Oh yeah. I've heard of these guys. I actually sent an Email to their website, criticizing their protests of funeral services. It was promptly answered by one of the craziest women I have ever come in contact with. I mean she was as fire 'n brimstone, god-will-cleanse-the-earth-of-sinners-with-a-swing-of-his-fiery-sword batshit, fanatically insane as anyone could ever strive to be.
I don't remember much of what was said on either side, since this all happened two years ago or so (wish I still had them, I changed email addresses since then and have deleted my old account) but I'll never forget the mood of her responses. She was hostile in almost everything she said. The most simple things became, in some way or another, a "fuck you!" I'll never forget that.
Or how, as we Emailed back and forth, as I questioned her beliefs and her actions, calmly, cooly, rationally- it seemed to me- that she began to question them as well. Until eventually she wouldn't respond to me anymore.
It's a mixture of fanatacism, brainwashing... the power of suggestion... what ropes these people in. They're being taken advantage of. But then, they really do believe what they've been preached. I often wonder what happened to her. Is she still involved with that nonsense, or maybe has she moved on?
It was a bit scarey, that whole exchange. I kept thinking... well, what if she gets my information some how, and these people come and kill me in my house! :eek: It was also very interesting though.
Wow, I wish I'd kept those Emails.