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United States v Mexico


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
Upset over losing the CONCACAF Gold Cup inal to the US, Mexico is suing to get the results overturned. Oh wait, it's really about the guns flowing from the US into Mexico.

According to the lawsuit, Mexico estimates that (i) 70% of the weapons trafficked to Mexico come from the U.S. and (ii) in 2019 alone, at least 17,000 homicides were linked to trafficked weapons. The gun industry's trade association disagrees: "These allegations are baseless. The Mexican government is responsible for the rampant crime and corruption within their own borders."

This is an about-face from the usual narrative about guns and violence coming from Mexico into the US.


Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Total load of shit. The guns come from corrupt mexican cops, politicians, and military personal. This is a pathetic attempt to, once again, by those fucking corrupt pieces of filth, to interject themselves into our civil rights. If they don't like our Constitution, maybe they should put up a wall, and keep their thieving, murdering, drug pushing scum, on their own side of the border. We should be taking illegal aliens, that are gang affiliated, and guilty of serious crimes involving firearms, out to the desert, and start putting a round in the back of their heads. If they're citizens, life without parole, or death, and anyone being paroled should have their trigger fingers cut off, so they can't use a gun again. I'm about fucking sick and fucking tired about all of these assclowns screaming about guns being a problem, w\hen they're soft on criminals, violent crime, and want to defund law enforcement. These assholes are deliberately trying to unleash chaos in this country, so they can start pulling the same shit bush did with the fucking patriot act. More bullshit intrusion into our lives, with no say, because our elected employees seem to live under the pathetic delusion, that they're better then us, and need to decide for us. Unfortunately, every last one of them is a fucktard cockmonkey, and should be impeached, and or brought up on charges....of various types, including treason. Maybe if the low life's, and scumbags were thinned out, and eliminated the criminal element removed, honest hard working Mexican people with a desire for a better life, and a willingness to male a better country, would find more support, and enthusiasm, in their efforts to immigrate. Or a willingness to help them make their own country better for them.
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Nattering Nabob of Negativism
This one was appended toward the end:

The water here is muddy. The US produces the product, but it is up to the user how it is used. Mexico has a problem which they need to solve. Suing and blaming the US will not be an effective solution.

Much like the US blaming China for a certain virus. It is among us and we need to solve it ourselves.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
You have to remember, foreign governments buy our military rifles. Just because a criminal is in possession of current U.S. military hardware, doesn't mean it came from this country...unless it was stolen from an armory or was sold by a corrupt American official. In fact, I firmly believe we supply these criminal gangs, and cartels, through the C.I.A. I think we all can agree that's a particularly shady, evil bunch of assclowns.

You may find my post rather harsh, or even vile, but I'm getting real tired of the blame for all of this shit, being put on American guns, and manufactures. They do not have a gun problem, they have a criminal problem, and they need to start punishing with extreme harshness, and stop making excuses and coddling these lowlifes. If they have no regards for OUR rights, and liberties, why should they be given any consideration. Or mercy for that matter.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
Harsh perhaps, but nothing wrong with it. Certainly not vile. The gangs and cartels are vile.

There is a reason America is the Arsenal of Democracy*. I get the personal- and social-responsibilities arguments. To me, blaming the US for Mexican violence was priceless, since we blame them all the time. Didn’t someone call them ‘drug dealers, criminals, and rapists’?

* Democracy is a fungible term since our weaponry reaches plenty of countries which are not very democratic.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
But, on our worst day, we don't come near the number of AK47's funneled out of South America, china, africa, and the middle east. Don't forget, when old Ronnie got the wall knocked down in Germany, he bankrupted russia, and they recouped by flooding the world with arms. the largest export was the AK47. In fact egypt got a whole factory, and got it set up and running by russia. For those that are lovers of the AK47, those are the last of the truly russian made AK's, they're referred to as Mattas (spelling?). Anyway, I personally would like to see some more detailed information on the types of weapons, and where, and how they were obtained. I'm not for one second going to sit here and claim there aren't shitbags out there with the legal right to buy weapons, and do so as way to make profit by reselling to criminals....which I guess makes them criminals too, but those fuckers exist, and are ruining it for the people that do respect the law. I'm sure there are probably people with FFL licenses that break the law for extra money. They should be punished beyond severely. BUT! You don't just stroll into a gun shop, and by any modern semi-auto rifle, and just brake out a file, and swap a part, to convert it. Most can't even be converted do to laws passed, in the past. AK47's are a little different if they came from else where, they may not conform to U.S. manufacturing rules. That's why pre ban rifles cost 3 or 4 thousand dollars, and the new versions cost1,500 or 3k.You also aren't going to walk in and buy 5 or 10 at a time, MAYBE 2, if they're like the ones I mentiond, and will appreciate.

The Point Is...........sorry

You only get the kind of volume they seem to be buying, when you buy it from a source that has that much fire power. Like corrupt politicians, police, military....or another government, that is feeding the beast. For as much as I hear about these cartels and gangs getting busted, and losing those guns, but coming back with more, and doing this on a steady basis, there's more to it then OUR gun makers, sellers, or owners.
I'm pretty sure most of the illegal weapons in Mexico were trafficked from the US. But, it's up toMexico to secure it's own border from gun-trafficking, the US are not to blame if Mexico's unable to enforce its laws inside the country

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Why do you believe that, as opposed to drug cartels from the south, with unlimited power access and control, aren't bringing them up to Mexico? What part of you can't see the logic in that? Just the logistics and costs involved point to that. Unless you are saying our government is doing it, and supplying those weapon\s, I doubt more that a very small percentage comes from this country. I suppose America smuggled all the guns into france, for all of the muslim terrorist acts that have occurred in the past few years.

But you are correct, it is mexicos problem, and their own fault. Personally, I think they should be removed from ANY trade, or aid we give their corrupt lying asses. They are a terrorist threat to our safety, well being, and freedoms.
Think about it : 2 organised criminal organisations, 1 in the US, 1 in Mexico. The US organisations buys drug fromthe mexican organisation, which, in return, buys guns

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Ok. There are criminal organizations in this country that run guns, I'll grant you that....but that has nothing to do with me, or anyone like me. My rights in no way shape or form should even be considered as a way around this. I will not relinquish my rights, or my firearms. But consider this, mexico cannot grow the plant they make coke from, so the mexican gangs that sell, and move it, are doing it for gangs in south america....and they want their product kept safe. I would also put any American sales to the drug cartels on our own government, before anyone else in this country.....Ollie North isn't the only shady fuck to grace our military.

Obvious solution, cut ties with mexico, and finish the wall lock down BOTH countries, and when it is clear the flow has stopped and the problem solved, open the immigration offices along the border that we build along the border for those who would be productive members of our society, and want to immigrate the legal way.

You want to fight the war on drugs, do it right, use the military. They're all over the globe fighting an ideology, not a conventional enemy....so send the B-52's over to the trouble spots down below, and let the carpet bombing proceed. If any American, ANY...including politicians and military are caught committing crimes that would aid this enemy or problem, try them, then put a bullet in there head.

Again, I am VERY tired of hearing how my appreciation of the shooting sports, hunting or just exercising my Constitutional rights, is a problem. Disarming any lawful American is not the answer, and will just provide more victims for the low life's that pray on the citizens of this country. There is far more to this, then just the war on drugs, which by the way, makes more money for the U.S. government, then selling the dope does. This has to do with bringing our standard of living down to their level, and turning North America, into one country.. I personally find it completely reprehensible that mexico is one of the richer countries in the world, but it's people live in poverty, because of all of the corruption in it's government, military, and police. mexico is the problem, and they need to be fixed first. You don't hear Canada screaming about every problem they have being our problem.

Little Red Wagon Repairman

Step in my shop and I'll fix yours too.
Taking legally obtained and responsibly stored guns away from me and Diablo won't give you one single less death in the inner city. That's where the disproportionate amount of homicides occur. Start holding murderers accountable for murders. Build more prisons if you have more murderers.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
Taking legally obtained and responsibly stored guns away from me and Diablo won't give you one single less death in the inner city. That's where the disproportionate amount of homicides occur. Start holding murderers accountable for murders. Build more prisons if you have more murderers.
Strictly speaking, you are correct.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
We need a few supermax prisons, on the Alcatraz principle. Big rock islands, with plenty of ice cold water, and sea creatures between them and the mainland. In fact, rebuild Alcatraz, there's no need for it being used as a tourist attraction, especially with all of the gang violence in Cali. Instead of dumping trillions into foreign aid, to ungrateful countries that use us, funnel it to constructing these facilities, and send every guard to the military for training. I also feel it only fair that any incarcerated individual, that is not a citizen of the United States, should have all of their costs paid, by their country of origin, including execution fees. I also feel that any country that refuses to extradite prisoners to us, that we have evidence on, should be extradited regardless of the possibility of death penalty, or be prepared for sanctions and penalties. There are murderers and child rapists hiding out in other countries, and their governments know they're there, but won't give them up, because they know we'll execute them. It's not their business to decide whether the families of the victims get their justice how they want it.

Little Red Wagon Repairman

Step in my shop and I'll fix yours too.
I'd like to have George Gascon Gaddafi'd the next time he asks for a toothpick. Still can't figure out the retards who voted for him in the first place. I wish I could call George Gascon a liar but I can't because he left victims of crime out in the dark as he promised.
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Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.