Thoughts on the Xbox 360 Metal Gear Solid game?

Just found out about this game a few days ago. I am wondering if it isn't some profit milking product like many games seem to be heading towards now. Something to just push out to the gamers both casual and hardcore. Using a name known quite well over. Where the veteran of the series will want to pick it up and the casual gamer want to pick it up just to play it and see how it is since it is a well known title.

Last I knew Metal Gear Solid series was staying Sony. Hideo Kojima had said he wanted to keep faithful with the system (Sony) that kept with him all this time. He tried the Xbox with Substance and said, that was experiment. I don't know. Maybe with the games that are around now I have become cynical. They all seem to be the same stuff that comes out. RPG, FPS, Sports/Racing.

There are few franchise titles out there I really enjoy. To see them go the way of -- in this comparison: Final Fantasy -- milking the franchise for any kind of profit would be a real shame. I hope Metal Gear Solid does not go this way.

Anyways, what do you think about the Metal Gear Solid Rising (Lightning Bolt Action) for the 360?
It could be so far, but judging from the very, very small amount of information out there, this game isn't going to be good.

-Kojima seems to be cashing in. Metal Gear Solid for iPhone, Arcarde, PSP and multiplatform Rising.

-Stars Raiden, nude guy from number 2

- "Lightnig Bolt Action"


what the fuck you lookin at?
I've not played any of the metal gear series. So why start now? :dunno:
that xbox game (Metal Gear Rising) is also coming to the ps3 (and PC apparently) it's not exclusive to the xbox. stuff like this was done before in the past. for example, i have Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance on the PC the series has popped up on other platforms besides sony's in the past. Metal Gear Rising is being developed by a 'new' young team it sounds like Kojima wont be involved very much, if at all.

and the next true Metal Gear Solid game is coming to the sony PSP. Kojima (the MGS creator) said that he and his Metal Gear Solid 4 team will be deeply involved in the project and that it isn't any kind of side project or spin off (which is obviously a dig at the Metal Gear Rising game).

i'm sure both games will be good, tho.