The Fucking Word of the Day


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
:rofl: Capricious was funny as hell.


what the fuck you lookin at?
I say start em freshman year. Maybe late in middle school would be fine too.


Member, you member...
cicatrix - funny, in Spanish, we were taught that a scar is "cicatrice." Even in Scarface he's called "cara de cicatrice." Wow, I just thought it to be the word for scar in Spanish, not cicatrix.

Please don't ban hammer my ass, just sharing.
Disdained to see the learning to expand one's vocabulary is needed by the use of profanity. And for what? A facetious ostentatious exhibit of the use of one's verbose lexicon to use for personal regalement?

I shall obsecrate that you acquire them in proper venues. Instead of crude, profane paradigms :hatsoff:

January 27th, 2010

clandestine [klan-des-tin] adjective;

1. Characterized by, done in, or executed with secrecy or concealment, esp. for purposes of subversion or deception; private or surreptitious.

Today we finally get to see the fucking clandestine Apple tablet.
Disdained to see the learning to expand one's vocabulary is needed by the use of profanity. And for what? A facetious ostentatious exhibit of the use of one's verbose lexicon to use for personal regalement?

I shall obsecrate that you acquire them in proper venues. Instead of crude, profane paradigms :hatsoff:


Me like big words, whim. You make dirk horny.
check out
Word for the week is "Bromantic"= when 2 dudes F the same chick they are being BROMANTIC.
check out
Word for the week is "Bromantic"= when 2 dudes F the same chick they are being BROMANTIC.

Or could mean they have no clue due to lack of intelligence, and the girl is a whore; possibly they all lack any kind of self respect/dignity...