Reminds me of an old Mad Magazine strip I found. A homeless guy is sitting and panhandling when all of a sudden a cell phone goes off. Next panel is the guy saying "Martha, how many times have I told you, NEVER call me when I'm working!"
I've given homeless people money when I either had a fair amount of change on hand and could spare some, or if it looks serious. I was driving one time and this mom was out on the side of the road with her 3 kids (she looked to be about 40 or so) and all of them were wearing wrinkled and dirty clothing, and she was holding up a "Please give" sign. As I stopped at the light near her, I unrolled my window, called her over and gave her $20. I may have been a sucker, but I'd like to think that someone wouldn't stoop so low as to use their kids in a ploy like that.
I could be wrong though :dunno: