U.S. residents fight for the right to hang laundry


I'm really getting tired of these assholes that attempt to control your life and tell you what you can or cannot do. This is a private home, not even a condo or townhouse and again assholes are attempting to infringe upon others rights.
What is happening to the freedoms that we have in the U.S?
And now someone has to fight for her right to hang laundry?

WTF IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

complainer "oh i'm offended, oh I don't want to see this, oh i don't want to see that...complain complain complain"

me "FUCK YOU, and stop whining you fucking crybaby pansy ass pussy"


Devil's advo - I guess that since the clothesline is clearly visible from the street being that it's stretched out nearest the front yard of the home instead of being somewhat under cover in a back yard, neighbors can get their nose out of joint, particularly if they're upside down on their mortgage and want to sell their already devalued home hoping to recovering a maximum sales price, a visible clothesline in the front yard might deter a potential sale.

I hear ya though ~

I know that I would do everything in my power to conceal my clothesline. The front yard would be an absolute last resort.

Interesting case ! :thumbsup:


Who puts their clothesline in their front yard? Oh right this idiot. It's perfectly ok to hang your clothes up in your back yard and the many old couples that live in my neighborhood still do. But in your front yard? Really? The neighbors have a perfectly legit complaint.
why do people not want to see everyones laundry? there just clothes! you see them everyday on people walking by so whats the difference when there hanging? :dunno: