this is what I hate about porn

I think porn is pretty interesting but the only thing that is sick is when there is a chick and she sucks the guys dick then he grabs her face and kisses her. its so nasty yuck. anyone else agree?
I think porn is pretty interesting but the only thing that is sick is when there is a chick and she sucks the guys dick then he grabs her face and kisses her. its so nasty yuck. anyone else agree?

You kiss your girlfriend after giving her oral? If so,what's the difference?
unless i nut in the mouth first, i see no problem with kissing a girl after she goes down on me. thats pretty tame in today's porn. :)
I've always wondered why they did that mess, that's why I'm hesitant to let the girl go down on me before we have intercourse, I love to Kiss and I don't want to Kiss after that.
So long as you keep your dick clean whats the big issue?! lol. Especially if it's your gf wanting to kiss you, it's the least you could do for her since shes just sucked your dick.
The only thing I'd be against is what iamforever said, wouldn't be into snow balling.
You know in the movie Kingpin when Munson realizes he slept with his landlord? I'm picturing sum41 having the same reaction to a girl kissing him after oral.
The way I look at it is this: if she kisses me after I went down on her why shouldn't I do the same to her? As long as it's not snowballing or anything who cares?

Considering some of what goes on in the world of porn...that's not too bad.

But on a side note, how do porn stars take cum in their mouths and such without throwing up all over the place? I'd be retching like hell.


knows petras secret: she farted.
first off, ill also second the notion that sum41 does not rule. they suck big donkey balls as a matter of fact. secondly, kissing a girl after oral is not a bad thing in the least. you want her to suck you off but you're gonna flip your lid over kissing her? if you treat your dick like its nasty as fuck, she might start to believe it, and thats never good.


Closed Account
Well, I was going to quote and answer but it would mean quoting all. *shakes head* Shame on you all. While I agree its to each his own, but I must just point out a few things.

Why would you want/expect her to take your "wad" as you put it then refuse a kiss? Double standard to the max. If you don't want snowballing fine in a way I can understand that, but to not wanting to kiss after a swallow? That's so one way and sends a message that you have just degraded her and at that moment think less of her. I would kiss after someone goes downtown on me that's for sure. How could I expect my partner to put his face there and then act uppity and refuse to kiss him? :dunno: Men have a strange way of looking at things I suppose. Must be that "homophobia" thing. lol

Just IMHO as always.

Well, I was going to quote and answer but it would mean quoting all. *shakes head* Shame on you all. While I agree its to each his own, but I must just point out a few things.

Why would you want/expect her to take your "wad" as you put it then refuse a Kiss? Double standard to the max. If you don't want snowballing fine in a way I can understand that, but to not wanting to Kiss after a swallow? That's so one way and sends a message that you have just degraded her and at that moment think less of her. I would Kiss after someone goes downtown on me that's for sure. How could I expect my partner to put his face there and then act uppity and refuse to Kiss him? :dunno: Men have a strange way of looking at things I suppose. Must be that "homophobia" thing. lol

ahem. what double standard have i done? i wont even let go on her face, let alone her mouth. like i said, if their is no cum in the mouth, i would Kiss my wife after she went down. :2 cents:
Ah a womans point of view ;) always makes more sense..
..but shame on us all, lol thats a lil harsh, the majority of guys including myself are saying we dont have a problem with it.
If I cum in her mouth, she won't kiss me either. She's told me that.
I understand the double standard issue LL is talking about.
I just wanted to make myself clear on that.
i use to think like this but then i became an adult and it was no big deal to see it or do it myself. I never came in a girls mouth just because to me its like canabalism.


Closed Account
If I cum in her mouth, she won't kiss me either. She's told me that.
I understand the double standard issue LL is talking about.
I just wanted to make myself clear on that.

Ah a womans point of view ;) always makes more sense..
..but shame on us all, lol thats a lil harsh, the majority of guys including myself are saying we dont have a problem with it.

I really wasn't pointing a finger fellas. Sorry, honestly as I stated in my post to each his own in everything. ;) It was just MHO once again.
