Trump : We're not gonna "lock her up"

Donald Trump’s threat to prosecute Hillary Clinton was always hollow

Kellyanne Conway, who ran Donald Trump's presidential campaign and now works with his transition team, told MSNBC's Joe Scarborough on Tuesday that the president-elect doesn't plan to follow through with one of the central promises of his campaign.

Conway confirmed Scarborough's reporting that Trump won't “be pursuing investigations" against his Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton, and suggested that Republicans in Congress probably would get that message.

“I think when the president-elect who's also the head of your party now, Joe,” Conway said, “tells you before he's even inaugurated he doesn't wish to pursue these charges, it sends a very strong message, tone and content to the members.

“Look,” she added, “I think he's thinking of many different things as he prepares to become the president of the United States and things that sound like the campaign aren't among them.”

There's a tacit admission there that Trump's insistence that he would prosecute Clinton was all campaign rhetoric. But what's missing from Conway's response is the simple, important fact that Trump, as president, doesn't have the authority to demand that Clinton be prosecuted — and that it's a good thing that no president does.

We spoke by phone with Columbia University professor Daniel Richman, a former federal prosecutor who has consulted with the Justice and Treasury departments. He explained how and where the president can leverage his authority over the government's criminal investigatory mechanisms.

Richman said that the president can, through his attorney general, target broad areas for focus.

“Certainly as the head of the executive branch, the president has considerable sway over policy decisions, as to what kinds of cases or what types of offenses will get priority,” he said, referring to things like corruption or fraud. “But a huge line has always been drawn between general priorities and specific cases, and there are a considerable number of conventions, protections and institutional frameworks in place to keep presidents out of particular cases.”

Richman points out that it's not completely unheard of for a president to seek to target individual people, citing the example of New York drug dealer Nicky Barnes, who appeared on the front of the New York Times Magazine in 1977 to President Jimmy Carter's great annoyance.

“But particularly post-Watergate, there really have been efforts to very much patrol communications between the White House and the Justice Department,” he said. “Usually there is a designated person in the [White House] counsel's office; there are very closely watched and monitored counterparties in the Justice Department to make sure that very little is done with respect to particular cases.”

The goal is simple: to maintain the independence of federal investigators and prosecutors from political influence. “I think the bottom line is, I think both sides realize that if prosecutors become seen as carrying water for the president, it will not be a good thing for federal enforcement in general, or for that case in particular,” he said. The system is designed to prevent the occupant of the White House from using federal investigations for political purposes in precisely the way that Trump once threatened to do.

The Washington Post's Ellen Nakashima spoke with another expert who echoed the same idea.

"Once again, the president-elect has demonstrated his complete lack of understanding of how the government makes these kinds of decisions," said Stephen I. Vladeck, a law professor at the University of Texas at Austin. "The attorney general answers to the president, but the department is supposed to be independent, especially when it comes to prosecutorial decisions. Any president, especially our next president, needs to both understand and respect that – or else they risk politicizing criminal prosecutions in ways that can be damaging."

So, Conservatives elected a man who they thought was a tough guy who does not give a fuck about political correctness, who do not give a fuck about hurting those who do not support him, someone who would do the things he said he would do, the thing that convinced them to vote for him. And now that he's been elected, this man is back-pedaling on a number of important campaign promises just because he would to bind the country, because he deoesn't want to hurt the feelings of those who voted for Hillary


We would need more bandwidth to post all the threads covering Obama's broken promises.

Donald J. Trump takes the oath of office on 1/20/2017

And not Hillary Diane Rodan Clinton.

Unless ICBM's are heading for the United States mainland, I'm good.


Hiliary 2020
Johan there you go again relying on the corporate media and their unrealistic, dishonest, biased, one sided propaganda for your info.
You gotta stop that man.
Use your God given brain to figure it out. You don't need those liars to do that for you.

Think about it.
Trump is not going to appoint a special prosecuter or committee to handle this.
Let's say he does. This is what will happen.
The MSM will go nuts with it. They will call it "political revenge", say he's a dictator, and call him Hitler over and over again.
They will say he is a bully and abusing her and calling for his impeachment.
And people like you and many others will buy it all the way.
Even many of the politicians who are not openly against him right now will run for cover.
He doesn't need that. She's already done enough damage directly by her actions.

Now President Trumps fans would love it. Most Americans would be happy to see it.
Even though this spin by the MSM would be wrong, the in the minds of the brainwashed 1/3rd of the country it would be real.
And the violence and property destruction would be very real. Why give them fuel for their fires?

Why go through all that. There is other serious work that needs to be done other than waste his time on that old hag.

Come January Obamo appointee FBI director and Clinton HSBC Bank partner in crime Commie will be gone.
AG Lynch will be gone.
And now the FBI and Justice department can do their work.
She not excused by no means.
Commie and the FBI have said TWICE now that they are not going to prosecute over the unsecured email server.
They haven't mentioned the Clinton Foundation or Perjury or the Billions in Pay for Play bribes she took as Secretary of State.

So they will probably , or at least hopefully go after the Clinton Foundation which is so corrrupt and illegal it's disgusting.
From there they can use that investigation to expose the Bribes and the misappropriation of funds like the billions they stole from the people of Haiti. The Clinton Foundation is, on paper, a charity.
Where have the Hundreds of Billions they've "accepted" gone to? Who has it helped? Where the hell is it?

Obamo can pardon her. Trump can openly back off. But Trump is in charge now. Not Barry, Not Bill, Not Hiliary.
If he tells the FBI, the IRS and any other agencies in charge of investigating these types of crimes they will.
And he probably will. At least he should.
You should stop defending her so much on this Johan. If you did what she did. What Comey admitted she did, you would be locked in a cage for many many years. Maybe the rest of your life.

So stop looking at things from the unrealistic and biased spin the fake news sells you and use your intelligence to see it how it really is.
Johan there you go again relying on the corporate media and their unrealistic, dishonest, biased, one sided propaganda for your info.
You gotta stop that man.

So you're gonna tell me where I should get my news from ?
If when I post news from mainstream medias, you call it propaganda should I post news from TYT ? Or maybe you only consider medias such as Breitbart or InfoWars as valid sources of news...
Charitys pay salaries to people
if you take a huge salary for evil deeds
the Charity is still good- you used the salary for evil

so just because its a Charity does not mean the funds indirectly go to evil through a salary


Hiliary 2020
Well first of all, your "hundreds of billions" figure is pure fantasy land.

Where it goes, how it gets there and what % actually goes to program services is all detailed here

Is it?
I guess we'll never know considering most of it is not reported.
Kinda risky to write bribe or pay to play or to be laundered in the memo of those checks.
But how long has the foundation existed? Plus they have other charities as well.
Ok how about I just say billions and leave it at that? is that too far fetched?
also I dont trust factcheck or Leonore Cohn to check my facts.

So you keep on defending clintons. thats a very obedient peasant.
but just like i told johan if you did what she did with the email you would be in jail now and the gov would have seized everything you own.
Do you believe the clintons are above the law?