Today in history...

On July 20, 1969,

Astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin
became the first men to walk on the moon after
reaching the surface in their Apollo 11 lunar module.

Just thought I would let you all know
On July 20, 1969,

Astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin
became the first men to walk on the moon after
reaching the surface in their Apollo 11 lunar module.

Do you belive that they really do it?

I don't belive that man ever went to the moon.

Russian flew in space, but that's it so far.


July 20, 1944,
Operation Valkyrie, a plot to kill Hitler fails by inches.

July 20, 1973
Bruce Lee dies at 32


Carlos Santana
Natalie Wood
Chris Cornell
Sir Edmund Hillary
Mayhem :hatsoff:

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Do you belive that they really do it?

I don't belive that man ever went to the moon.

Russian flew in space, but that's it so far.
If you really believe that, then you're far more profoundly fucking idiotic than I had already given you credit for. Why don't you do us all a favor and play in traffic blindfolded. You're clearly not advancing humanity so there's no use for you here.

Just for future reference: if anybody else posts here and disputes the moon ladings, you're a fucking idiot too. Seriously.
If you really believe that, then you're far more profoundly fucking idiotic than I had already given you credit for. Why don't you do us all a favor and play in traffic blindfolded. You're clearly not advancing humanity so there's no use for you here.

Why my opinion is such a problem?

Millions of people do not belive that the conguest of the moon is a reality.

Are they all the enemies of mankind?


I get just one Happy B'day out of you fuckers? :mad:

It's because of this shit that people pack their arsenals to the movie theater. Just sayin'. :brick:

Too soon?


FreeOnes Lifetime Member
On July 20, 1969,

Astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin
became the first men to walk on the moon after
reaching the surface in their Apollo 11 lunar module.

Just thought I would let you all know

This thread needs Walter Cronkite saying, "And you were there."

Fixed. :D


Closed Account
I get just one Happy B'day out of you fuckers? :mad:

It's because of this shit that people pack their arsenals to the movie theater. Just sayin'. :brick:

Too soon?

Mayhem.... suck a dick.... and Happy Birthday :)


Closed Account
Do you belive that they really do it?

I don't belive that man ever went to the moon.

Russian flew in space, but that's it so far.

If all this was bullshit why didn't the Russians say anything? They were monitoring the landings very closely, this would have been a real coo for them during the cold war, but they didn't say anything, why?? because we did land on the moon, end of story.
July 20, 1944,
Operation Valkyrie, a plot to kill Hitler fails by inches.

July 20, 1973
Bruce Lee dies at 32


Carlos Santana
Natalie Wood
Chris Cornell
Sir Edmund Hillary
Mayhem :hatsoff:

good to know that i'm not the only one who had this date go wrong...fortunately my july 20 this year wasn't as bad as those so thank you for putting my "bad" day in perspective :D


Closed Account
even more reason to believe we were on the moon!!

on july 22nd
1975 - Confederate General Robert E. Lee had his U.S. citizenship restored by the U.S. Congress.
2000 - Astronomers at the University of Arizona announced that they had found a 17th moon orbiting Jupiter.
2009 - The longest total solar eclipse of the 21st century, lasting up to 6 minutes and 38.8 seconds, occurred over parts of Asia and the Pacific Ocean.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Wait that big rock in the sky that affects ocean tides and werewolves is called the Moon? What an age we live in.