the Elizabeth Berkley sex scene in the pool

sak-less jack said:
meh i was hoping for a free download

but thanks anyway

same :) :p
Summer said:
oh how i remember her from my childhood on saved by the bell,lol. :)

Yeah !! Too bad that Tiffani Thiessen (Kelly from Saved By The Bell) hasn't done some hot stuff like that !!! :1orglaugh
samurai said:
i've always wanted to know who is the other actress from the 1st clip in that link?
That would be Rena Riffel, and she's hot like fire! She also got naked in the movie "Striptease".

You know, I was always very disappointed in Kyle McLachlan for appearing in an obvious pile of crap like Showgirls when he's such a unique and talented actor. Then, I look back on his clips with Berkley and I completely understand why he went for it!:nanner: