It's just a cuss word. Like if I called someone a cunt they'd get offended because it's an offensive word, ironic considering it's true meaning is something quite wonderful.
It's just a cuss word. Like if I called someone a cunt they'd get offended because it's an offensive word, ironic considering it's true meaning is something quite wonderful.
It's just a cuss word. Like if I called someone a cunt they'd get offended because it's an offensive word, ironic considering it's true meaning is something quite wonderful.
It's just a cuss word. Like if I called someone a cunt they'd get offended because it's an offensive word, ironic considering it's true meaning is something quite wonderful.
British people are the best when it comes to saying "cunt", I don't know maybe its the accent but it just doesn't have that visceral impact when say an American or a Canadian says it. It just comes off more friendly sounding versus mean sounding without the accent.
Dude, I've got a smart dick. Plus a smart ass (as opposed to a dumb ass). In fact, I've got such a smart ass I can sit on your ice cream cone and tell you the flavour.
Given that when men are amongst good looking women, we tend to get stupid because our prick is doing our thinking for us, being referred to as a Dick Head would mean stupidity.