The truth about Roswell?

It does seem unlikely that we are the only humanoid/intelligent beings in the entire universe.

However, when I read something like this in the article...

He believes the US is really governed by a kind of secret committee of senior military and intelligence officials with the president serving as a kind of hired hand to deal with the public.

And change it to this...

He believes the World is really governed by a kind of secret committee of senior military and intelligence officials with the presidents and prime ministers of countries serving as a kind of hired hand to deal with the public.

*PRESTO* we have the premise for...
I cannot believe in UFO's and all powerful aliens. I believe, that the belief in aliens is a way to fill the void that religion/God has left in an increasingly secular and materialistic life.

In my opinion, humans are hardwired to believe in a force more powerful than themselves. The proof is the entire human civilization, in which every culture in every era had some kind of belief system on religious lines. When religion, or God if you will, was kicked out of humans' lives with the advent of science and resultant materialism and secularism, the phenomenon of UFO's and aliens was born. And is it any surprise that these aliens too turned out to be far superior powerful compared to humanity, with a difference of thousands of years of technologic progress? Looks like an alternative to God to me.


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If there are alien life forms, why do they only contact idiots or nut cases?

Wouldn't they go for a better way of communication, and land in New York, Central Park or something?

I go along with them being the modern substitute for the classic gods.
There may well be alien life forms, the universe is quite big! As it's so big though the chance of anysuch beings picking the Earth to land on would be infinitessimally small.


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
With the size of the universe it is impossible to say we are the only intelligent life out there, but as someone else said the chances of these beings landing on Earth is quite small.
We will probably never know the full scope of life outside of our tiny galaxy.
I believe there has to be alien life forms out there, but ones that have gained the ability to reason and have the intelligence we have is actually said to be probably extremely rare. Most are either bacterial or just random creatures. If there are any out there trying to reach us, any signals we receive or send out will probably reach us or them long after we or they are gone. The chances of any actually reaching our planet physically is almost nil. Basically we aren't alone in the universe but we will be alone for the rest of our days without ever knowing the actual truth, is what I am saying.

Our universe is like going to any beach. It is said our galaxy is like one grain of sand in that whole beach and the distance between each granule is almost unfathomable. If any creature or some sort of spaceship can withstand the coldness of space let alone the time it takes to get here, they deserve to take us over. Even if they can travel the speed of light, which they would pretty much have to break themselves down into atoms (then have a machine that can put every little atom back in its correct place), it would still take hundreds of thousands of years to reach us and that's from the closest solar system as a starting point! Face it, we will not be, and have never been, physically contacted by anyone outside this planet

Roswell didn't happen and Area 51 is just a place where top secret, unpublished weapons are being tested. They have to be so secretive so other countries don't get the heads-up and start copying such weapons
A scientist once said (I can't remember his name right now) that if one in a million galaxies contains a star that is similar to the sun in that it can sustain life, and if one in a million of those stars has a planet orbiting it wich can sustain life, and if one in a million of those planets has life on it, and if one in a million of those planets has life on it wich evolved into a highly developed civilization than the universe is buzzing with highly developed civilizations. Thinking about it like that I'd say it's very likely there's more life in the universe than just us ;)

This crap again?

Roswell was a frikin' balloon. The only reason the conspiracy theory still hangs around is because people make money off it. The fact Charles Berlitz is the one who invented it should be enough to raise an eyebrow or two.

Remember...this happened in 1947. It was in the news for a few days..that was it. Then no one mentioned it again until Berlitz came out with the book "The Roswell Incident" in 1980. He'd already invented the Bermuda Triangle and made millions off it so he needed a follow-up.

Why did nobody talk about it for 33 years? Even in the late 50's when flying saucers were all the rage...nobody mentions Roswell. Don't tell me it was intimidation by the government. If that was the would still have applied in 1980 when Berlitz was interviewing people for his book.

The simple fact one talked about it for 33 years because the evidence that it was a balloon was solid. There was nothing to talk about. But after 33 years most of the principles who were involved had died so now all the "evidence" is coming from second or even third hand sources. Somebody knew someone who knew someone who knew someone who said it was aliens. And the hicks who live in Roswell are only too happy to play along. There's nothing else in Roswell. Trust me...I've been through there.

Unfortunately...there are still millions of dollars to be made by promoting the alien angle. Guys like Stanton Friedman make tons of money clinging to the ridiculous idea that it was a massive government cover-up.

It was a frikin' balloon, people. Sorry to say.

the alien at roswell was dr. zoidberg


i believe that advanced aliens from another planet spent hundreds, maybe thousands, of years perfecting warp technology so they can come here and stick thermometers up cows' asses. really.


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
I question there being intelligent life out "there". I find it difficult to find any here.:dunno: