Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland

I guess not. Thats what Im upset about. They wont do a Tim Burton version and that. Well I couldnt see that happening.
Another example of Hollywood's complete lack of originality.


a film begging to be remade, and by the master of the wierd, Tim Burton! however, "A live-action and CGI version"?... i hope not too much CGI!
yeah. do you have any idea how long it takes to make a movie?

think about it, there are hundreds of people involved. you have to get all of them organized and acquire all of the equipment, figure out locations, usually you have to build sets, and then get all the permits and fill out all the paper work, that can take several months. then you have to shoot the movie which takes several more months. then you have to edit everything, add in the special effects and show it to the studio, which will usually make you re-edit it and sometimes you will have to re-shoot scenes. there are almost always several revisions before they decide on the final way that they want the movie to screen. then you have to go through all the marketing and promotion for the movie, and finally to actually produce all of the film that is going to be shipped out to theaters.

it usually takes about a year from the start to finish to make a movie. some movies have taken multiple years to make.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I have to see this movie, cause i love Tim Burton's movies.


knows petras secret: she farted.
as a really big fan of alice in wonderland, im really looking forward to seeing what its gonna look like. tim burton is ok, ive been disappointed lately but i really hope he makes a really awesome version of it. 2010? fucking balls. i hate waiting.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Don't we all?
I love Alice in Wonderland, and I'm a fan of some of Burton's stuff, specially Nightmare Before Christmas.

I will definitely see this one when it comes out!
so it's gonna taken him that long to flim it find a cast and bulid set's ?

Clearly, you've never organized, shot, and done post-production on a feature length film. The computer FX alone can take months- hell, years- to get done. There's also the entire sound issue, both foley and scoring, and even when all this stuff is done, they want to have a period of time for the advertising campaign to whoop people up with interest before the film's release.

So... yeah, it's going to take him that long.


PS- let's not kid ourselves, there will be very little set building. There will be a lot of actors running around in front of green screens, so that computer generated sets and backgrounds can be dropped in later.


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
I've been seeing a lot about this coming up while researching for a dark alice and mad hatter costume I plan on making. :D I love Tim Burton so we'll see what he comes up with!!