US scientists find stone age burial ground in Sahara


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WASHINGTON (AFP) - A US-led team of archaeologists said Thursday they had discovered by chance what is believed to be the largest find of Stone Age-era remains ever uncovered in the Sahara Desert.

Named Gobero, the site includes remarkably intact human remains as well as the skeletons of fish and crocodiles dating back some 10,000 years to a time when what is now the world's largest desert was a swampy wetland.

The discovery, reported in the September issue of National Geographic Magazine, was stumbled upon by University of Chicago palaeontologist Paul Sereno as he and his team searched for dinosaur fossils in Niger.;_ylt=AnfygLqT8Hep_n5eqzupZd8PLBIF


Postal Paranoiac
I heard about this. Rush Limpballs has been parading this as proof that climate change is inevitable and thus there is no global warming.