The problem with threads about the problems of stupid shit is...

The problem with threads about the problems of stupid shit is...getting to be a problem.
I think Lebron is going to post in this thread tonight and ask us all to stop posting in the problem threads out of respect for MJ....
Who didn't see it coming? :dunno:
I would of thought Ray Charles, but I see where you are going with this :cool:

The right smiley, for the right post! :thumbsup:
...they're never as good as the original threads about "The problem with (something) is..."


I still think it's a good idea to have a coupla venting threads for the right-wing nuts and the reality-based liberals.
..... they make you feel like you have sand in the crack of your ass. And not in the good "ooh this is kinky" kind of way. More like the driving home from the dump in 120 degree weather .... type situation....
. . . giving some of us erectile dysfunction (ED). :thefinger