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TSA Caught...

Will E Worm

Cancer Surges In TSA Body Scanner Operators

As Cancer Surges In TSA Body Scanner Operators; TSA Has Been Caught Trying To Cover Up Facts

Fearful of provoking further public resistance to naked airport body scanners, the TSA has been caught covering up Cancer surges in TSA body Scanner operators as a result of their close proximity to radiation-firing devices, perhaps the most shocking revelation to emerge from the latest FOIA documents obtained by the Electronic Privacy Information Center.

After Union representatives in Boston discovered cancer surges in TSA body scanner operators “cancer cluster” amongst TSA workers linked with radiation from the body scanners, the TSA sought to downplay the matter and refused to issue employees with dosimeters to measure levels of exposure.

The documents indicate how, “A large number of workers have been falling victim to cancer, strokes and heart disease.” these Cancer surges in TSA scanner operators show a dangerous pattern.

“The Department, rather than acting on it, or explaining its position seems to have just dismissed. I don’t think that’s the way most other agencies would have acted in a similar situation if they were confronted with that question,” EPIC’s Marc Rotenberg said concerning cancer surges in TSA scanner operators and workers.

Of course, if TSA workers who are merely standing near the scanners are already developing cancer, frequent flyers are also putting themselves in harm’s way by standing directly inside the radiation-firing machines.



Ike Stain

Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
I see a real shit-storm brewing on the horizon.

At least we're safe from the terrorists though. Surely dying a slow, agonizing death by cancer is better than going out in a fiery burst! :facepalm:

Jon S.

Come on!!! As much as I like to avoid radiation, and believe that it is probably best to do just that.....this article, coming from a less than legitmate source (as usual), really doesn't tell you anything to support its claims. No numbers, no data, no nothing to back up the claims. Furthermore, they haven't been using the scaners long enough for people to be developing cancer......radiation exposure doesn't lead to cancer (if it's going to), overnight. The article fails to take into account any other causation of the alleged cancer (assuming that it is a legitimate claim). I'd be willing to bet that TSA agents have a higher than normal number of smokers in their employ. It mentions "heart disease"! GOD!!! Americans are some of the least fit people on the planet. Heart disease!?!?!? Could that be caused by diet, obesity, smoking, any number of things? Of course "not"!?!? Ha ha ha ha! ;) Then again I can not evaluate the claims herein....because, as I said, there is no data to evaluate...which in turn causes the claims therein to be anything but essentially worthless. :2 cents:

Critical thinking....one of the greatest gifts that I possess! :thumbsup:


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
Cancer. Well hopefully this will make shithead Pistole resign. I wonder if I'll get flagged for additional searches if I wear a dentist lead apron when I go through the airport. My reason being, I don't want cancer... What would they say?

Jon S.

You get that from Dan Blather and Katie "Fifth Columnist" Couric!? :rofl2:

Get with the times....where have you been? Dan Rather gave way to (Bob Schieffer...who I really actually liked...filled in for a while in between) Katie Couric (who I did not care for...nor did I watch)....and Scott Pelley is the new host of the CBS Evening News! Ha ha ha! And for the record, I get my information from several LEGTITMATE sources.....and I evaluate everything that I am presented with and decide for myself. Given that there is sooooo much information out there to disseminate....of course information that is merely conjecture and that is not backed up by supportable facts....well yeah, I tend to be dismissive of that kind of information....as well any educated and reasonable person should be.

Jon S.

Hey, I never said I support the TSA...it's basically comprised of the same clowns that worked for the airlines/airports prior to 9/11. BUT, I'm trying to remind you to question your sources. I mean, it would seem like common sense would dictate that nobody has been exposed to enough radiation to cause cancer in operators in such a brief period of time. Like I said though....COMMON SENSE dictates! Like they say, you can lead a horse to water...but you can't make them drink!

Keep chasing windmills my friend! Ha ha ha!

Jon S.

95-year-old woman asked to remove diaper to pass TSA screening Article :facepalm:
I actually Tweeted about that a few days ago...."The TSA...protecting us from elderly women with incontinence since 2002"! Yeah, the TSA is a JOKE....I never said it wasn't!

My point all along, if you would examine it closely, is that the article does not present any data to back up it's claims....AND common sense would say that people wouldn't be coming down with cancer that quickly...simply from operating the machines, because they haven't been doing it long enough to have created a causal relationship (and the article doesn't even provide any raw numbers to evaluate the claims....like to see if there was even a statistically significant difference between TSA agents and the population as a whole)...and I stand by that view point....the position presented in the article is weak...because they did nothing to support their claims/position. If you can find where they did...I of course welcome you to point it out and enlighten me.
I actually Tweeted about that a few days ago...."The TSA...protecting us from elderly women with incontinence since 2002"! Yeah, the TSA is a JOKE....I never said it wasn't!

My point all along, if you would examine it closely, is that the article does not present any data to back up it's claims....AND common sense would say that people wouldn't be coming down with cancer that quickly...simply from operating the machines, because they haven't been doing it long enough to have created a causal relationship (and the article doesn't even provide any raw numbers to evaluate the claims....like to see if there was even a statistically significant difference between TSA agents and the population as a whole)...and I stand by that view point....the position presented in the article is weak...because they did nothing to support their claims/position. If you can find where they did...I of course welcome you to point it out and enlighten me.

You're entirely right, but remember with whom you are arguing.


Jon S.

You're entirely right, but remember with whom you are arguing.


I hear ya! You would think, growing up in a small town and all, I would have learned that lesson for keeps by now! Ha ha ha!

I also have to remember that, if Non sequiturs were gold, there would be a lot more rich people in the world!


Approved Content Owner
Come on!!! As much as I like to avoid radiation, and believe that it is probably best to do just that.....this article, coming from a less than legitmate source (as usual), really doesn't tell you anything to support its claims. No numbers, no data, no nothing to back up the claims. Furthermore, they haven't been using the scaners long enough for people to be developing cancer......radiation exposure doesn't lead to cancer (if it's going to), overnight. The article fails to take into account any other causation of the alleged cancer (assuming that it is a legitimate claim). I'd be willing to bet that TSA agents have a higher than normal number of smokers in their employ. It mentions "heart disease"! GOD!!! Americans are some of the least fit people on the planet. Heart disease!?!?!? Could that be caused by diet, obesity, smoking, any number of things? Of course "not"!?!? Ha ha ha ha! ;) Then again I can not evaluate the claims herein....because, as I said, there is no data to evaluate...which in turn causes the claims therein to be anything but essentially worthless. :2 cents:

Critical thinking....one of the greatest gifts that I possess! :thumbsup:

But it has to be true - it's on the internet. :brick:

Will E Worm

:facepalm: :troll: Trolls in this case.

Radiation scientists agree TSA naked body scanners could cause breast cancer and sperm mutations

The news about the potential health dangers of the TSA's naked body scanners just keeps getting worse. An increasing number of doctors and scientists are going public with their warnings about the health implications of subjecting yourself to naked body scanners. These include Dr Russell Blaylock (see below) as well as several professors from the University of California who are experts in X-ray imaging.

At the same time, some internet bloggers are insisting that the TSA's naked body scanners pose no health risks because air travelers are subjected to higher levels of radiation by simply enduring high-altitude flights where cosmic radiation isn't filtered out by the full thickness of the Earth's atmosphere. This comparison, however, is inaccurate: The TSA's body scanners focus radiation on the skin and organs near the skin whereas cosmic radiation during high-altitude flights is distributed across the entire mass of your body.

Comparing the total radiation exposure across your entire body to machine-emitted radiation exposure that focuses its ionizing radiation primarily on your skin is like comparing apples and oranges. You'll see this explained further, below, in the words of these scientists.
