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Trump Criticizes Britain’s Counterterrorism Approach — for all the wrong reasons


President Trump criticized Britain's counterterrorism approach in several tweets on Friday morning, following a suspected terrorist attack in London which injured 18 people on a subway train.

Trump urged that authorities “must be proactive,” and that attacks in Britain had been conducted by “sick and demented people who were in the sights of Scotland Yard,” using a synonym for London's Metropolitan Police. It is unclear whether Trump was tweeting about previous attackers, or about the suspects behind Friday's incident. British Prime Minister Theresa May later commented on those remarks by Trump, saying that it was not "helpful for anybody to speculate on (...) an ongoing investigation."

On Twitter, the president went on to say Friday morning that “the internet is their main recruitment tool which we must cut off & use better,” referring to terrorists in general. Trump also reiterated his demands for a “larger, tougher and more specific” travel ban.

Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump
Another attack in London by a loser terrorist.These are sick and demented people who were in the sights of Scotland Yard. Must be proactive!

Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump
Loser terrorists must be dealt with in a much tougher manner.The internet is their main recruitment tool which we must cut off & use better!

Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump
The travel ban into the United States should be far larger, tougher and more specific-but stupidly, that would not be politically correct!

“It keeps going and going, and we have to be very smart and we have to be very, very tough — perhaps we’re not nearly tough enough,” Trump said during a brief appearance in the Rose Garden on Friday.

Some of Trump's criticism may be justified to a certain extent. After three years of attacks in Europe in which security services frequently struggled to explain how the perpetrators were able to avoid detection, Britain has recently been wrestling with a very different concern: At least three of the five attackers who struck Britain this year were known to law enforcement officials.

Similarly, hate preachers were long able to test the boundaries of Britain’s freedom-of-speech laws, by radicalizing individuals across the country whilst committing no punishable crimes
according to U.K. law. Putting an end to its previous wait-and-see approach, Britain has recently cracked down on several hate preachers in a strategy change which appears to fit Trump's demand to deal with terrorists in a “tougher manner.” At least rhetorically, May had demanded tougher counterterrorism measures before the June election, too.

What many experts in Britain are likely to agree on, however, is that Trump's broader proposals would hardly make Britain any safer. In fact, British authorities already are much more proactive than officials in most other nations, and May has little leeway to expand those powers.

British authorities already have expansive legal options

“There is a general sense in the intelligence community that agencies already have an awful lot of legislation at hand,” said Raffaello Pantucci, director for International Security Studies at the Royal United Services Institute in London, before the Friday incident.

Expansive laws already allow authorities to prosecute or monitor suspects in ways that would be impossible in most other countries across Europe. The key challenges, however, are less rooted in a lack of legal options than in operational capacity.

There are too many suspects to arrest or keep track of

To monitor one suspect 24 hours a day requires 20 officers on average. Hence, intelligence agencies are unable to consistently monitor the 3,000 or so people in Britain who pose a potential terrorism threat, given that about half of the nation’s officers would be needed to do so.

Other estimates put the number of suspects who would have to be monitored even higher.

In Britain, the inability to track all suspects has led to calls for a new priority list to single out the most high-risk individuals. There also have been demands to arrest more suspects before they can turn to violence, but analysts are urging caution.

Cracking down on nonviolent extremists has not gone well in other countries

“Theresa May... should be careful about cracking down on nonviolent extremists,” said Frank Foley, a war-studies professor at King’s College in London.

“It’s a strategy the French have tried with little success, as it has alienated communities and led to a situation in which community members are often unwilling to share crucial information with authorities,” said Foley.

Britain says that it has been able to prevent several attacks because Muslim community members alerted the authorities early on, partially because it has established schemes dedicated to improving relations between communities and authorities. Meanwhile, such relations are often deeply fraught in France, which has favored cracking down on suspects over including communities in counterterrorism.

The role of online propaganda on radicalization remains disputed

Despite Trump's comments which suggest that there has so far not been a sufficient focus on Internet-related radicalization, Britain has already sought to counter extremist ideology for years by funding counter-messaging initiatives. Besides that, analysts doubt whether spending more on such schemes would have a significant impact.

“In the case of the most recent attacks in Britain, it wasn’t about the Internet. Many of those involved were radicalized through face-to-face interactions,” said Peter Neumann, director of the London-based International Center for the Study of Radicalization, before Friday's incident.

A recent study by German authorities found that propaganda or chats on the Internet played a smaller role in radicalizing individuals than face-to-face interactions, often facilitated through friends or social circles. Other studies, focusing on different countries in Europe, including Britain, have similarly found that the impact of online propaganda may not be as big as often assumed.

Refugees do not pose the main terror threat

Trump's decision to use Friday's attack to reiterate his demands for a more extensive travel ban provoked particularly strong reactions on social media. The United States already has some of the world's toughest application procedures for refugees, and in Britain, the vast majority of recent attackers were born or had grown up in the United Kingdom.

The bigger question — with an impact that extends far beyond Britain — is whether any new strategy could increase safety in a country which has long been considered a role model in preventing attacks.

When these attacks happen, we Americans get whipped into a frenzy. But these attacks keep happening somewhere else. London, Belgium, France, somewhere other than here. But all the talking heads are going to make sure that they scare as many of us as possible. :lurk:


Theresa May rebukes Donald Trump over tube bombing tweets


Theresa May has rebuked Donald Trump for suggesting the people responsible for the explosion on a London tube train were known to the Metropolitan police.

The prime minister expressed her frustration as she spoke for the first time about the “cowardly attack” at Parsons Green underground station in West London on Friday morning, which injured at least 22 people.

Trump claimed on Twitter that the terrorist attack involved “sick and demented people who were in the sights of Scotland Yard”, despite no such information having been released publicly by police. He also blamed it on “loser terrorists”, promoted his travel ban and advocated a “proactive and nasty” policy against Islamic State.

Asked about Trump’s potential breach of convention on intelligence sharing, May was unusually critical of the US president, saying: “I never think it’s helpful for anybody to speculate on what is an ongoing investigation.”

When the president tweeted, no suspect had been identified and no group or individual had claimed responsibility for the blast.

The Met police said the president’s comments were unhelpful and “pure speculation”.

There was no immediate response from the White House to questions about the basis of Trump’s assertion.

Speaking outside the White House later on Friday, Trump said he planned to speak to May, but made no reference to her rebuke. “It’s a terrible thing,” he said. “It just keeps going and going, and we have to be very smart, we have to be very, very tough. Perhaps we are not nearly tough enough.

“It’s just an absolutely terrible thing. In fact, I’m going to call the prime minister right now. We have to be tougher and we have to be smarter.”

In the aftermath of the Manchester Arena bombing in May, British police temporarily suspended intelligence sharing with the US, after a series of leaks to US media.

The broadcaster CBS disclosed the name of the bomber, Salman Abedi, citing US sources, at a time when British authorities were asking media to withhold the information to protect the investigation. The New York Times then published detailed photographs of the bomb scene that had been taken by British investigators.

On Friday, Nick Timothy, a newspaper columnist who was formerly May’s chief of staff, wrote on Twitter of Trump’s remarks: “True or not – and I’m sure he doesn’t know – this is so unhelpful from the leader of our ally and intelligence partner.”

Eighteen people were taken to hospital after the explosion, which was being treated as an isolated incident. Four people took themselves to hospitals. London ambulance service said: “None are thought to be in a serious or life-threatening condition.”

Trump’s intervention had echoes of his tweets after the London Bridge attack in June, when he criticised Sadiq Khan’s call for calm.

In a statement, the London mayor confirmed that the Parsons Green explosion was being treated as terrorism and said: “I urge all Londoners to be calm and vigilant.”

At a morning press briefing, the Met assistant commissioner Mark Rowley said: “We now assess that this was a detonation of an improvised explosive device. As you will have seen, there are reports of 18 injuries. I understand most of those to be flash burns.”

Rowley said the investigation was being led by the Met counter-terrorism command, supported by MI5. Police officers would be deployed across the capital’s transport network, he added.

At around the time Rowley spoke, Trump tweeted: “Another attack in London by a loser terrorist. These are sick and demented people who were in the sights of Scotland Yard. Must be proactive!

“Loser terrorists must be dealt with in a much tougher manner. The internet is their main recruitment tool which we must cut off & use better!

“The travel ban into the United States should be far larger, tougher and more specific – but stupidly, that would not be politically correct!”

Trump’s travel ban against refugees and others from six majority-Muslim countries is in force but not in full effect, as court challenges on constitutional grounds continue. A first version, against seven countries, was withdrawn after similar challenges.

“We have made more progress in the last nine months against Isis than the Obama Administration has made in 8 years,” he said. “Must be proactive & nasty!”

The UK foreign secretary, Boris Johnson, will be able to ask Trump to be more cautious with his comments in future when he sees him on Monday at a special UN general assembly session on reforming the organisation.

May and Johnson have repeatedly urged politicians and the media not to speculate about the identity of a terrorist, or whether any suspects were under surveillance by UK security services.

Overall, the Foreign Office has become more relaxed about Trump’s plain speaking, but the security services that work under its political direction will be infuriated by any sign that the US president has leaked intelligence information.

Trust and confidentiality between UK and US intelligence is the bedrock of the relationship between the two services. May is is due to make prevention of extremism on the internet one of her three key themes at the UN next week. Although May does not support Trump’s talk of cutting off the internet, she agrees with him that technology giants have not done enough to tackle online extremism.

A couple of my highlights are my relief that, as of yet, there don't seem to be any deaths or catastrophic injuries.


Hiliary 2020
Official article, Official story, Officially.

Fucking ISIS. Fucking Muslims.
Its always ISIS and Muslims (except when its a Nazi).
What in the Seven Hells is going on! Somebody stop this madness!

Just to be clear here,
someone left a plastic spackling bucket with wires hanging out of it just sitting on the floor of a subway train with at least 22 people in it.
It blew up but didn't blow up the bucket or even seem to move it or not it down. The bucket looks fine.
Here is a photo of the bucket.....looks like its still on fire. Can't make this shit up.

But it injured 22 people (always 22). One lady seems to have burned legs maybe? Another guy got his hair singed.
That poor man. That poor poor man.
Ooh that smarts!

This woman looks like she sustained some sort of head injury? Maybe?

At least her clothes didn't get mussed. Thats a plus right?

This was ISIS, Muslims trying to kill people right? Maybe they better go back to terrorist school.
Thank God nobody died right? Close call this one.
Is anybody actually still taking this shit seriously?


This was ISIS, Muslims trying to kill people?
Thank God nobody died?
Is anybody actually still taking this shit seriously?

Explosives fail to detonate and "fizzle" all the time. The analysis is going to be what it's going to be but this particular device obviously did not detonate as planned and it might have also gone off at the wrong time. And yes, I believe it every time it happens.


Hiliary 2020
Oh and on a side note my sons school had a mass evacuation drill today.
About 500 students and I would guess about 100 staff were herded all the way out on the football field and made to stand there for about 10 minutes before they were herded back.
Some people may consider this a good thing. Others might consider it a form of terrorism.
I called the school. Asked who made this decision. What was this drill about.The lady told me all schools had to do it, and she wasn't thrilled about it either. (But the school nurse told me it was a terror drill, in case of a bomb threat).
All schools had to do it? Would that mean the GOVERNMENT is forcing them to? That's the way I took it.
I didn't want to ask too many questions but I think every parent should be wondering why and asking questions... but I was probably the only one.
After all is for our own safety right? Hundreds of teenagers being herded into the football field.
Mr. Trump, please, as some of your supporters on this board would say : MIND YOUR OWN FUCKED UP COUNTRY


Hiliary 2020
Yeah, we had the same thing in the '70s. We called them fire drills.

It wasn't a fire drill. The football field is pretty far away from the school. But at least the kids know where to go if there is a terrorist attack.
They will be safe in the football field.

I just read that ISIS "claimed responsibilty" for the bomb that fizzled and injured 22 people. About time. I was starting to think it may have been a Nazi this time..
Funny thing about ISIS. They never attack Israel or Saudi Arabia but they seem to just love England for some reason, especially since right before and after the Brexit vote.
And of course they love attacking Iraq, Syria, and Libya....Funny how the Great Mighty US Military never seems to really engage them in any of these countries even though there are armies of them there.
Oh well, I'm sure they know what theyre doing.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump
Another attack in London by a loser terrorist.These are sick and demented people who were in the sights of Scotland Yard. Must be proactive!

Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump
Loser terrorists must be dealt with in a much tougher manner.The internet is their main recruitment tool which we must cut off & use better!

Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump
The travel ban into the United States should be far larger, tougher and more specific-but stupidly, that would not be politically correct!

Typical Trumpian rhetoric bound to resonate with his shrinking base but few others. In much the same manner as other complex issues that are largely misunderstood by the average citizen (crime, drugs, health care, foreign affairs etc) his knee-jerk reaction is to suggest extremely simplistic solutions that actually accomplish next to nothing. Yeah....let's cut off the internet and then use it better. That'll work. :rolleyes: :dunno: :rolleyes:


Hiliary 2020
Those tweets (God I hate that word and feel like a douche even using it) by Donald are being done for a reason.

First everything in politics is scripted, and Donald is just playing his role, reading his script.
Those words ( Words, thats better) are meant to acheive 2 things that I can see.
1- Give the Fake News more ammunition to aim at him.
2- Rile people up.

Think about it. In Europe the unelected leaders of the EU and the elected leaders of individual countries are allowing mass immigration from Africa and the Middle East into an area that since the beginnig of known history was mostly White, Mostly Christain.
Bunching up many different cultures and types of peoples into a finite area.

Meanwhile at the same time they are using their media to create as much fear, anger, distrust, and overall bad will among these people they are throwing in the ring together.
Its like they are Cockfighting......and we are the cocks.

The goal is chaos. And once the chaos begins they can come in with their militarized police and take over.

Like my good friend Petyr once said, "Chaos isn't a pit, chaos is a ladder".
Typical Trumpian rhetoric bound to resonate with his shrinking base but few others. In much the same manner as other complex issues that are largely misunderstood by the average citizen (crime, drugs, health care, foreign affairs etc) his knee-jerk reaction is to suggest extremely simplistic solutions that actually accomplish next to nothing. Yeah....let's cut off the internet and then use it better. That'll work. :rolleyes: :dunno: :rolleyes:

Fake News
So-called judges
Nobody knows more about ________(fill in the blank) than me
Be afraid
[lather, rinse, repeat]
It's the simplicity of it that makes it so wondrous


Hiliary 2020
So all over the news are headlines like THREAT LEVEL CRITICAL IN LONDON and TROOPS ON THE STREET and of course HUNT FOR NEW BUCKET BOMB.

So the official story is that the bucket did ignite and filled the subway car with fire.
Only problem there is that for one if a car was filled with fire, now correct me if I'm wrong, but things probably would have burned.
Stuff in the car, the car itself, and of course people. I'm pretty sure fire burns people.
But photos of the bucket show that nothing near it appears to have been exposed to heat and fire. No damage whatsoever. Even the bucket is in NM/Mint condition.
And I have yet to see a photo of anybody who looks burned aside from the man in the carpet/flooring store who got his hair singed.

The other thing people "witnesses" have said, nearly word for word is that there was a STAMPEDE.
And that in that stampede "There was a woman shouting she was pregnant" and "A little boy with his face bashed in" ....their words not mine.
However I've seen no pictures or video of any stampede or anything close. Just photos of people standing around looking confused. No one looks panicked. But maybe there was a stampede, but I doubt it becauase if there was they would be shoving that in our faces.
What's all this then?

Either way there is Military on the streets armed to the teeth. People in London are afraid. And Muslims , well Muslims are the ones doing it.
Right? It's Muslims right? I mean ISIS did "CLAIM RESPONSIBILITY". They hate us because of our freedom is it? Gonna kill us all? They mean us harm?

I'm not gonna waste my time on this one anymore. These European TERROR ATTACKS are getting sloppier every time. You can believe what you want about this one.

Oh one more thing, I almost forgot....Is there a Doctor in the house? Anybody in the medical field?
Because I am very concerned about this woman who appears to either have a Head Wound of some sort or a bad Toothache.
And is it proper medical procedure to have a person with a head injury to walk all over the neighborhood getting her picture taken with a cop?

Here she is Talking on a phone with her head still not wrapped up like a Mummy.


And here she is walking around London with a Kep.







If you want to treat this as a masquerade party gone horribly wrong, be my guest. I have a line by line refutation of all that drivel and I'm not going to stoop to that level of pointlessness unless I'm going to have fun doing it. Today, it would not be fun. So let's just go with: you're right, the whole thing was staged, all these actors have a good laugh and a new line on their resume'.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
...I'm not going to stoop to that level ...

I will. Meesteriwasthereandwhitnessedtheevent is in danger. Exposing another worldwide scandal. The Illuminati have his Equifax information. I'll throw 5 bucks into his Go Fund Me account when he mysteriously goes away. Probably by a Clinton operative or someone in Washington that owns a pizza place.


Hiliary 2020
I don't have to be there to see through the obvious bullshit.
Just a little time is all it takes, and thought.
Unlike you bob who believes anything they tell you and doesnt look in to any of it at all.

And its not a worldwide scandal.....just another fake "terror attack".

So a "bucket bomb" did go off and fill a subway cars with flames......that is the official story.
Here is the bomb

And here it is burning in a different spot.

http://scd.france24.com/en/files/im...rror_threat_level_after_london _bombing.jpeg
And burning differently again. Pretty obvious that the little fires kept going out so they had to re-light it for each pic.
444CFBB600000578-4887032-A_photograph_of_the_flaming_white_bucket_taken_jus  t_after_it_exp-a-31_1505468373854.jpg

Did that thing fill a subway car with fire? If anybody thinks it did then you might be fucking idiot. ITS A PLASTIC BUCKET.
And where are all the burn victims? I've only seen one so far. This fat fuck in a carpet/flooring store.

If any thinks this guy was just in a subway car filled with fire......you might be a fucking idiot.

Oh but there was a stampede , maybe that was what injured 22 people?
Ok, where is the stampede? Photo? Video? Anything besides this fucking liar repeating the same script in every interview and trying not to smile too much?

If anybody thinks that person or any other liar in those clips was just in a traumatic life or death ordeal and witnessed people being burned and trampled...........you might be a fucking idiot.

And back to the poster child with the head injury who was walked all over the neighborhood with the Kep.
With the ridiculous bandage thing on her head.
Was she burned? Was she in a stampede? Look at her. Look at her clothes.
If anybody thinks this woman was in either you definitely are an idiot.

So thats all you need right bob?
A plastic bucket.
A fat fuck in a carpet flooring store with singed hair.
And a woman with a white bandage around her beautiful lovely red hair.

And that warrants the military taking to the streets of London. And to believe it was ISIS.
ISIS and the plastic bucket.
None of these attacks are being done by Muslims.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
All of these "Fake Events" over all of these years and never has there been ANY documentations of communications of ANY parties organizing or participating. Your Illuminati is so good at organizing these events and hiding this information but their antics are executed so shabbily.
