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‘We Have Guns Too’: Bystanders Threaten Cops at Scene of Officer Murder


Staff member


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Fuck Off



Parker entered a plea agreement with federal prosecutors admitting he had obstructed a court order, a crime with a far lighter sentence than the others he had been charged with.

One photo from the 2014 standoff shows Parker lying in the prone position on a bridge above the Bureau of Land Management’s base camp, leveling a semi-automatic rifle with a high-capacity “banana” magazine between two Jersey barriers. It became an iconic symbol of the armed standoff with federal agents at Cliven Bundy’s ranch.

Parker was tried twice on several federal charges along with other defendants.

In the first verdict, the jury found some other defendants guilty on some counts, found Parker and others not guilty of two counts of conspiracy, and deadlocked on several counts against Parker and others.

Arizona militia member Gregory Burleson was sentenced to 68 years in prison, according to the Las Vegas Review-Journal.

After a second trial, Parker was found not guilty of several other counts along with other defendants. But the jury was hung on whether Parker had assaulted or aided in assault on a federal officer, used a firearm in the commission of a violent crime and threatened a federal officer. Several other defendants in the case were found not guilty of those charges.

With Parker facing a third federal trial, Moon authored a formal letter to Attorney General Jeff Sessions in August, calling for the prosecution to be dropped. The letter was joined by 25 other members of the Idaho House and eight members of the Senate, including Rep. Bryan Zollinger, R-Idaho Falls; Rep. Karey Hanks, R-St. Anthony; and Rep. Ron Nate, R-Rexburg.

The letter argued that since a guilty verdict against Parker, along with another Idaho citizen, hadn’t been produced by two trials, a third would be a miscarriage of justice.

In Parker’s plea agreement, he admitted that he heard directions from federal officers telling protesters to disperse but ignored them, remaining armed on the bridge above the officers. He admitted that he made a “show of force” and deliberately impeded federal officers enforcing a legal court order.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
I for one can say this:

Yes, I am, what you so strangely call an "Obama Muppet", well, ratrher a supporter of his agenda.

But I have and always will strongly stand by and actively support the police, the judicial system, have worked as a lay judge in my past, and remember fondly hanging out with the local policeman, who lived next to the house me and my mates had our band rehearsal room.

He offered us beer from the kegg he had in his basement, and said, "As long as you sound as good as you do, play as loud as you like."


Staff member
I for one can say this:

Yes, I am, what you so strangely call an "Obama Muppet", well, ratrher a supporter of his agenda.

But I have and always will strongly stand by and actively support the police, the judicial system, have worked as a lay judge in my past, and remember fondly hanging out with the local policeman, who lived next to the house me and my mates had our band rehearsal room.

He offered us beer from the kegg he had in his basement, and said, "As long as you sound as good as you do, play as loud as you like."

In Europe, gun rights aren't the same than in the US but I am very pleased to hear that you support your law enforcement agencies. :clap: See what have done Obama policies in Chicago with Emmanuel Rahm as mayor. A catastrophe and one of the most criminal towns in the USA with the highest homicides and murder rates. What I refer to Obama muppet is a person who blindly supports a socialist Sweden style democracy knowing it won't ever work in the USA and who spits on values that have made the country. What works for Sweden, doesn't necessarily work for USA. And ditto, what works for Cali and NY, doesn't necessarily work for the rest of the USA. It is impossible for us to agree on everything.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
In Europe, gun rights aren't the same than in the US but I am very pleased to hear that you support your law enforcement agencies. :clap: See what have done Obama policies in Chicago with Emmanuel Rahm as mayor. A catastrophe and one of the most criminal towns in the USA with the highest homicides and murder rates. What I refer to Obama muppet is a person who blindly supports a socialist Sweden style democracy knowing it won't ever work in the USA and who spits on values that have made the country. What works for Sweden, doesn't necessarily work for USA. And ditto, what works for Cali and NY, doesn't necessarily work for the rest of the USA. It is impossible for us to agree on everything.

Could you explain what, "Obama Policies" you are talking about?


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Those people who hate the police are living under laws and regulations that threaten their very health and life every day.

That is what is different in other countries.

Get a decent health care system, and fair pay for these people, and you will see change


Hiliary 2020
A cop relative used his cop status to have me falsely imprisoned for enough time to steal everything my father and I owned, Everything right down to all my identification. My 1st night in county jail a officer guard came in and took my blankets, then put me in solitary confinement for 8 days with no access to a phone.

Charges dismissed after 2 months but the damage was done. And my father was dead. I was homeless and penny less and had only 1 set of clothing to my name.
Thanks to bogus charges and dishonest cops.
All cops involved backed him up because cops take care of cops 1st even if they know what's happening is wrong and illegal.
Because theyre cops and we are not.

But it wasn't over after that nightmare. No, after that I received numerous letters from various towns which I had no connection to at all.
I was being charged with contempt of court in four different municipalities.

Each time I went to court the prosecutors and judges, even though they had no idea what these charges were tried to get me to plead guilty by threatening me with jail. Again not one of them knew what the charges were. But I'm sure they knew where the charges came from.
Cops doing other cops favors. And they backed it up without even letting me speak one word in my defense.

6 months later all charges were dismissed.
I took the entire paper trail of the theft to the local prosecutor. I had the cop 100% nailed for grand theft.
Prosecutor said, "Oh yeah he's guilty no doubt" and they refused to press charges. They said they had bigger cases to do.
But the reality was they didn't want to hurt a cop. A member of their club.

See its all a big club. If you ain't in it then stay away from it.
Avoid police, avoid courts because they don't care about you and they will just as soon lock up the innocent with the guilty.

If you see a cop getting attacked or hurt.......walk away. Because if it was you that's what they would do.
Just walk away.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
That's a fucked up story, mp, sorry to hear you got fucked like that. I've got my own personal experiences with law enforcement, from serving several years as a correctional officer in the Texas Department of Corrections, to having a sister and her husband both currently actively serving on a police department, I've never had the negative experience that you have, but I've seen enough in both capacities to know that what you describe is all too common. :(


Hiliary 2020
That's a fucked up story, mp, sorry to hear you got fucked like that. I've got my own personal experiences with law enforcement, from serving several years as a correctional officer in the Texas Department of Corrections, to having a sister and her husband both currently actively serving on a police department, I've never had the negative experience that you have, but I've seen enough in both capacities to know that what you describe is all too common. :(

Thanks x.
Yeah that was just the bare bones version.
Basically a cop stole all my fathers assets completely illegally. He expected him to die any day but he got better. I was the only one who could have exposed him so I was destroyed.
The cops involved new I was innocent or at least new there was no crime. The corrections officers didn't care. That charge was dismissed by a Grand Jury. But the worst part was the prosecutors and judges involved definitely knew what was happening with the contempt charges but even they went along with it until they had no choice but to dismiss it.

I'm not anti cop but I still recommend avoiding them.
And if your a victim and not at least a semi attractive white woman don't expect too much help from them or the system.
A cop relative used his cop status to have me falsely imprisoned for enough time to steal everything my father and I owned, Everything right down to all my identification. My 1st night in county jail a officer guard came in and took my blankets, then put me in solitary confinement for 8 days with no access to a phone.

Charges dismissed after 2 months but the damage was done. And my father was dead. I was homeless and penny less and had only 1 set of clothing to my name.
Thanks to bogus charges and dishonest cops.
All cops involved backed him up because cops take care of cops 1st even if they know what's happening is wrong and illegal.
Because theyre cops and we are not.

But it wasn't over after that nightmare. No, after that I received numerous letters from various towns which I had no connection to at all.
I was being charged with contempt of court in four different municipalities.

Each time I went to court the prosecutors and judges, even though they had no idea what these charges were tried to get me to plead guilty by threatening me with jail. Again not one of them knew what the charges were. But I'm sure they knew where the charges came from.
Cops doing other cops favors. And they backed it up without even letting me speak one word in my defense.

6 months later all charges were dismissed.
I took the entire paper trail of the theft to the local prosecutor. I had the cop 100% nailed for grand theft.
Prosecutor said, "Oh yeah he's guilty no doubt" and they refused to press charges. They said they had bigger cases to do.
But the reality was they didn't want to hurt a cop. A member of their club.

See its all a big club. If you ain't in it then stay away from it.
Avoid police, avoid courts because they don't care about you and they will just as soon lock up the innocent with the guilty.

If you see a cop getting attacked or hurt.......walk away. Because if it was you that's what they would do.
Just walk away.

Not sure I would have been nearly as civil as yourself if I lived that hell.
I’m not religious at all but I certainly believe in an eye for an eye.
Fuck that shit make my skin crawl.


Staff member
Could you explain what, "Obama Policies" you are talking about?

see the what happened under Rahmy's reign as mayor of Chicago with the strictest and dumbest gun laws and the fact that his sucessor doesn't want illegals deported by ICE


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
see the what happened under Rahmy's reign as mayor of Chicago with the strictest and dumbest gun laws and the fact that his sucessor doesn't want illegals deported by ICE

Could you explain how, "Rahmy" and his successor has anything to do with an, "Obama Policy"? Again, George, which Obama Policies are you talking about? Specifically, what gun legislation passed by Obama are you talking about?

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Those people who hate the police are living under laws and regulations that threaten their very health and life every day.

That is what is different in other countries.

Get a decent health care system, and fair pay for these people, and you will see change

I think that the issue and its remedies go much deeper than that. While I know that we have to have law enforcement in order to have a lawful. civil society, I've seen too many cases where justice isn't blind and certain people or types of people get extreme favoritism. IMO, wealth and connections mean more than race when it comes to justice, or lack thereof. But I believe that race, gender and maybe religion also play into how some cops deal with the public. So while I don't agree with taking up arms against the police, I do agree with some of the people in certain communities who aren't breaking laws, yet they get jammed up by crooked cops and prosecutors who just want a bust or a conviction. Police abuse and brutality is bad enough, but there are enough cops in my circle of family and friends that I know that cops abide by "professional courtesy". What that means is, a cop is going to generally let another cop off, whether he's wrongfully busted some kids head open during an arrest or he's caught drunk driving. So being a dirty cop is one thing. But when other cops cover for that dirty cop, out of some bizarre sense of "brotherhood", that causes people to distrust all of them.

What I'm for is one rule of law that applies to everyone. Being a cop doesn't make you special. Sorry, but it doesn't. As a cop, you're no more special than a firefighter. God didn't pick you out of a crowd and place a blessing on your shoulder. You applied for a job and you got it. Now you should have to be held to at least as high a standard as a regular citizen, not a lower standard. I'd say the same thing about prosecutors. So yes, we need these functions in order to have a civil society. But when the people in these functions step over the line, they have to be held accountable. And with the prevalence of cellphones and dash cams these days, we're seeing just how many of these people are (and have been) abusing their authority.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Here's an example of justice not being blind:

Judge ruled teen should get leniency in rape case because he "comes from a good family"

This situation is similar to that "affluenza" case a few years ago, where some rich boy killed some kids while drunk driving... and the justice system went extremely light on him, til mommy ran off to Mexico to protect her "baby".

I'm not saying what's right or what's wrong. But when people see clear examples of the system being biased against them, whether it's dirty cops shooting unarmed people or a mayor telling cops to stand down and let people with differing political views be set upon by a violent mob, at some point, people may break bad and come locked & loaded.