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Top 5 Ways Liberals Are Already Submitting to Sharia Law


Here’s the deal: Sharia law doesn’t work in the US. Period. The end. In fact, Sharia law stands in direct opposition to the Constitution in many areas. Strike that, most areas.

Yet, for some reason, liberals have decided we need to cower at the tenants of Islam as though we believe in and support them. Let’s not be provocative! We must not upset the (false) Prophet! Seriously, how on earth did our society reach a point where we’re more upset about people drawing cartoons than the fact that two terrorists tried to murder them for doing so?

How far down the slope will we go? At what point will leftists say, “Oh my goodness! Free, American women are an affront to Islam! Ladies, break out the burkas!

Our cowering is dangerous. It’s anti-freedom. It’s un-American. And it needs to stop.

For starters, here’s 5 tenants of Islam that liberals in the US are already subjecting us to, which need to end. Now.

1. Thou shalt not draw Muhammad – your name’s Michelangelo? WHO CARES. Drawing the prophet is against the rules. Rules is rules. Liberals would have us believe that not offending Muhammad is more important than your American right to free speech. Jerks. Who kills people over a cartoon, anyway? And if your imaginary moon-god is offended at a picture… he sounds like a hissy-fit prone, drama queen. You probably need to find a new one.

2. Thou shalt sympathize with terrorists – you may not be able to personally give them 72 virgins, but you will put their faces on the front of your magazines and you will mourn the deaths of those who try to kill you! That’s for real! I believe that practicing terrorists deserve the business end of an M16. Leftists believe they deserve counseling.

3. Thou shalt not be friends with Israel – silly Americans! The Jewish people have no rights – not to a homeland, not to anything! Israel is the great Satan and must be destroyed! Yet again, the media couldn’t be more incorrect. Not only is Israel our strongest ally as Americans, but the only ally to human rights in the middle east. (And its Prime Minister should always be welcome in the White House.)

4. Thou shalt not use the word “Christian” – we are killing infidels. Prisoners. Stop trying to make this religious! Allahu Akbar! Uhm, helllllllo? Anybody home? CHRISTIAN men, women, and children are being raped, kidnapped, and murdered all across the Middle East in the name of Islam… because they are Christians. Jesus loves you, this you know? Muslims kill you, because the Qur’an tells them so. We’re just not allowed to talk about it.

5. Thou shalt not use the words “terror” and “Islam” in the same sentence – it’s a religion of peace, you infidel! Now convert, or off with your head! There’s a consistent theme liberals are constantly trying to shove down our throats: Christians are evil, because crusades and you offend me. Muslims are awesome, because peace and terrorists… YOU BIGOT! The second you try to equate the teachings of Islam with the actions of Islamic extremists, you’re instantly dubbed a racist, intolerant hate-monger. Stop it, liberals. Maybe you should actually compare the teachings of Muhammad himself… with the teachings of Jesus. Then we’ll talk. Whassup, Islam?


1) In case you didn't follow the news last year, there was a march in Paris, with about 3-5 millions people protesting against the execution of a bunch of cartoonists whose only "crime" was to regularly draw Mohammed.

2) Having the faces of the tyerrorists ont the frontpage of magazines doesn't mean we miurn them. People just want to see the face of thoser wo killed 150 innocent people.

3) Criticizing Israel is not equal to be friendly with terrorists

4) Daech and other terrorist groups have killed way more muslims than christians

5) Yes, you can use "terror" and "Islam" in the same sentenced. That's the right thing to do. But you have to say "radical Islam" 'cause for each terrorist or terrorist wannabe, there are thousands of peacefull muslims who just wanna be free to practice their religion in, peace and are devastated when some radical muslims kill people in the name of their religion.
yes I am muslim but ain't gonna kill anyone LoL.
in fact you should know thru history how we became muslims (albanians) because italians as usual were pussies and traitors.
anyways, we can't go back int ime, so let's look forward. Your mistake: by insulting and drawing Mohammad you insult all muslims, showing you can't make difference between islam and radical islam.
Liberals are dumb self destructing masohists, who can't make difference between freedom and being ruined.
Only god can give souls to humans and take them back, humans ar e not supposed to put the nose into what is ment for god's job to do.
One thing I don't get: "Thou shalt not draw Muhammad" How does anyone know what Muhammad looks like? Unless the artist labels the picture: "This is Muhammad, not just some guy named Muhammad, but the prophet Muhammad, or at least what I think he looks like".

Oh by the way the rest of the article was complete BS, about how most liberals think & act.
One thing I don't get: "Thou shalt not draw Muhammad" How does anyone know what Muhammad looks like? Unless the artist labels the picture: "This is Muhammad, not just some guy named Muhammad, but the prophet Muhammad, or at least what I think he looks like".

Oh by the way the rest of the article was complete BS, about how most liberals think & act.

The essence is, the look of a human is created by god and it is his only right to portrait him, I mean something like musicians and their copyrights stuff, you know.
And for muslims it's like to never be described how Mohammad looked like, because a human simply should not be above other humans, he is left to be shown so people wont idolise him.
Yes, I don't like either the drawings on Mohammad, and it's a true idiotic act what those drawers do, but god gave us in this world idiots to test out calmness and anger, so despite those provocations we should be cool, so if no one would acted against those drawings, those drawers would self realise how idiots they are, but not everyone stood calm, so those idiots got their glory.
By the way, the only allah's law is try to be a good human, god send us here to let us free to think and ivide good and bad, he didn't create governments or clothing to show us how to be clothed or whatever, they confuse culture and religion.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Re: Top 5 Ways Liberals Are Already Submitting to Sharia Law

Great article. Really illustrates everything that's wrong with current pop-conservative meme making anger trolls. Also extremely reminiscent of involuntarily inactive former forum members.
I'm no FBI profiler, I just play one on here, but I seriously don't think its who you think it is, if I can remain cryptic.

Just based on what I've read so far, if I had to guess, the OP is a former muslim, or has family members who are, was raised in a predominantly muslim population and is a non-native english speaker.

Al-Namrood, I apologize for talking about you, in front of you, in your own thread, but keep up what you're doing.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Why would you want him to continue? "Libruls are..." isn't much of an argument. I don't think he's the assclown we're talking in cipher about, posting articles instead of actual analysis wasn't original or exclusive behavior, but it IS universally weak.


what the fuck you lookin at?
Fuck the plague that is Islam. Don't come over here trying to change our entire fucking culture to fit with the abomination you fucking left willingly! Fuck you, fuck islam and fuck allah!
Fuck the plague that is Islam. Don't come over here trying to change our entire fucking culture to fit with the abomination you fucking left willingly! Fuck you, fuck islam and fuck allah!

Thanks to your own government bro.
They brought the intolerant ignorant ones there to push the masses, don't you get it?
Fuck the plague that is Islam. Don't come over here trying to change our entire fucking culture to fit with the abomination you fucking left willingly! Fuck you, fuck islam and fuck allah!

Also your own fault you don't support the muslims who stand against violence, plus you have no understanding for their culture, same as they do for yours.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Thought I'd bump an old thread today, too. Thought I saw Al-Namrood over in the ID section no that long ago. Had forgotten this ig'nant little gem he posted, fortunately he's largely steered clear of P&R, I think I had him pegged pretty good back in 2016.

Great article. Really illustrates everything that's wrong with current pop-conservative meme making anger trolls. Also extremely reminiscent of involuntarily inactive former forum members.

Why would you want him to continue? "Libruls are..." isn't much of an argument. Posting articles instead of actual analysis isn't original or exclusive behavior, but it IS universally weak.


Islam and all religions are retarded ideological diseases infesting the human race, created by power hungry assholes to control and manipulate people, all religions are blasphemous to God or whoever/whatever created the universe.
Religions are simply more advanced and elaborate versions of superstitions like believing the sun or moon were gods.
Science is the only true "religion" everyone should believe in. The purpose of science is to find the truth, the purpose of all religions is to distort the truth and brainwash people into believing in a fantasy so they can be manipulated and controlled with fear.

Judaism, Christianity , and Islam are the same religion.
Christians believe Jesus was the Messiah prophesized in the Jewish Torah, and Muslims believe Mohammed is the second coming of Jesus prophesized in the Christian Bible. I don't know much about the Islamic Qurʾan and I don't want to know because it's all probably BS fantasy like the first two books in the series.