disagree with pretty much anything they have to say) agreed with their opinion. Who wouldn't.

I was reading one of the YouTube posts for one of the videos and someone made a great comment.

"Fred Phelps was just born in the wrong country. If he was born in an Islamic nation he would be an Ayatollah by now."
Not too many years ago an old friend of mine died from complications arising from his HIV status. A medical doctor by profession, you could not wish to meet a kinder gentler man. A local church let us use their hall a few weeks after his passing for a non religious "service" to celebrate his life. There were beers, tears and lots of laughs. The evening passed without incident. A few weeks later some of these morons protested outside the church for letting us use their facilities. They were incensed that a gay man had been honored on the premises.

The best thing to do with these idiots is to never point a camera in their direction. They aren't going to change. They only have one line of attack. The bikers who rev up have the right idea. Talk over them. Never talk to them.