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"Tragic", "Terrifying", "Shouldn't be legal"


Bus seats mistaken for burqas by members of anti-immigrant group

Comments posted on Norwegian ‘Fatherland first’ Facebook group call empty seats on bus ‘terrifying’

A Norwegian anti-immigrant group has been roundly ridiculed after members apparently mistook a photograph of six empty bus seats posted on its Facebook page for a group of women wearing burqas.

“Tragic”, “terrifying” and “disgusting” were among the comments posted by members of the closed Fedrelandet viktigst, or “Fatherland first”, group beneath the photograph, according to screenshots on the Norwegian news website Nettavisen.
Other members of the 13,000-strong group, for people “who love Norway and appreciate what our ancestors fought for”, wondered whether the non-existent passengers might be carrying bombs or weapons beneath their clothes. “This looks really scary,” wrote one. “Should be banned. You can’t tell who’s underneath. Could be terrorists.”

Further comments read: “Ghastly. This should never happen,” “Islam is and always will be a curse,” “Get them out of our country – frightening times we are living in,” and: “I thought it would be like this in the year 2050, but it is happening NOW,” according to thelocal.no and other media.

The photograph, found on the internet, was posted “for a joke” last week by Johan Slåttavik, who has since described himself as “Norway’s worst web troll and proud of it”, beneath a question asking the group: “What do people think of this?”

Slåttavik told Nettavisen and Norway’s TV2 he wanted to “highlight the difference between legitimate criticism of immigration and blind racism”, and was “interested to see how people’s perceptions of an image are influenced by how others around them react. I ended up having a good laugh.”

It went viral in Norway after Sindre Beyer, a former Labour party MP who said he has been following Fatherland first for some time, published 23 pages of screenshots of the group’s outraged comments.

“What happens when a photo of some empty bus seats is posted to a disgusting Facebook group, and nearly everyone thinks they see a bunch of burqas?” he asked in a post shared more than 1,800 times.

The comments suggested the vast majority of the anti-immigrant group’s members saw the photo as evidence of the ongoing “Islamification” of Norway, although a small number pointed out it was in fact a picture of bus seats. One warned the group was making itself look ridiculous.

Beyer told Nettavisen: “I’m shocked at how much hate and fake news is spread [on the Fedrelandet viktigst page]. So much hatred against empty bus seats certainly shows that prejudice wins out over wisdom.”

The head of Norway’s Antiracist Centre, Rune Berglund Steen, told the site that people plainly “see what they want to see – and what these people want to see are dangerous Muslims”.

Norway recently became the latest European country to propose restrictions on the wearing of burqas and niqabs, tabling a law that will bar them from kindergartens, schools and universities. France, the Netherlands, Belgium, Bulgaria and the German state of Bavaria all restrict full-face veils in some public places.

The country’s minority government, a coalition of the centre-right Conservatives and the populist Progress party that faces elections next month, said in June it was confident it would find opposition support for the move.

Per Sandberg, then acting immigration and integration minister, told a press conference that face-covering garments such as the niqab or burqa “do not belong in Norwegian schools. The ability to communicate is a basic value.”

:rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2:
The real story should be that the Religion Of Shit has so affect the collective psyche of many Europeans that something like that could happen.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Does anyone know if it's illegal to wear a Ninja uniform to run errands around town?


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
I'm not surprised that it would be a union thing, there might be a religious freedom argument to be made if the Ninjas appealed to the spiritual aspect of their practices.


Hiliary 2020
Well that does it for me.
After reading that I am all for mass immigration.
What? Well isn't that how the propaganda story is supposed to make me think?
What? Yes but I went too far?
Its just part of an agenda of brainwashing the masses over time and not intended to make a person do a complete
180 by just reading one article?
I'm so confused now.
What? That's good you say?

While most of the peasants are being conditioned to feel a certain way about certain things and people as the result of a massive
propaganda agenda over many years does anybody ever stop to think why there is mass immigration?
Who allows it?
Who benefits from it?
No? That would be too difficult you say?
Its easier to just let CNN, NBC and Fox tell us how to think?

Well let me sum it up for you:
9/11 happens on 9/11- The story goes that 19 Saudi Arbians who were each about 120 lbs and 7 of them were found alive and well soon after and had nothing to do with it took over 4 airplanes and flew them with pinpoint accuracy into 3 targets in the most heavily protected airspace
on the planet.
2 towers went straight down a half hour apart as did another building later that day.
Almost as if there were explosives planted beforehand.
But it was A rabs and had nothing to do with Israel at all thats for sure.
I know all this because CNN told me its what happened.
Either way we do know that thousands died horrible deaths that day.

The USA then attacks and destroys many Middle East countries in the following years in response to 9/11.
"Youre either with us or youre with the terrorists" someone says.
Bombs them into the Stone Age. Millions die, Millions more suffer.
Al-Qaueada then takes over each of these countries. Heroin begins to flood the USA and Europe.
The people of the USA, Europe, and the Middle East gain nothing.

The leaders of the EU then create a system of massive immigration from the Middle East and Africa into Europe.
They do this because they care about the people while at the same time backing all the US invasions.

But there is no way that this is part of a big plan that's for sure.
It all just happened that way by coincidence I'm sure.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Does anybody ever stop to think why there is mass immigration? Who allows it? Who benefits from it? No? That would be too difficult you say? Its easier to just let CNN, NBC and Fox tell us how to think?

Don't leave them as rhetorical questions, I'm sure you've already found the answers so do us the favor of summarizing in a paragraph that which took you hundreds of hours of youtube time to find out.


Hiliary 2020
Don't leave them as rhetorical questions, I'm sure you've already found the answers so do us the favor of summarizing in a paragraph that which took you hundreds of hours of youtube time to find out.

I can only show you the door but I can't make you drink it.

the human race can go around complaining about it (or just be zombified like the majority are).
but that dont help none no how now does it?

people need to think a bit instead of falling for the propaganda and thinking how they tell them to think.
dont be so easily manipulated.
figure out why its happening ( which anyone even paying a little attention the past 16 years should clearly see).
9/11> massive security and military spending>hopeless debt>endless wars, deaths and destruction>mass immigration into europe.

then look into the who and the why , thats what they dont tell us and they dont want us to know.
Are the leaders of the USA, EU, and Individual Europen countries at the top of the pyramid? Hell no.