“The Unspoken Alliance:” What Did Israel Learn From Apartheid South Africa?


great article that deserves to be read in full

A May 6 report from the Israeli newspaper Yediot Ahronot gave Israeli government officials and their hardline American proxies the ammunition they had been seeking against Judge Richard Goldstone. After Goldstone, a Jewish former South African judge who describes himself as a proud Zionist, charged Israel with crimes against humanity for its assault on the Gaza Strip in late 2008 and 2009, the Israeli government sought to destroy him. Now, thanks to Yediot’s reporting, which documented Goldstone’s career as a judge in South Africa’s apartheid system and ignored his heroic role in guiding the country’s democratic transition, Israel and its allies have renewed their assault.

According to an editorial by Alan Dershowitz, Goldstone “helped legitimate one of the most racist regimes in the world… he had climbed the judicial ladder on whipped backs and hanged bodies.” Jeffrey Goldberg of the Atlantic Magazinefollowed up, calling Goldstone, “a man without a moral compass.” The attack spread throughout the neocon blogosphere, including to Tablet, where Marc Tracy accused Goldstone of publishing his report about the assault on Gaza to alleviate his “severe case of guilt.” Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon piled on, characterizing the judge’s explanation for working inside the apartheid system as “the same explanation we heard in Nazi Germany after World War II.”

However, by assailing Goldstone’s reputation to protect Israel from the meticulously documented facts and modest recommendations contained in his report about the assault on Gaza, Israel’s right-wing government and its American allies unwittingly summoned the Banquo’s Ghost of Israeli foreign policy: the country’s longtime military alliance with South Africa’s apartheid regime.

In the wake of the 1973 war, Israel made its relationship with apartheid South Africa official (sporadic arms trade had occurred as early as 1955, when Israel delivered Uzi submachine guns to South Africa), exchanging intelligence, nuclear technology, arms and military strategy with the white supremacist government. Though figures from Israel’s Labor Party initiated the connection with purely cynical motives, the Likudniks who now dominate Israeli politics consolidated the alliance along the lines of ideological affinity, nurturing cozy personal relationships with the architects of apartheid. Israel was apartheid South Africa’s most dependable ally, sustaining its racist system even after the rest of the world recoiled in disgust, and perhaps learning a thing or two along the way.

This sordid and under-examined relationship comes to life on the pages of The Unspoken Alliance: Israel’s Secret Relationship with Apartheid South Africa, a meticulously researched book that reads like a spy thriller. The author, Foreign Affairs senior editor Sasha Polakow-Suransky, spent seven years on his project, conducting interviews with key players from Israel and South Africa, mining South Africa’s apartheid-era archive and resurrecting documents and articles that the Israeli Foreign Ministry would prefer remain forgotten. Rich with intrigue and shocking details but written without a trace of stridency, The Unspoken Alliance is the most authoritative account to date of Israel’s scandalous dealings with the apartheid regime of South Africa.

Readers of the book will learn that while serving as Israeli defense minister, Shimon Peres nurtured his country’s diplomatic relationship with South Africa even while publicly condemning apartheid. After a secret trip to Pretoria in 1974, when Peres first proposed the alliance, he assured his South African hosts that “this relationship is based not only on common interests and on the determination to resist equally our enemies, but also on the unshakeable foundations of our common hatred of injustice and our refusal to submit to it.” The following year, Peres signed a secret security pact with South African defense minister P.W. Botha that led immediately to $200 million in arms deals.

Peres and Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin welcomed South African Prime Minister B.J. Vorster to Israel in 1976, taking him on a tour of the Western Wall and the requisite stop at the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial in Jerusalem. It did not seem to matter to Peres or Rabin that Vorster had been an outspoken supporter of Nazi Germany during World War II, or that he devised the policy of torture and repression against his country’s black opposition. Though Vorster’s disturbing past was well known, he encountered few organized protests while gallivanting around Jerusalem.. The Israeli media almost unanimously avoided harsh criticism of the visit, while the Jerusalem Postfawned over the apartheid leader for “recharting his country’s racial and foreign policy.” Back in South Africa, a leading daily called the visit “one of the most successful diplomatic coups in [Vorster's] ten years in office.”

When Menachem Begin led the right-wing Likud Party into power in 1977, ties between Israel and South Africa’s military brass deepened. Appointed as Defense Minister in 1981, Ariel Sharon became a key link to the apartheid regime; along with Army chief of staff Raful Eitan, he became fast friends with South African military commander Magnus Malan. Days after Israel bombed Iraq’s Osirak nuclear reactor in 1981 (”not to allow these crazy Arabs to possess nuclear weapons,” as Eitan wrote), earning harsh condemnations from governments around the world, Malan relayed his sympathy to Eitan, “It is comforting to know that South Africa does not stand alone in facing criticism from the international community,” Malan wrote to his counterpart. “Our respective countries will have to withstand this in many manifestations.” Then, when Sharon resigned after his role in the grisly Sabra and Shatila massacre in Beirut came to light, Malan wrote to thank his disgraced counterpart for the “friendly and understanding way in which you have conducted matters of mutual interest between ourselves and our respective Defense Forces.”

But South Africa and Israel were bound together in their respective battles against the ANC and PLO by much more than a shared anti-communist agenda. In their private correspondences, as Polakow-Suransky documents, leaders from the two countries described their alliance as a holy war against the dark-skinned hordes. As Israel’s former ambassador to apartheid South Africa, a Likudnik named Eliahu Lankin, wrote to his South African allies in 1987, “What the ANC is demanding today is nothing less than ‘one man, one vote’… If the whites were to agree to this in present circumstances, they would be committing suicide, not only politically but physically as well.” Eitan made no secret of his fears about empowering the demographic majority, warning before an audience at Tel Aviv University that blacks “want to gain control over the white majority just like the Arabs here want to gain control over us. And we, too, like the white minority in South Africa, must act to prevent them from taking us over.”

During the mid-1980’s, while Western governments gradually divested from South Africa, the Laborites Rabin and Peres maintained practical imperatives for continuing the alliance. When the idealistic young Foreign Ministry director-general Yossi Beilin lobbied Peres to support sanctions against South Africa, Peres angrily summoned Mossad chief Nahum Admoni to berate Beilin, insisting to him at Peres’ behest that the white minority government would not give up power for another thirty years no matter what the international community did. For his part, Rabin justified opposing sanctions on the grounds that they would “mean the firing of tens of thousands of workers” in Israel’s defense industry. Israeli labor unions echoed Rabin’s argument. In 1988, one year after Israel finally imposed sanctions on South Africa, its arms sales to the apartheid government totaled over $1.5 billion.

“Israel was probably our only avenue in the 1980’s,” South Africa’s former Air Force chief Jan van Loggerenberg told Polakow-Suransky.

By the mid-1980’s, international opinion had turned solidly against South Africa’s government. In the United States, the anti-apartheid movement had broken into the mainstream, gathering celebrity support and powerful allies in the Congressional Black Caucus. Seeking to reverse the tide, South African intelligence agents found an eager accomplice in the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), a New York-based Jewish outfit supposedly dedicated to combating bigotry.

Under the leadership of Irwin Suall, a former communist who came to see the American left as a threat to Israel’s existence, the ADL deployed a spy named Roy Bullock to the mission, dispatching him to infiltrate US-based anti-apartheid groups and monitor the movements of visitors like Archbishop Desmond Tutu. While the ADL concealed Bullock’s salary by paying him through a shadowy Los Angeles law firm, Bullock collected a paycheck from South Africa’s intelligence service, which also benefited from his “findings.” The ADL supplemented its skullduggery with a propaganda campaign against the ANC. In a 1986 article, ADL national director Nathan Perlmutter called Nelson Mandela and the ANC “totalitarian, anti-humane, anti-democratic, anti-Israel and anti-American.”

The apartheid regime’s former allies in the ADL now readily concede that the state of Israel is engaged in a legitimacy battle remarkably similar to the one South Africa faced. Together with Dershowitz and the usual “pro-Israel” voices, the ADL assails any public figure who dares use the term “apartheid” in the context of Israel’s policies in the occupied West Bank, tainting them with accusations of anti-Semitism. Meanwhile, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has personally authorized a campaign of political warfare against Judge Goldstone and the human rights NGOs who contributed data to his report on the Gaza assault, accusing them of waging “lawfare” against the Jewish State.

Netanyahu appears in The Unspoken Alliance in a remarkable cameo. As one of the Likud Party’s rising stars, Netanyahu was deployed before the UN General Assembly in 1986 to rebut charges that Israel was assisting South Africa’s apartheid regime. Larded with diversions and outright deceptions about Israel’s trade ties with South Africa, Netanyahu’s speech was immediately discredited. At the same time, his bravado performance helped pave his path to the prime minister’s office.

Netanyahu ended his speech with a stentorian denunciation of the apartheid system. “The battle against apartheid has reached an historic junction,” he boomed from the podium. “It can either surge forward on a straight path to the total abolition of this hateful system. Or it can sink into the mud of falsehood and vindictiveness.” His words grow more ironic by the day.



From a list called "The 2010 TOP TEN ANTI-ISRAEL LIES" put out by the Simon Weisenthal Center
# 5
On both sides of the Atlantic, church groups, academics and unions are leading deceitful and often anti-Semitic boycott
campaigns demonizing what they call the Jewish “apartheid” State.
The truth is that unlike apartheid South Africa, Israel is a democratic state. Its 20% Arab minority enjoys all the political,
economic and religious rights and freedoms of citizenship, including electing members of their choice to the Knesset
(Parliament). Israeli Arabs and Palestinians have standing before Israel’s Supreme Court. In contrast, no Jew may own
property in Jordan, no Christian or Jew can visit Islam’s holiest sites in Saudi Arabia.
Enemies of Israel exploit this phony issue.

It's like there's a picture of emceeemcee on the wall where they compose these bulletins; probably with natty leiderhosen drawn in and wearing a suave little square mustache like his favorite Fuehrer ...!:rofl2:

It's not worth educating a rabid anti-everything right of center Jew-hater like this little bumblebee in the economics of world trade, vis a vis Red China and the US, for example...he would start spouting Jewish International Banking Conspiracies and evidence the Jews started WWII (ever wonder how such a tiny group with so much power to control everyone gets attacked so often?:rofl:)
Please...no common sense or intelligence allowed in an emceeemcee post...!:rofl2:


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Israel is like a little kid that has to have its way.
^ smh

So that's Israel's true colors...awesome article emceeemcee, thanks for the heads up.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
And it should. They're our only real ally in that dump called the Middle East.

And America is like the ignorant parent who keeps telling everyone that their kid is a good kid even though the kid is known for being a little prick.


Right...compared to your favorite kid...who is that...Iran, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan? Really great friends and baby killers...of course all the Jew haters try to make it seem so objective when they rag on Israel and ignore the shitholes they like so much.
You do wanna see Sharia law in place instead of a good ol' fashioned Israeli parlimentary system, right? Bright, world improving ace inventors and good allies like the Israelis had to go and spoil a good thing by being JEWISH! Damn it!
Israel doesn't IMO define the Jewish people. I don't believe that Jews are mass murderers who support genocide. I believe Jews deep down are good people, the leadership of Israel is obviously evil, and is in conflict with real Judaism. I would like to see more Jews speak out in condemnation of Israel without fear of being labeled self hating Jews. When any criticism of Israel is met with violent name calling, any hope for real progress is stifled. Everybody needs to take a look in the mirror sometimes, our problems are not always everyone elses fault.


The following is the written text of a speech delivered by Rabbi Yisroel P. Feldman of Neturei Karta International at the Manhattan rally of the Metropolitan Muslim Coalition on April 12, 2002

With God’s help may the words that we speak here today sanctify God’s name and may it bring peace and brotherhood amongst His creations.

A – salaam aleikum

There are some people who may ask, why a Jew is speaking at this Palestinian demonstration?

But in truth, the question should be totally different. The question should be, how is it that the Jewish people, which have been known as a compassionate, God fearing, peaceful peope and have lived side by side for over a thousand years, in peace and brotherhood with their Arab and Muslim cousins, how is it possible that this Jewish nation, can be one and the same as this Zionist state, this Israeli state and its arrogant militia, with their flag unfurled with a Star of David at its center?

This question, thank God, I am humbly able to answer.

The answer is, my friends, that your question is really the answer.

What you are seeing today, as representative of Judaism is truly the antithesis of Judaism.

Not only is Zionism not one and the same with Judaism, but on the contrary, Zionism is the true nemesis of Judaism. The transformation of Godliness into a work of Satan.

Tragically some people in the Holy Land and elsewhere, as part of a mistaken reaction to the Holocaust, have seen the Zionist entity as their savior and somehow representative of world Jewry.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Judaism, true Judaism, totally rejects, in fact, it abhors the philosophy of Zionism.

Zionism is a philosophy originated by non believers, by Jews long since estranged from their faith.

It is a philosophy that denies God and His constant supervision and does not accept His Torah as their law.

It is a philosophy based upon the systematic dispossession and oppression of the Palestinian people.

As such it is the antithesis of Judaism.

My brothers, pay careful note, around the world from Durban, South Africa to London, from New York to Jerusalem, Orthodox Jews have demonstrated in the streets against the Israeli state and the horrors of Zionist actions.

In New York City, in Manhattan, a few weeks back, over twenty thousand anti Zionist Jews marched against – not simply the occupation of Gaza and the West bank – rather against the very notion of the Israeli state itself.

This march was completely ignored by the mainstream media.

Do you know that just this week at a religious anti-Zionist march in Jerusalem, God fearing orthodox Jews were beaten mercilessly and some were thrown into prisons, where they are still today. Have you seen one word of this in any of the media outlets?

Members of the press here today – please, do not be intimidated. Tell the world the truth. Tell them that Zionism was opposed by almost all believing Jews from its inception. And till today the opposition stands strong.

We posit that metaphysically there can never be real peace in the Middle East as long as the state of Israel exists, because its very existence and all its consequential actions is a rebellion against God.

We proclaim that the tremendous upsurge of anti-Semitism throughout the world is a direct result of Zionism, and that is exactly what the Zionists want, so that the Jewish people will feel forced to run to them for their supposed protection. We point a finger at Zionism and its state as the core reason for the colossal tragedy that has been perpetrated in the holy land, against Arab and Jew alike, from the inception of Zionism until today.

We want to stress our paid and embarrassment in regard to the last tragedies and deaths which have accured in Jenin, Nablus , Bais Lechem, the list goes on and on.

But you should know that Zionism is a greater tragedy for Jews than for the Palestinians.

From the Palestinians, Zionism and its state, took their land and their bodies, but from the Jews the Zionists and its state took their souls, their belief in God and in fact they have transformed the hole concept of Judaism.

Our task as Jews in the world is a very basic one. It is to serve the Creator as we have been commanded and to seek peace and promote respect towards all men.

We yearn for the day when world Jewry having abandoned Zionism will live in peace and harmony with their Arab and Muslim cousins throughout the world.

As we all know everybody would want that the rights and freedom of the Palestinians, be achieved without any loss of life, as this is the normal human beings wish. And so we pray that this objective should be achieved speedily and immediately without any more pain and suffering, be it Palestinian or be it Jewish. This is the prayer of all decent man.

May we live to see the day, speedily in the very near future, when the One God will be recognized through out His universe and all will serve Him together in peace and joy. AMAN

A – salaam aleikum
There are huge numbers of Jewish people who are opposed to Israel and Zionism. We in the west never hear about these Jews largely because our media is owned by such rabid pro Israel Zionists. These Jews who are critical of Israel and Zionism are called terrible names and suffer awful ridicule by their fellow Jews. Its important to hear from these enlightened, courageous, Jews who despite the abuse, stand up for what they believe is right.

One of these brave Jews is Gilad Atzmon, Here is a Q&A with some of his thoughts.

his website http://www.gilad.co.uk/

On my way to Athens by Gilad Atzmon
Friday, May 14, 2010 at 7:41AM Gilad Atzmon
Next week I am going to be traveling between Istanbul, Athens and Nicosia. I will be giving concerts and talks in support of the coming Free Gaza flotilla. In the last few days, I gave many interviews to Greek papers. Here is one. I guess that it sums up many of my thoughts about Israel, Zionism, Jewish identity, Palestine, Gaza and the Free Gaza mission.

Q. Where were you born and where did you spend your early years?

GA: I was born in Israel in 1963. It took me many years before I realized that the place I was born in was in fact occupied Palestine.

Q. Musician, author, activist, philosopher – which of these identities suits you most?

GA: I am a Jazz musician. In ideal terms I would love to see myself as a person who reinvents himself on a daily basis. This is obviously a wet fantasy, a task almost impossible to achieve. But it is something to aspire to. I am academically trained as a philosopher and believe that German philosophy sets the right framework for an articulate, ideological, ethical and universal thinking. I am also an author yet I do not regard myself as an activist. I have never understood what activism stands for. I may as well mention that I am not interested in politics but rather in meaning and implications of political activity and political thinking.

Q: Why do you oppose your Jewish and Israeli identity?

GA: I do not oppose Jewish or Israeli identity. I oppose any possible form of Jewish politics and indeed any identity politics. The reason is simple. Since Jewish identity is racially orientated, every permutation of Jewish politics is racist to the bone and I am obviously against racism. In fact, Israel and Zionism was originally an attempt to rescue the Jew from racist politics and racial political orientation. Zionism invented the Jewish nation. (or: Jews as a nation). Early Zionists attempted to present the Jews as a people amongst other people instead of a distinct race. This idea looked fine on paper, yet, the reality of the Jewish state proves that Israel is the most radical form of Jewish chauvinism. The Israeli legal system is totally discriminatory toward non Jews. Israeli policies are no different form Nazi racial laws.

Q: What was it that hurt you so much as to state publicly that you fight the Israeli in you? Don’t you feel that this is a harsh statement to make? A statement that shows anger?

GA: Yes I am indeed angry. Watching 1.5 million Palestinians being starved in Gaza makes me angry. Watching the IDF throw bombs and white phosphorous on elders, women and children who seek shelter in an UNRA compound makes me angry. Watching the Israeli air force flatten Lebanon in 2006 made me angry. Watching the holy land get sliced by a gigantic separation wall makes me angry. Transforming Palestine into a Jewish bunker makes me angry. Meeting dispossessed Palestinian refugees who cannot even visit their land makes me very angry. Realising that 1.5 million Iraqis lost their life because of a Zionist global war designed by Ziocon Wolfowitz makes me furious. Zionists advocating the Killing of Muslims in the name of moral interventionism freaks me out. Watching AIPAC promote more wars and violence makes my blood boil.

Q: Don’t Israelis or Jews have the right for a national homeland, a safe homeland that is?

GA: Strictly speaking the answer is NO. If the Jews ever had a right for a national home, they lost this right a long time ago. As we know Zionism celebrated the Jewish national revival at the expense of the Palestinian people.

Would you allow a bunch of Italian lunatics to invade your home in Athens just because they are convinced that your dwelling was once part of the Roman Empire? They could claim that your home was a property of their Roman forefathers. Clearly, Italians wouldn’t get away with it, but Zionists did, at least for a while.

There is no right for a racist state that celebrates its tribal symptoms at the expense of others. There is no room for Israel amongst the nations.

Q: What concessions have to be made for Palestinians to live free and prosper?

GA: Pretty simple. Israel must become a state of its citizens. At the moment a Jew in Brooklyn enjoys more rights in Palestine than a Palestinian who was born on the land.

Q: Why should Israelis cut down on armaments? Is it not the case that the increase in military equipment is due to their sentiment of insecurity, as they are surrounded by Arabs?

GA: It doesn’t matter anymore whether Israel cuts down on armaments. Israel’s defeat is inevitable. In 2006 the entire Israeli military was humiliated by a small paramilitary organization namely the Hezbollah. In 2009 Israel didn’t achieve any of its military objectives in spite of the massive deployment of IDF units and the collective punishment of civilians by using extreme military measures against civilians including WMDs. The Israelis employ more and more force, they entangle themselves in more and more colossal war crimes, the legitimacy of the Jewish State is a matter for historians. The doomed fate of Israel is written on the wall.

Do you believe that Jewish people still feel unwanted, even though so many decades have passed since the Holocaust?

GA: It is hard for me to talk about Jewish people, for I do not know all Jews. However, Jewish politicians always emphasize the fear of anti Semitism. All forms of Jewish politics present different methods of raising barriers between Jews and others, Zionism is there to separate the Jew from the Goy, the Bund (Jewish socialists) is also there to separate the Jew from the working class, the Jewish left is there to set a tribe of chosen people amongst peace lovers.

Q: Could Israelis and Palestinians live in peace?

GA: Not in a million years. The notion of peace and reconciliation are foreign to the Israeli ideology, politics and Identity. When an Israeli says Shalom, they do not mean peace, they actually mean ‘security for the Jews’. This self-centric mode was identified by Christ 2000 years ago. Love your neighbour and turn the other cheek was Jesus’ lesson. Israel on the other hand seeks collective gratification through revenge. According to the Jerusalem post 94% of Israeli Jews supported the 2009 IDF air raids against Palestinian civilians. There is no way to describe the fact above other than as an extreme form of lethal tribal barbarism.

For Israelis to live in peace, a metamorphic shift of consciousness is needed instead of a political shift.

In what way can the “Ship to Gaza” help resolve the Israeli–Palestinian conflict?

GA: It is not there to resolve the conflict. It is there to first of all: Bring necessary aid to the people of Gaza. Secondly: It is there to raise media and public awareness of the ongoing colossal Israeli war crimes against humanity.

I would add that since the Palestinians are at the forefront of the war against modern evil. The Free Gaza is not just a humanitarian effort, it is actually a call from humanity, it is there to remind us all what humanism stands for.

Q: You are the founder of the “Orient House Ensemble”. What is it mainly about?

GA: Initially I wanted to Palestinise some Jewish tunes. I naively believed that if we play Israeli and Jewish tunes about homecoming implementing Arabic scales, Jews and Israelis may open their heart to the Palestinian cause. In fact some Jews and Israelis have followed our line of thinking. However, many people in the UK and around the world realized what we tried to achieve. Our message wasn’t a break through in Israel but we found many attentive ears around the world. We are playing together for almost 10 years. We do not have any plans to stop.

Q: How can the Greek people stand up against the imminent new reality?

GA: I travel all over the world and I can reassure you that the Greeks are at the very forefront of supporting Palestine. To oppose Israel is an ethical priority. All we have to do is to say what we believe and not to shy away from saying it loudly and proudly.


The truth is that unlike apartheid South Africa, Israel is a democratic state.

you left out the bit about millions of people living in the gaza and the west bank who can't vote for the people who control every aspect of their lives because they are Arabs.

so we can say that the area from the mediterranean to the jordan river is completely controlled by a predominatly Jewish Government. The white Jewish people living in this area enjoy the most rights. Some of the Arabs living in this area have similiar rights to the Jews, yet most Arabs have no rights.

So yes, just like apartheid south africa, Israel is a democracy. But only some people may participate in this democracy.


anybody else find it strange that Israel and it's blind supporters insist that it's not an apartheid state, yet-

-former Prime Minister Sharon referred to enclaves to which Palestinians lived as 'Bantustans'

-Israel officially refers to it's policies towards the palestinians as "hafradah", the hebrew word for seperation (apartheid is affricaans for separateness)

-Former south African prime minister and ardent supporter of apartheid Hendrik Verwoerd said "Jews took Israel from the Arabs after the Arabs had lived there for a thousand years. In that I agree with them, Israel, like South Africa, is an apartheid state.”



And it should. They're our only real ally in that dump called the Middle East.

You don't think Israel actually cares about America, do you?

They're just there to get what they can out of you....money, weapons, UNSC vetoes, people to fight their wars for them.....
Actually true democracy would be to create one large unified country (Similar to what Serbia And Montenegro was) where every citizen has equal rights and votes and no one people oppresses the other, it will be secular so all religions are respected (inc Christianity) and different regions have a say in the how they run their particular areas, I think this will be the best solution as all the people are semites at the end of the day and each have places of religious importance in each others 'territories'. The UN should put this proposal to Israel who can then discuss it with moderate group like Fatah and you'll see support for extremist groups like Hamas and Hezzbolah dissipate, these groups have actually gained popularity as the 'peace process' has stalled over the years. Once in place I can see a number of terrorist groups laying down their arms as they would lose much of their support and the world can finally take a new direction for the better. I live amongst many jews and muslims in east london and they get along together just fine (outsiders looking in will see how similar they actually are), it's only the extremist muslims such as Hamas/Hezbollah and also the extreme right wing Jews that currently control the Knesset that cause all this race baiting as they are both motivated by an extreme view of their own religion that they place that over living in peace and harmony. The sad thing is when any non Jew criticises the current situation they are labelled Hamas loving anti semitic nazis and if a Jew criticises the government (and there are many) they are labelled self hating Jews, the world isn't so black and white so don't criticise people for offering an alternative solution that will be fair for BOTH sides and may help make the world a better place for all.
you left out the bit about millions of people living in the gaza and the west bank who can't vote for the people who control every aspect of their lives because they are Arabs.

Those millions voted a terror group (Hamas) into power that now not only makes the lives of the Palestinians more miserable on a daily basis but those of millions of Israelis as well. :sleep:

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Apartheid is an anagram of A Trap, Hide. I'm not sure if there's a connection there, just merely commenting...