
Re: Former figure skater busted in meth raid

Goddamn! Tonya could use a few hits of meth now! I thought she was hot way back when.

Trailer trash from the beginning, she had a golden opportunity to make a great life for herself but mixed it up with that creepo boyfriend of hers, "Gil-looser-ly", who conspired to bust the knee cap of Nancy Kerrigan pre Olympics (Remember that incident ?)
. . and it's been all downhill since.

Aside - I'm really surprised about this story, The Bear. :(
It's amazing how people can rise to such a high level of success and then just blow it ! It all has to do with the people that we choose to associate with, IMO.
Re: Former figure skater busted in meth raid

I never understood the Harding/Kerrigan incident because, at the time, wasn't Harding thought to be the better skating prospect? Kerrigan was/is a wealthy New England blueblood.

My gawd Tonya Harding is a fat loser today....geesh.

I think I remember thinking Nicole Bobek was a real looker. She had a "doe-like" deer, Bambi quality to her. Don't recall if she was any good on the ice?
Re: Former figure skater busted in meth raid

Once a loser, always a loser... Hmmm... Here's a question for everyone: Who would you rather bang, Harding or Kerrigan?

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Re: Former figure skater busted in meth raid

Once a loser, always a loser... Hmmm... Here's a question for everyone: Who would you rather bang, Harding or Kerrigan?

15 years ago: Kerrigan.
Now: Kerrigan.

Tonya might have been fun for a 1 nighter years ago (when she was still kinda cute)... if I was drunk. But she was always pretty trashy. And sure, Nancy would complain if you smacked her ass or pulled her hair, but at least I wouldn't be ashamed to be seen with her (then or now).
Re: Former figure skater busted in meth raid

I'm pretty sure you would pick up a huge number of STDs if you had sex with Tonya Harding. Kerrigan is the sexier and safer bet.
Re: Former figure skater busted in meth raid

This is a little off topic, but the life of a figure skater seems to suck pretty badly when you look at it. It takes years of hard work, you have to have a strict diet, wake up early, do stuff that's painful if you mess up, it's extremely hard to make it to be the very best and only one person can have that at a time, success is very fleeting, and unless you make it to be one of the very few top people in the end you get hardly anything out of it.


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