The Truth Behind The Transgender Man Says He Is Pregnant

The truth came out last Thursday 4 p.m. E.S.T. on Oprah show.

The 32 years old transgender man Thomas with his much older wife (has two grown children) revealed on Oprah he is about 6 months pregnant. The previous thread was closed before Thomas appeared on national syndicated TV talk show and the Oprah segment went viral and the search engine went up 35,000 times for pregnant man.

The truth is Thomas is genetically 100% a woman. Thomas chromosome is XX and Thomas does not have any chromosomal abnormalities or genetic/hormonal diseases.

Thomas or Tracy was born in Hawaii either as an Asian woman or Asian-American mixed race woman. Her mother is white and her father is Asian (which is very common in Hawaii but not in other 49 States) Her mother committed suicide and she was bought up by her father and started some kind of kung-fu fighting stuff when she was young.

Like millions of lesbians women who want to go into a real legal binding relationship recognized by the State. Tracy decided to settle down in Orgeon (Don't forget Orgeon give us the legal right for assisted suicide) Tracy had total mastectomy, removal of her breasts and injected high doses of testosterone to grow beard and the exogenous testesterone stimulates the growth of her clitoris.

Tracy now claimed she is a man according to the law of Oregon (I still have to do a search on how you can claim to be a man in Oregon)

Tracy (now becomes Thomas) found a much older woman and settled down in a small town and open a small business. They decided to have children and what better is to have artifical insemination.

Tracy is genetically 100% female despite her mastectomy (tens of thosuands of women have mastectectomy due to breast cancer and this does not quality them to be called "a man". Her injection of HIGH dose of testestrone also does not quality her to be a man either.

Tracy (Thomas) claimed her clitoris becomes bigger, no bigger than 1"-2" but able to function as a penis which I found amazing. (I found the penis thing amazing. How can a Asian woman get the clitoris bigger than 1" ! Currently, most lesbians can not have penile implant, I mean physiological functional penile implant. Instead most lesbians opt for total hysterectomy, removal of the wombs, tubes and ovaries. Because there may have a slight increase in cancer rate with injection of HIGH dose of testesterone)

Through out the whole show, Tracy (Thomas) wife was wearing a long dark jacket, covering something which I am not sure if she is moderately obese and don't want anyone to know.

This is a hoax because any woman (lesbian or straight) who underwent mastectomy and injection of testoesterone is still genetically 100% a woman.



Another Oprah sensational story ! LOL !!:glugglug:
I think we already knew she was biologically a woman and just had her breasts removed and was getting injections. The only reason they ever said she was a man was because the person thinks of themself as a man.

Interesting to learn the background of the person though. :thumbsup:
yeah, I don't really see this as a hoax. I never heard it claimed that the person who is pregnant was biologically a man or that undergoing a "sex change" operation alters someones genetics (chromosomes).

this story seems to imply that tracy/thomas is a lesbian and NOT a trans-gender person who only underwent the operation so she that she could enter into a legal marriage which was not available to same-sex partners.

I'm not sure if this is true, or whether it's just a common misconception. remember, since a trans-gender person thinks of themselves as the opposite gender, let's say female to male, if they were dating a female they would consider themselves to be heterosexual, not homosexual.

If that is in fact the situation though, that's the first time that I've ever heard about it and that's pretty crazy.
the more families like this, the more chances appear to met something like that in the street :D

ok, ok, I do not wanna this thread to be closed as it happened with previous, so I am out :wave2:


How is it a lie? Tracy/Thomas fits the technical definition of a transgendered individual. (S)he probably didn't mention it on Oprah because it was assumed most people know the difference between TG, TS, CD, and TV. Most people where I live don't know the differences tho...
well I wouldn't say that it's a pretty common assumption for people to know those terms, SG. I had to look up a few myself, and because these are more or less just social stereotypes and not really psychological terms, they are a bit fuzzy. for example I think that TS has more or less been replaced by TG, as being more accurate and encompassing, while TV and CD are interchangeable and really depend on the individual and the motivations.

Really the point here, and not just in this post, but in the whole story, is that I think it's important for people to be classified (if at all, which is another debate) formost on how They themselves think that they should be.

I know that this is an issue that goes back and forth between people's social/scientific/cultural and moral/ethical viewpoints, but I think that it's really important to understand people, to understand psychology, and not just dismiss things because you may not entirely agree with them.

what i'm trying to say is that I appreciate the members on here that put education first in their posts. Ultimately this is a sexual board, and so sex ed and sex health I think are really important to be spotlighted.
How is it a lie? Tracy/Thomas fits the technical definition of a transgendered individual. (S)he probably didn't mention it on Oprah because it was assumed most people know the difference between TG, TS, CD, and TV. Most people where I live don't know the differences tho...

I agree with you in part. That is, Tracey/Thomas fits the definition.

But to say that she/he assumed that most people know the difference is a very long stretch. The average person in this world doesnt have or take the time to seek out information that they dont require in their daily lives. In most cases, they rely on on show's like Oprah to give them a taste of what they would consider different and bazzar...

The only time average Joe takes the time to learn about the different or bazzar, is when it starts to have direct effect in their daily lives...

:2 cents:
I'm average Joe and I think he did what he thought he had to do, be It right or Wrong.

He is a person just like you or me. So be kind.

Even to us average Joes please
The only time average Joe takes the time to learn about the different or bazzar, is when it starts to have direct effect in their daily lives...

:2 cents:

a lot of us like to rack up useless trivial knowledge and are just scholarly. It really depends on how you look at things. like I said, I think that understanding why people are motivated to do the things that they do, even and especially if they are not the things that WE do, is directly in relation to us, because we all (I hope) interact and have contact with other people.
Fressno, Calpoon...

dont take my post as an attack... I had to look up the definition myself as I honestly had no idea....

That makes me an average Joe as well.
none taken. just trying to maybe offer the other side of the coin.
He/she/it sounds like a woman to me regardless of whether he/she/it believes he/she/itself to be a man. If you use that line of thinking am I Napoleon if I believe I am?
I don't know. are you short, dean wormer?

as absurd as your argument tries to make itself seem, most people want to be someone that they aren't. that's the reason that rockstars come out with clothing lines, and just about 98% of all other commercial prospects and advertising.


Re: The Truth Behind The Transgender Man Says He Is Pregnant

We hold these "truths" to be self evident.


Really ! I'm still spooked and shuddered by last weeks related, all - active and now CLOSED thread ! :eek:

Didn't we split halvsies (50/ 50) pro con on it ?
Millions of American saw the Oprah show last Thursday and witnessed the dynamics of male hormone, testesterone on a female body. Tracy 'was" a beautiful Asian-American woman of mixed race from Hawaii but transformed into a man.

But the truth went further than meeting the ultrasound picture of the fetus in Tracy's body !

It is well documented testesterone taken by mouth can cause liver cancer.

However Tracy obviously used HIGH dose of testesterone injection by passing "FIRST PASS" through the liver. It is well documented high dose of testesterone can cause long term side-effect on the body.

But most of us in this thread and in all other blogs and newspapers never raise this question:

"What and how does long term use of HIGH dose male hormone, testesterone, will affect the fetus in the womb ?" (Women in general have almosts no male hormone when they become pregnant !)

The issue is not just "The Transgender Man Says He Is Pregnant" but he is bringing a child to this world with extremely high level of testesterone in "her" body.

Such high level of testesterone will affect the reproductive organs of the fetus and further harm the fetus !

Tracy (Thomas) claimed she did this because she can legally get married to her girlfriend and they are "husband and wife" and there are over 1,000 different laws protecting this partnership. But why get pregnant and annouce this to the world in the Oprah show. They can adopt children and raise a wonderful child together without hurting "your" own child in "your" own womb by injecting high dose of testesterone !


The part about it that I resent, as a Joe 6 pack kind of guy, is that this will certainly open the door, if you will, for a whole host of new - out of the closet newbs of the same . . . "orientation" of which I will have to extend greater priviliges / liberties than my fellow colleagues ("Joe" individuals).

It's more division ! Don't you see ? It creates new "special pseudo victimesque" class of . .. umm . . uh, people. The directive of society (PC garb) will force first graders to "understand" these cancers. Why in the he!! do the "odds" get the high throne ? I resent that. This individual will give birth <no pun> to a sheetload of new special activist groups as well as help create the "need" for additional government members that we most certainly do not want or need.

Stop ! STOP ! * line #2 ^ I suppose that this isn't really an established "orientation" yet, I hope !.

I've had it with all these unbalanced egos out there that "wanna" !

I wanna this . . . I wanna that ! And they don't even plan for their f'en retirement !!!!!!!!!! Where are our priorities ?
Lovejoy your post seems to imply that all lesbians want to be men! Thats not the case, I just thought i'd point that out. :tongue: (because you kept saying lesbians)

Calpoon I agree with everything you've said.

Facetious I don't see whats wrong with having people in the world who are 'different' or 'odd'. :dunno: I'm glad we have these people. Nothing you said in either of your posts sound like inherently bad things to me, and nobody is getting a 'higher throne,' people just want to be accepted.

Theres nothing wrong with wanting to be different. The only reason its a big deal, is because people make it a big deal because they are scared of change!



These cases are optional not life or death conditions. If things seem so bad for them they should stroll through a Children's and / or a Military Hospital.
This would offer them some balance in their lives. To see real people that are not likely to be with us next year, for example, gives us all another perspective on life. There's little compassion or attention offered to these people and we're talking about thousands upon thousands of individuals that we'll never know.

I believe that the entire cosmetic surgery apparatus has overstepped its bounds
and are mutilating peoples faces and bodies. Just look at . . . nevermind.

The western world is about to collapse in every way imaginable, believe it or not, IMO:dunno: and this individual continues to remain somewhat of a narcissist.

If I was this individual (and I will never be, as I'd jump the golden gate or the bridge at Bir Sur lol before I was) I'd be in hiding !

I can't believe that there are lobby groups that support these kinds of people simply because it gives the political power :rolleyes:
Wait ! Yea I can !


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
Facetious I don't see whats wrong with having people in the world who are 'different' or 'odd'. :dunno: I'm glad we have these people. Nothing you said in either of your posts sound like inherently bad things to me, and nobody is getting a 'higher throne,' people just want to be accepted.

I have two problems with this. The first is the sensationalism. If you're going to do it, do it quietly amongst your family, friends, and medical staff. There is no need to go to the media unless you're looking for handouts. That poor child is going to be dogged by the media. Hopefully after she is born something else will come along for everyone to focus on so she doesn't have to grow up with that.

My second problem is the child being concieved in the first place. Sure, the parent stopped a year before going on but nobody knows the effects of long term testosterone taking in such high doses is going to do to that baby. I can understand wanting a child of your own flesh but does the cost have to be possible side effects? Is that really a gamble you want to take on your own flesh and blood? Especially when there's kids out there that need a loving home?