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US-backed Saudi Arabia military targets school bus in Yemen, kills 40 kids

Yemen buries children killed by air strike, Saudi Arabia insists raid ‘legitimate’

Amid outrage from international human rights groups and UN officials, Saudi Arabia continued to defend the raid as a "legitimate military action" intended to hit Houthi leaders, a day after it authorised a coalition investigation of the strike.

Thousands of mourners on Monday buried dozens of children killed in a Saudi-led coalition air strike on a bus in northern Yemen, one of the deadliest attacks on civilians in the three-year-old war. At least 40 children were killed in Thursday’s raid which hit the bus as it drove through a market of Dahyan, a town in Saada, the armed Houthi group which controls the province said.

Amid outrage from international human rights groups and UN officials, Riyadh continued to defend the raid as a “legitimate military action” intended to hit Houthi leaders, a day after it authorised a coalition investigation of the strike.

Wooden coffins, most with a picture of a child, were taken by cars and carried by pall bearers to a graveyard from a square where prayers were held earlier. “Death to America, death to Israel,” the crowd chanted, echoing the Houthis’ slogan.
The shrouded bodies were removed from the coffins and placed in a row of unmarked graves that had been dug on Friday.

My son went to the market to run house errands and then the enemy air strike happened and he was hit by shrapnel and died,” said Fares al-Razhi, mourning his 14-year-old son.
For my son, I will take revenge on Salman and Mohammed Bin Zayed,” he said, referring to leaders of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

The Gulf Arab states are leading the alliance of Sunni Muslim countries that intervened in Yemen’s war in 2015 to try to restore the internationally recognised government that was expelled from the capital Sanaa by the Houthis in 2014.
The coalition said on Friday it would investigate the strike after UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres condemned the attack and called for an independent probe.
But on Saturday, state news agency SPA said Riyadh’s mission to the world body delivered a message to Guterres reiterating that the raid was “legitimate” and targeted Houthi leaders “responsible for recruiting and training young children”.
“War can’t be a clean operation unfortunately,” UAE Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Anwar Gargash told reporters in Dubai when asked about the Saada attack. “But I will say all parties need to accept their part in what they are doing today.”


The coalition initially said after the attack that the strike had targeted missile launchers that were used by the Houthis to attack the southern Saudi province of Jizan.

The Houthis’ health minister Taha Mutawakil said last week that the number of casualties stood at 51 killed including 40 children, and at least 79 people wounded, of which 56 were children. The International Committee of the Red Cross reported the same toll on Friday, citing authorities in Saada. The Houthi-run al-Masirah TV on Monday quoted a health official as saying another child had died from his wounds, raising the toll to 52. The head of the Houthis’ supreme revolutionary committee, Mohammed Ali al-Houthi, attended the funeral and blamed the United States for “this ugly massacre of Yemeni children”.

The United States and other Western powers provide arms and intelligence to the alliance, and human rights groups have criticised them over coalition air strikes that have killed hundreds of civilians at hospitals, schools and markets.
A US military spokeswoman said US forces were not involved in Thursday’s air strike. The US State Department urged the alliance to “conduct a thorough and transparent investigation”.
US Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said on Sunday he has dispatched a three-star general to Riyadh to “look into what happened”.

The coalition says it does not intentionally target civilians and has set up a committee to probe alleged mass casualty air strikes, which has mostly cleared it of any blame.

The Houthis have also been criticised by rights groups.
The UN special envoy to Yemen has been shuttling between the warring parties ahead of holding consultations in Geneva on Sept. 6 to try to end the conflict that has killed more than 10,000 people and pushed the impoverished Arab country to the verge of starvation, according to the United Nations.

The UAE’s Gargash said he hoped the Geneva talks signaled the start of a process that would lead to a political solution to the conflict — which is widely seen as a proxy war between Saudi Arabia and regional foe Shi’ite Muslim Iran.

The situation in Yemen is disastrous. Hunger, massive cholera epidemy (1,000, 000 infected according to the International Committee of the Red Cross), 18,000,000 peoplea re food insecure and according to UN this is the worst humanitarian crisis.
And the fact that the US is involved, in any way, in that bloodbath is a disgrace.

Why ?
This is a proxy war between the sunni Yemen government backed by Saudi Arabia and the Chia Houti rebels, backed by Iran. And because the US is a close ally of Saudi Arabia, because the US need saudi oil to flow at any cost, part of the blood spread by Saudi Arabia falls on US hands...
This war is a proxy war between Saudi Arabia and Iran, the US shouldn't take part in it

A few month ago, Trump decided to conduct a bombing raid over Syria after the Syrian government bombed kids. Now, we know that Saudi Arabia bombed kids in Yemen and the US reaction is to ask for an ivestigation, even thought about 95% of investigations conduct by Saudi Arabia over civilian killings has concluded that there had been no wrong-doings on their part ?

Not to mention that this is the kind of action that fuels the hate for America from these people, this is how you help Daech and other terrorist organisations recruit new memebers eager to kill americans

Now, I'm not blaming Trump for that, ot at least not more than Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush Sr. etc.
America's alliance with Saudi Arabia is a toxic one and it should be reconsidered. Saudi Arabbia (unoficially) sponsors Daech, their goverment promotes Wahabbism which is the very core of the ideology embraced by most Sunni muslim terrorist organisations (Daech, Al-Qaea, AQMI, etc...)
What I want to know is how many high value targets were killed in that school bus filled with supposed children. I bet there was a bunch, that's how they operate. In your OP you even highlighted schools, hospitals and markets were targets. Where do you think they(Terrorists) put these missile batteries, anti-aircraft guns, bomb factories etc? They put them in the epicenter of regular everyday activity. Your OK with that? Using civilians as a deterrent? I don't see it that way. If your wishing death on another people and arming to do so, your then enemy. And the collateral damage is on their hands. IMO


Hiliary 2020
What I want to know is how many high value targets were killed in that school bus filled with supposed children. I bet there was a bunch, that's how they operate. In your OP you even highlighted schools, hospitals and markets were targets. Where do you think they(Terrorists) put these missile batteries, anti-aircraft guns, bomb factories etc? They put them in the epicenter of regular everyday activity. Your OK with that? Using civilians as a deterrent? I don't see it that way. If your wishing death on another people and arming to do so, your then enemy. And the collateral damage is on their hands. IMO

you are truly clueless. "terrorists" , give me a break.
brainwashed and clueless. every single word you wrote was pure ignorance.

I already posted a thread on this with videos the day after.
not just some bullshit fake news article.

Nobody cares. But its better to not care than go around spreading absolute ignorant bullshit.


Hiliary 2020
This evil being is called Heather-Nauert. She is the SPOKES PERSON for the USA and a former FOX news actress is married to a nice investment banker for Goldman Sachs owned by the Rothchilds.
Another shining example of how the GOVERNMENT, THE FAKE NEWS MEDIA, AND THE BANKS are all one in the same.
The same criminal enterprise run by the same people.

She says israel is her BFF. Her BFF?
Shouldnt the country she represents be her bff?
At least she honest.

Comments are PROHIBITED for this video. In other words- Shut, The Fuck, Up!

1- We don't know what happened yet.
2- Civillians were killed.
3- The USA regrets it, just ask anybody (that thing we don't know about yet).
4- We trust the people who did it to investigate it.
5- Its all Yemen and Irans fault (The thing that we don't know about yet, Because Yemen and Iran won't stop attacking those poor Suadis).
6- Israel Israel Israel Something Israel.
7- Don't Forget, Keep Smiling (E'heh)
8- Israel.


Hiliary 2020
What I want to know is how many high value targets were killed in that school bus filled with supposed children. I bet there was a bunch, that's how they operate. In your OP you even highlighted schools, hospitals and markets were targets. Where do you think they(Terrorists) put these missile batteries, anti-aircraft guns, bomb factories etc? They put them in the epicenter of regular everyday activity. Your OK with that? Using civilians as a deterrent? I don't see it that way. If your wishing death on another people and arming to do so, your then enemy. And the collateral damage is on their hands. IMO

Strange how they taught you to think.
Sad too because you are so common.

One time A guy named Saddam attacked a little country called Kuwait.
The US said someone must stop big bad Iraq from harming little helpless Kuwait.
So they lied about babies being pulled out of incubators and the US spent a few trillion of dollars borrowed from the zionist owned federal reserve and we saved little Kuwait.

Fast forward years later. A huge country who we call our friend attacks a little country called yemen.
They bomb them daily, kill their children all the time, starve them and murder them.
And we the USA doesnt try to stop it....no no no. They fully support this and give the Saudis all the bullets and bombs they need to commit mass murder.

But the media says its ok and morons just go along.
Strange how they teach people to think.