underrated bands

Mr Glam

Closed Account
I would say that rubber bands are rather underrated. Though they are still used you rarely hear people say "can I borrow a rubber band" anymore. Perhaps that is because those people who used to have to ask if they could "borrow" (but never return!) your rubber bands finally went out and bought their own (insert curse word here) rubber bands!

As for overrated I would say wrist bands. Sure they're cool and all but it seems like everybody age thirty and under wears them.
I've pretty much realized that 98% of the music I listen to is technically "underrated". Mostly because it's not the kind of music most people enjoy for one reason or another, so I'm gonna make a suggestion that's underrated in an underrated genre. High On Fire might be the greatest metal band in history, but they seem to only get recognized in the stoner/doom circles. They are too "heavy" (yes, I have my own definition of the word) for the casual metal radio listener (Slipknot fans) to ever really find, but not so "heavy" that they should be written off as one of the dime-a-dozen* death/speed/thrash bands. Their music is weighty, fast, slow, lumbering, galloping, ethereal and blunt all at the same time. It arouses and relaxes the listener almost seamlessly, and if you ever hear them and truly listen, you'll know what I'm trying to describe (provided of course you enjoy metal).

*There are excellent bands in all of these genres. However, for every excellent band, there seems to be 50 that either sound like generic noise or blatantly suck.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
The Good Rats and Southside Johnny and the Asbury Jukes. Both bands still play today.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
If you like horror punk liken to the Misfits check out Calabrese and hundreds of other horror punk bands.

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
1. American Head Charge

2. Cold

3. Sponge

I am sure I could think of more that I really think were really good,
but for some reason never really caught lightning like they should have. :2 cents: