Oh here we go, another subject that gets to me...
I have a cell phone and I use it, BUT NOT WHILE DRIVING
How fucking stupid do you have to be to do this? I see these idiots that have to be tied to their wife/girlfriend, or husband/boyfriend all the fucking time. Are you that insecure that you can't stay off the phone?? First of all driving is a DANGEROUS activity if you don't pay attention completely. I see these MORONS on the phone at 6:30am everyday when I go to work...WTF is so important that you have to yap on the phone at that hour? The ones I see walking around the supermarket yapping on the phone, or in the gym or whathaveyou? Have you reached some prominent position that you NEED to be reached 24/7? I think not. I used to date this hot blonde a few months ago, and she was on the phone ALL THE FUCKING TIME...it got to the point she was doing it when we were driving in the car together. First of all, if you are on a date, TURN OFF THE PHONE, that its fucking inconsiderate. I had a boss that used to type on blackberry while driving, and I was in the car with him one time when he did that. I made him stop the car and let me drive because that shit is fucking dangerous.
A few weeks ago when I went to see Fantastic Four 2, There were these teens in the back, yapping and texting and etc. Until another guy and myself just stood up during the previews that told them to SHUT THE FUCK UP. Of course security showed up and I gave him an earful. That shit is just bullshit to me. Of course because of that my new girlfriend loved to see me do that, and I got some ass that night :nannerf2: :blowjob:
I think people are so insecure and so co-dependent they can't live without the phone. I have a rule when I drive, if the phone rings I DO NOT ANSWER IT. That also includes these self-important techno-dicks with their hands-free blue tooth pieces of shit. Technology is a nice thing to have, but this crap is getting out of hand.
When I was in high school, getting to a phone was the last thing on our minds
was being the phone
time for me to get off my soapbox again :yinyang: