Trimming the pubic's

Ok, I got a qustion many have asked before.

Do you trim you pubic hair? I was wondering, well more like fearing the fact that the pubic hair will grow in longer and thicker. The hair down there is getting a little long and a little unconfertable. I usally trim it really short, but I got this stuped idea in my head that I should not do it unless I want a mega bush..

Any facts? any advice? any criticism?

I'm assuming you're a guy.

I personally have never shaved down there, but I hear you gotta do it frequently, otherwise it's really itchy, uncomfortable, and can grow thicker. If you've just started, you might want to consider just letting it grow (i personally don't understand why a guy would shave, but whatever). sorry, but i don't have any clever stories.
Yes I am a guy, should have made it clear. I havn't shaved my pubics completly I just trim them short.. but is there a differnce?

Contrary to Cosmo Kramer's understanding :rofl:, it does not grow in thicker or quicker.
I shave and trim every now and then. It doesn't irritate me but i use a little electrical device not a blade/razor.
Nothin more nasty then a bush - guy or gal (imo).:throwup:
There's also been previous threads on this topic. Try a search and maybe that will answer your inquiry(s).:thumbsup:
I do it weekly. Use a Mach 3 and a trimmer.
i only have done it once and it was a horrible experince. my crotch itched like crazy for a week and i had a bunch of ingrown hairs. now i just trim it occasionally to keep it from froing up.

here is my question how does on shave there balls. just the thought of haveing any kind of razer next to my nuts makes my heart skip. :eek:
I shaved it once. It was a pain at the beginning of the increase, anyhow looked nice when I was shaved and penis apparently looked a little longer too.
yep, I shave my balls
It's a great. My girlfriend also likes it.
Of course she shaves it al of herself, I just love a totaly shaved pussy.
I just trim my pubic hair, but I'm gonna shave it al of one of these days!
Jizm said:
Contrary to Cosmo Kramer's understanding :rofl:, it does not grow in thicker or quicker.
I shave and trim every now and then. It doesn't irritate me but i use a little electrical device not a blade/razor.
Nothin more nasty then a bush - guy or gal (imo).:throwup:

Well, This fear all started when I saw the eposide with Cosmo Kramer comment on saving. I don't shave it totally off, I trim them really short. I have a bunch of ingrown hairs on my shaft, but thoughs been there for ever and they don't bother me..
i prefer shaved girls to girls with tropical rainforests, but to be fair, i do some 'landscaping' of my own.

shaving your pubes is a delicate process; do it wrong and you'll get ingrown hairs--people will think you have herpes. not to mention the agonizing itching.

luckily, i have mastered pube trimming, and this is how you can too:

1st, get a fingernail brush. you'll find these in the cosmetic section. it should be a fairly rigid brush.

2. brush IN THE DIRECTION THAT THE HAIR NORMALLY GROWS. probably downwards. bush while the hair is still dry. *brushing may hurt a little, but the itching is so much more uncomfortable, so weigh your options.

3. use a sharp razor, not that 3 week old disposable you've had lying around. as far as blades, it doesn't matter; i've gotten closer with a $.39 single blade, then that $15 mach3 BS. the key is to shave the hair when wet. *use a generous amount of lather, and you can shave in ANY direction; just remember to brush.

4. when you're done, if you have it, use some hair oil or vaseline (petroleum jelly). this will help 'stlye' the hair and get it growing outward like it's supposed to. if you don't have the jelly, just work on brushing down there at least twice a day.

** if you experience moderate itching or razor bumps, you either didn't brush enough or You Missed a spot; let the hair grow out in about 3 weeks and try it again.
like In-4-mant said, using a sharp razor is vital. never experienced ingrown hairs. the first time i did it it itched a lot, but the itching stopped after a couple of days or so. i've shaved for years now, and i dont think i'll ever go back to having hair on my balls. i dont think my girlfriend would let me anyway...
Side-question. I am a seinfeld fanatic (I actually have all 180 episodes on DVD), yet I am not sure what part you guys are talking about with kramer...:o :mad:

I know one part where jerry wants to shave his chest, and kramer tells him not to because it will grow back thicker and darker, but I don't think you guys are talking about that part....?
I have been shaving down there for almost 2 years and wont go back, blowjobs feel alot better, wife likes it and feels good overall.....also as a side note, because of a perspiration problem i started shaving under my arms too, and damn what a difference, i wear shirts now i havent worn in years because of bad sweating, the shaving doesnt actually stop you from sweating, but without the hair there the sweat has less places to go