I'm gonna give it away to some lucky person on here. I know there's some folks on here that would be verrrrrry interested in getting their hands on it. So lets play alittle game to make it fair for everyone who might want it.
This Wed Nov. 25th at 8:00 pm U.S. Eastern time, I will post my PSN id within this thread. The first person to log into PSN and messg me will get the code sent to them on their Ps3.
Make sure you tell me you're from this messg board and give your messg board username within your ps3 messg. Also,to make sure no imposter visitors with ps3's on here see this and just say they are you, send me a private messg on here with your psn id.
I think those details make it fool proof.....
As you know Nina Mercedez,Saffron Taylor and Jane B amongst others play video games.....Ladies if you wish to let me take any one of you to dinner for the GOW demo,well than fuck everyone you'll get it in a heartbeat. :rofl:
See you here on wed.
This Wed Nov. 25th at 8:00 pm U.S. Eastern time, I will post my PSN id within this thread. The first person to log into PSN and messg me will get the code sent to them on their Ps3.
Make sure you tell me you're from this messg board and give your messg board username within your ps3 messg. Also,to make sure no imposter visitors with ps3's on here see this and just say they are you, send me a private messg on here with your psn id.
I think those details make it fool proof.....
As you know Nina Mercedez,Saffron Taylor and Jane B amongst others play video games.....Ladies if you wish to let me take any one of you to dinner for the GOW demo,well than fuck everyone you'll get it in a heartbeat. :rofl:
See you here on wed.