I got this wallpaper from a regular wallpaper site, in the babes section, which is pretty common. I got it a while back, unfortunately, I didn't take note of the site that it came from, but it was just a wallpaper site as I say. I know it will probably be pretty hard to ID her, as you can't see her face.. or most of the front of her body for that matter. But if anyone could ID please it would be greatly appreciated. I only have the one pic, sorry. I can see down by her head, in small white writing looks like 'WF 2005' or 'VF 2005' I'm guessing either the initials of the girl, or the photographer, and the year.
It is professionally done, so I imagine that she is a well known model, but I can't figure out who it is.
It is professionally done, so I imagine that she is a well known model, but I can't figure out who it is.
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