No just to the Fairy side
nightwanker Proud first owner of FreeOnes Playing Cards Jan 10, 2009 #3 Girly Vader
M METAL HEAD Closed Account Jan 10, 2009 #4 No thats vader gone compeletly gay !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
stampede2873 Jan 11, 2009 #6 Ya know, I always thought there was something to that heavy breathing and his always wanting to choke his men.... I guess now we know!!!
Ya know, I always thought there was something to that heavy breathing and his always wanting to choke his men.... I guess now we know!!!
Galactic Jan 12, 2009 #8 Horrible costume. Just horrible. What is the point? I wish Vader was real so he kick that guys' ass jedi style......
Horrible costume. Just horrible. What is the point? I wish Vader was real so he kick that guys' ass jedi style......
Cannon_X Jan 14, 2009 #16 HAHHAAHAHAHA!!!! OMG!!! LOLOL!! That's sooooo awesome! Hello Kitty Vader. My life is now complete!