The Youngest Drunk Driver!!! LMAO

Lol, oh man....
We get it where i live all the time, i heard of this case where some little chav stole a car burnt it out and kept repeating the process in the same area until the cops caught him :rolleyes:
LMAO! :rofl2: For non-U.K. members and non-Anglophiles...

'chav' (slang) - a young British person, often without a high level of education, who follows a particular fashion; Chavs usually wear designer labels including the chav favourite 'Burberry,' and if they’re girls, very short skirts, large hoop earrings and stilettos.

Chavs see branded baseball caps as a status symbol and wear them at every opportunity. Normally found hanging around shopping centres.

Also known as Townies, Kevs, Hood Rats, Charvers, Steeks, Stigs, Bazzas, Yarcos, Ratboys, Chorer, Skangers, Scutters, Janners, Kappa Slappers, Scallies, Spides and Neds in Scotland.

Durty_Dog said:
We get it where i live all the time, i heard of this case where some little chav stole a car burnt it out and kept repeating the process in the same area until the cops caught him :rolleyes:
I don't have any inkling what it means either. Maybe one of the English guys here can clear that up for us. lol

MightyKrendall said:
Yarcos? No offense, but what the hell kind of word is that?
Nightfly said:
LMAO! :rofl2: For non-U.K. members and non-Anglophiles...
Also known as Townies, Kevs, Hood Rats, Charvers, Steeks, Stigs, Bazzas, Yarcos, Ratboys, Chorer, Skangers, Scutters, Janners, Kappa Slappers, Scallies, Spides and Neds in Scotland.[/COLOR]

One has only ever heard of the term Townies. Ghastly blighters, the lot of them.
Nightfly said:
I don't have any inkling what it means either. Maybe one of the English guys here can clear that up for us. lol
I mean, I've studied both Spanish and Japanese and that is the oddest word I've ever seen.
It's just British slang, Krendall. I'm sure it comes from SOMETHING, but it's just slang. I mean, :wtf: is "chav" supposed to mean either? lol

I'm still laughing about the story that started this thread. The girl stealing drinks at the party and then stealing the family car, driving drunk at 12 years-old. She's lucky she didn't kill hersef or someone else!!! Knowing that no one was hurt or injured, it makes for a funny story!!! :D :)
wow i live in swindon, england! Brilliant, wish id seen this, or even better randomnly knew the person/family!