The end of Trump's Presidential Bid?

President Obama is a good public speaker with good writers. Perhaps this is even more obvious to us all because the previous President was not particularly eloquent or loquacious.

His "jokes" in this speech have everyone in the room rolling in their seats, not because they are funny, but because they are true, and when you consider these things, Mr. Trump's Presidential Bid is the real joke.

Judge for yourself.


Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
I have a feeling that this publicity stunt is not going to end the way The Donald is expecting it to. If he continues on, I don't think it's the Obama people who will skewer him... I think it's going to be the GOP's "J. Edgar Hoover": Karl Rove. Trump made an enemy of Rove and I think that put the nail in his coffin right there. From Trump's fuzzy draft record to his affairs to his bankruptcies to his current business problems... Trump is a dream target for someone like Karl Rove. Ya shouldn't cross Karl Rove, Donnie. :nono:
I was surprised that I found most of Seth Meyers' jokes actually funny. Seeing as how I normally can't stand the man.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
For americas sake I hope that this is the end of the Trump bid.
Britain has little use for a feeble ally.
thanks for the clip lurk/ :laugh: that was funny ! and the Vegas 'display' of the White-house under Trump (not shown). Trump was flummoxed/ right to reply perhaps?
He better do something credible about this or he will be out before he ever finally declares he is in.

I think Trump has been pretty much crushed like a bug in a political sense. His chances where bad before, but now...

Ike Stain

Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
All I can say is, now that Bin Ladin's dead we can get back to important matters like deciding which MILF is hottest and which porn star we'd most like to bang.
If he can't handle some ribbing for the stances he's taken up himself against others. (did he really believe you could corner someone and not expect retaliation). Then he'll never survive true scrutiny when it comes to things like his exploitation of eminent domain.

He's finished imo. He never declared his candidacy because it's illegal to iirc this soon before an election. The most you can do which I believe he did was an exploratory committee.
All I can say is, now that Bin Ladin's dead we can get back to important matters like deciding which MILF is hottest and which porn star we'd most like to bang.

Kate from Kate's Playground is the hottest milf, and [sadly retired] Gauge is the porn star that I'd most like to bang (today).

Thanks for bringing us back to the important matters.


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
All I can say is, now that Bin Ladin's dead we can get back to important matters like deciding which MILF is hottest and which porn star we'd most like to bang.

Kate from Kate's Playground is the hottest milf, and [sadly retired] Gauge is the porn star that I'd most like to bang (today).

Thanks for bringing us back to the important matters.

Thank God! Some sanity here at last ..

MILF - I think throwing one into Vicky Vette would be awesome
Porn star - Ashlynn Leigh, TeaserVOD's very own hottie (Gauge is also a very good choice)

And, going to the wild side, I'd like to skull fuck the hole in OBL's head made by the explosive rounds the Seals used to whack him down to Hell.:D

Jus' sayin'