The "other" Nude Playoffs thread

With Prod3 making a second inquiry (first one in posting #11,165), I'm going to follow up on my posting (#11,168), and start a SECOND Nude Challenge. As I stated in my posting, I take a crap-ton of screen shots in the three harem games that I play. I usually select a standard, harem-girl pic and then an .. action pic, from each game, for a thread I started. (see Kinkoid Games: fun, but a big "time suck" | Freeones Forum - The Free Sex Community)

I'll do a trail run of each set of girls, and see what the feedback is. I'll start with my original / first harem game played, Hentai Heroes. These are your traditional anime girls – feminine / adorable / etc. Again, see the thread for the athletic anime girls (Comix Harem), or the “real” starlets (Pornstar Harem).

I'll have a theme for each collection. I know that people have made comments about “the model with the largest breasts ALWAYS seems to win..” for wmonbear's original playoff thread. And, on that note, kudos to the Challenge Founder! As the Wayne's World quote goes, “We're not worthy!!!”

I'll go with bubble / butts for the first set of challengers. I'm thinking Wednesday PM / Thursday AM postings, with Sunday PM / Monday AM voting deadlines. That way peeps will have the weekend to find a few minutes to check out the beauties, and nominate their fave.

If there is a tie .. I might take .. Executive / Founder privilege, and pick the winner between the two. I'm the second coming of Hugh Hefner, and how he selected his Playmate of the Year winner!

So .. here we go. Feedback is appreciated!


2_401-Kiko-nice but skinny ass-crpd.JPG

3_999-Shiro-rear left-nude-crpd.JPG

4_407-Lilu-bubble-butt ass-crpd.JPG

5_202-Amarie-nice ass-crpd.JPG
91 views, and only ONE vote?

Hmmmm - looks like I'll skip the Comix Harem set for the next posting, and go straight to the .. "actual" starlets, from Pornstar Harem.

Is the lack of interest because the nudes are anime? Lack of background / variety in setting?
So .. wmonbear got 12 votes for his last .. collection. I'll keep this around until I get at least six.

Probably for the better, anyway. I have to put material together for my Halloween Eve postings on my primary threads.
Looks like wmonbear missed his 48 hour estimate by .. 7-plus hours, as of this posting.

If peeps want to vote on nude hotties, here's your Chance!
wmonbear just tallied the results from "the original" Nude Contest.

For those jonesing for input on nude hotties, this contest is still seeking votes!!
Wmonbear just talled the results from the last WCN contest. While waiting for the next one, why not exercise your vote for this one?
Oh is this Harem Heroes (sometimes called Hentai Heroes)? I loved that game! Played it for a while but it got to be too much of a time sink and encouraged micro transactions too much to progress in a reasonable amount of time, so I stopped. The art of the girls is top-notch in this game, though, they’re so pervy and hot lol.

My vote is for Sunless.
Okay ..; wmonbear's on another .. intermission.

Got an .. itchy voting keyboard?? Vote in this contest!


Expect Nothing and Appreciate Everything
Prod3 - hey! You Missed this post! Thought you wanted to voice your opinion on line-ups of hotties?

I'm here now...I completely missed this thread last October when you started fairness I was pretty busy elsewhere in my life, but still was on FO from time to time.
It may have helped to tag me using the @Pornfan99 system where I would have gotten a notification, and you would get a notification that i've now tagged you in this post ;-)

Now I know about it, bring on some more fab pictures, and i'll vote :giggle:

I would have voted for KIKO in the first round
Yikes .. that did NOT go well.. For those who DID vote – Sunless is the winner of the first contest.

As I indicated above – I'll go straight to the “actual” starlets, from Pornstar Harem. (Comix Harem will be the third set.) At some point, wmonbear started an .. Ultra Division, with .. content of a graphic nature. I'll do so for this second set.

How is THAT for graphic? Using the fingertips of her index fingers to lift up those internal labia, for a nice OB/GYN view, in pic #1!

11a-3420-dk brun-pussy-spreading-OBGYN.jpg

For the second selection, those labia are engorged but collapsing inwards / together. With a reflective grool drop just below the gape on the left labia. And, hints of more reflective goodness further down the left labia, at its most .. engorged point.

12a-3317-dk brun-pussy-flappy.jpg

Moving on to .. interactive pictures, now. HAD TO include this picture-perfect example of a stimulated clitoris, for pic #3.

13a-3391-strawb blonde-msnry-close-up with clit & gape.jpg

Another interactive one. I am personally not a fan of camel-toe pussies. So, this is the .. “best” example I could come up with, for one of those types, in pic #4.

14a-3370-dk brun-msnry-dildeo-TALL pussy.jpg

This is another graphic one, so I thought it would be best to put it last, as pic #5. Interactive, but with third input! Being the grool fan that I am, also had to include an example of a “glistening” pussy. As you can see in the bottom 1/3 of her pussy. At the bottom of her gape - it appears there is a “pool” of it, casting a shadow. And some if it has leaked out / down, below the labia. One can make out a drop of it towards the right side of his cock, just to the left of the vein.

15a-3050d-Asian-revcg-anl-pussy-flappy w gape.jpg

So – which pussy is YOUR favorite?

Little Red Wagon Repairman

Posts With Autopen
Yikes .. that did NOT go well.. For those who DID vote – Sunless is the winner of the first contest.

As I indicated above – I'll go straight to the “actual” starlets, from Pornstar Harem. (Comix Harem will be the third set.) At some point, wmonbear started an .. Ultra Division, with .. content of a graphic nature. I'll do so for this second set.

How is THAT for graphic? Using the fingertips of her index fingers to lift up those internal labia, for a nice OB/GYN view, in pic #1!

View attachment 1182502

For the second selection, those labia are engorged but collapsing inwards / together. With a reflective grool drop just below the gape on the left labia. And, hints of more reflective goodness further down the left labia, at its most .. engorged point.

View attachment 1182503

Moving on to .. interactive pictures, now. HAD TO include this picture-perfect example of a stimulated clitoris, for pic #3.

View attachment 1182504

Another interactive one. I am personally not a fan of camel-toe pussies. So, this is the .. “best” example I could come up with, for one of those types, in pic #4.

View attachment 1182505

This is another graphic one, so I thought it would be best to put it last, as pic #5. Interactive, but with third input! Being the grool fan that I am, also had to include an example of a “glistening” pussy. As you can see in the bottom 1/3 of her pussy. At the bottom of her gape - it appears there is a “pool” of it, casting a shadow. And some if it has leaked out / down, below the labia. One can make out a drop of it towards the right side of his cock, just to the left of the vein.

View attachment 1182506

So – which pussy is YOUR favorite?


Those ladies have such beautiful vaginas
it wouldn't matter what their face looked
like or even if they had a head remaining.
This is so fucking awesome. Pussygazing truly is an observational science. I wanna get a degree in it. Wonder what the “course work” would be 😏

I’m having a hard time deciding between 2 and 3. Both show engorged excitement of different parts of the hot anatomy. I think I will give it to #3 since I’ve been staring at that engorged clit so much it’s been burned into my brain. Plus it has higher resolution and I am fascinated by it.