Tragic accident

Text messages were sent back and forth on a 17-year-old girl's cell phone moments before her sport utility vehicle slammed head-on into a truck, killing her and four other recent high school graduates, police said Friday.
Full story

How horrid! :(
Young innocent life snuffed out in such tragic circumstances!

I follow a "no calls when driving" policy - that includes 'hands free' head sets. If I need to make a call, I pull over. The only exception to the rule is my emergency pager used by my county volunteer EMS/Fire department.

I made sure I hammered this rule into my kids. It's stories like these that make you cringe as a parent.

- R.
damn teenagers cant seem to stay off their phones. if this one did, none of them would be dead right now. if you need to talk that bad, pull over and talk. i sound pissed because if i lost someone close to me because someone needed to text while driving, i'd be pretty damn pissed off and upset.
A damn shame. I am all too familair with this. pretty much the exact same thing happened a few days ago right by me. Don't know if it's cell phone related, but same results. What's going to save us from the technology that is supposed to be saving us, but is killing us?
This ties right into my pet peeve.

Sorry officer how do you expect me to use my signals when I'm holding a cigarette in my right hand and talking on the phone with my left?


I won't be surprised one bit if drugs or alcohol are found in there bodies, after the autopsy is done.

There needs to be stiffer penalties for bad driving and driver training needs to be longer and more thorough


Closed Account
I can't believe with all those driving security ads to warn peoples and there still many accident each week. I feel sorry for their family and their friends.
Well people will do what people always do, to do whatever they want to do and if they get away with it then they brag about it, if they get caught if was not their fault it's someone's else fault. My daughter is not driving yet, but I always tell her not use the phone while she is driving and sometimes when she is even at the back seat I feel like slapping the damn phone of her hand.


Hiliary 2020
Wow, terrible.
This cel phone thing is out of hand. When I was a teenager in the 80's the last thing we wanted for anyone to be able to contact us and know where we are 24/7.
But now people can't live without it.
I'll be shopping and I'll see a woman calling her husband saying "should I get regular Oreos or double stuff?". I want to scream " GET REAL!!!!!".
In the 60's and 70's it was " Lets Be Natural", now its "Lets Be Hi-DEf.".
Its sad.
This is an extreme case of how sad.
But about the van possibly speeding up when the girl tried to pass. Thats happened to me several times in my life and its nothing short of attempted murder in my opinion.
i have always been one who is against cell phones period. this is just a case of i told you so. we reap what we sow, and she got what she deserved.
I do not touch my phone if it is ringing while I am driving, friends and family know if I dont answer it is because I am driving. I pass people every day on the road who are to busy talking on their precious phones to pay the proper attention to the road in front of them. So if indeed it was the case that the driver was using her phone to call/text then I feel no pity or remorse for any one of them.

Oh of course they will be mourned for being young and full of hope blah blah blah, but will anyone of those close to the victims actually stop and Admit on the fact they died because of their own ignorance of basic road safety and common sense!

"Mirror - Signal - Text - Manouvre" ?


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I feel really bad for the girls who weren't driving and for the friends and family members. If the driver was screwing around on her phone like the story says, I can't really feel all that bad for her. This is the perfect example of why a lot of cities have a law forbidding the use of phones in a car.
Text messaging is the thing now. With plenty of time on your hands driving, why not text message or email, or install a TV and watch a movie?


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Text messaging is the thing now. With plenty of time on your hands driving, why not text message or email, or install a TV and watch a movie?

They can't install all that stuff AFA. Then where would they put the fax machine and portable deep fryer?
don't really get the point of this fucking texting shit.. why can't they just call? atleast then you can keep your eyes on the road.
Oh here we go, another subject that gets to me...
I have a cell phone and I use it, BUT NOT WHILE DRIVING

How fucking stupid do you have to be to do this? I see these idiots that have to be tied to their wife/girlfriend, or husband/boyfriend all the fucking time. Are you that insecure that you can't stay off the phone?? First of all driving is a DANGEROUS activity if you don't pay attention completely. I see these MORONS on the phone at 6:30am everyday when I go to work...WTF is so important that you have to yap on the phone at that hour? The ones I see walking around the supermarket yapping on the phone, or in the gym or whathaveyou? Have you reached some prominent position that you NEED to be reached 24/7? I think not. I used to date this hot blonde a few months ago, and she was on the phone ALL THE FUCKING got to the point she was doing it when we were driving in the car together. First of all, if you are on a date, TURN OFF THE PHONE, that its fucking inconsiderate. I had a boss that used to type on blackberry while driving, and I was in the car with him one time when he did that. I made him stop the car and let me drive because that shit is fucking dangerous.

A few weeks ago when I went to see Fantastic Four 2, There were these teens in the back, yapping and texting and etc. Until another guy and myself just stood up during the previews that told them to SHUT THE FUCK UP. Of course security showed up and I gave him an earful. That shit is just bullshit to me. Of course because of that my new girlfriend loved to see me do that, and I got some ass that night :nannerf2: :blowjob:
I think people are so insecure and so co-dependent they can't live without the phone. I have a rule when I drive, if the phone rings I DO NOT ANSWER IT. That also includes these self-important techno-dicks with their hands-free blue tooth pieces of shit. Technology is a nice thing to have, but this crap is getting out of hand.

When I was in high school, getting to a phone was the last thing on our minds
was being the phone

time for me to get off my soapbox again
It's amazing what people will do while they are driving because they are too lazy to do it any other time. The worst case I saw was when a woman was curling her eyelashes while driving. :wtf:

I'm glad to say a cell phone is something I have happily lived without for my entire life and I'm not planning on buying one of those things soon. They are good to have in an emergency, but they are just a pain in the ass all the rest of the time.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I don't see why driving while talking on a cell phone is considered dangerous. Hell, I like to build model airplanes when I hop on the freeway.
I was one day reading a text a friend sent me and got in to a fender bender..Never again will i read a text while driving or talk while driving..


don't really get the point of this fucking texting shit.. why can't they just call? atleast then you can keep your eyes on the road.

so no one else can hear your conversation