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The Civil War of 2016

Will E Worm

EDITORIAL: The Civil War of 2016
U.S. military officers are told to plan to fight Americans

Imagine Tea Party extremists seizing control of a South Carolina town and the Army being sent in to crush the rebellion. This farcical vision is now part of the discussion in professional military circles.

At issue is an article in the respected Small Wars Journal titled “Full Spectrum Operations in the Homeland: A ‘Vision’ of the Future.” It was written by retired Army Col. Kevin Benson of the Army's University of Foreign Military and Cultural Studies at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., and Jennifer Weber, a Civil War expert at the University of Kansas. It posits an “extremist militia motivated by the goals of the ‘tea party’ movement” seizing control of Darlington, S.C., in 2016, “occupying City Hall, disbanding the city council and placing the mayor under house arrest.” The rebels set up checkpoints on Interstate 95 and Interstate 20 looking for illegal aliens. It’s a cartoonish and needlessly provocative scenario.

The article is a choppy patchwork of doctrinal jargon and liberal nightmare. The authors make a quasi-legal case for military action and then apply the Army’s Operating Concept 2016-2028 to the situation. They write bloodlessly that “once it is put into play, Americans will expect the military to execute without pause and as professionally as if it were acting overseas.” They claim that “the Army cannot disappoint the American people, especially in such a moment,” not pausing to consider that using such efficient, deadly force against U.S. citizens would create a monumental political backlash and severely erode government legitimacy.

The vision is hard to take seriously. As retired ArmyBrig. Gen. Russell D. Howard, a former professor at West Point, observed earlier in his career, “I am a colonel, colonels write a lot of crazy stuff, but no one listens to colonels, so I don’t see the problem.” Twenty years ago, then-Air Force Lt. Col. Charles J. Dunlap Jr. created a stir with an article in Parameters titled “The Origins of the American Military Coup of 2012.” It carried a disclaimer that the coup scenario was “purely a literary device intended to dramatize my concern over certain contemporary developments affecting the armed forces, and is emphatically not a prediction.”

The scenario presented in Small Wars Journal isn’t a literary device but an operational lay-down intended to present the rationale and mechanisms for Americans to fight Americans. Col. Benson and Ms. Weber contend, “Army officers are professionally obligated to consider the conduct of operations on U.S. soil.” This is a dark, pessimistic and wrongheaded view of what military leaders should spend their time studying.

A professor at the Joint Forces Staff College was relieved of duty in June for uttering the heresy that the United States is at war with Islam. The Obama administration contended the professor had to be relieved because what he was teaching was not U.S. policy. Because there is no disclaimer attached to the Small Wars piece, it is fair to ask, at least in Col. Benson’s case, whether his views reflect official policy regarding the use of U.S. military force against American citizens.


As a retired Naval Officer, I think you would be hard pressed to find a US Military commander who would issue the order to fire on US citizens.
Second, I wouldn't be all that surprised in this hypothetical story if a very large portion of the US military joined the Tea Party revolution.

I doubt that the Tea Party would start this "insurrection" but I know if provoked by the Occupy types they would bring force. I also know which side my military brothers would join, orders or not. The Left would be wise not to go down this path.

Agree completely. Addditionally, this doesn't even count the millions of hunters and firearm owners everywhere. If he libtards think that we will not defend our selves and our homes, they are in for a very rude awakening.

the largest possibility would be a civil war between those on welfare (largely blacks in big cities) and those NOT on welfare......when food and fuel are running short, the uprisings will be where there are no real supplies and no ability to produce them or to buy them..... in the ghetto areas ....a target rich environment.... This will happen in Europe also.

Epiminondas *Actually, it would be nice if the left were to "go down the path" of using the military against US citizens. They would quickly find out which side the man in uniform was on...and we would be rid of those liberal polecats once and for all.

They already know which side the military is on. Why do you think they are working so hard to disenfranchise the military vote while trying to neuter every attempt to stop voter fraud as much as possible?

It is unconstitutional to use the military against American citizens.

We have the right to replace a tyrannical government with force.



That's just some crazy retired Colonel spreading disinformation to confuse The Tea Party Militia. The actual plan is to use poison gas and covert FBI agents disguised as members of the Swiss Guard.



In the event of a "takeover", all the National Guard is going to have to do is quarantine the area and wait for the pork rinds and Pabst to run out, and let the morons surrender peacefully.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
In the event of a "takeover", all the National Guard is going to have to do is quarantine the area and wait for the pork rinds and Pabst to run out, and let the morons surrender peacefully.

Actually, it'll be FEMA, or the UN. And chances are, it's going to be brutal, and bloody.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
They claim that “the Army cannot disappoint the American people, especially in such a moment,” not pausing to consider that using such efficient, deadly force against U.S. citizens would create a monumental political backlash and severely erode government legitimacy.

No it wouldn't, because those citizens would be criminals. Happens all the time. What a fucking buffoon.
Don't the US army officers have much clever and useful things to do ?


Don't the US army officers have much clever and useful things to do ?

Yes, they do. Our US military is currently planning the invasion of France via one submarine and a few frogmen. We're still pissed about your Maginot Line fuck-up which brought us into that whole WW2 mess.

How did you French people not know that Belgium was going to get it's ass kicked very quickly? I've never figured that out. It's Belgium, for fucks sake.

I, (NAME), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.

If they are militia types, I feel sorry for what they are calling down upon them.


My Penis Is Dancing!
Actually, were the tea baggers to take over a South Carolina town, no one would notice for quite some time, then they would not do anything - because it is a South Carolina town.


Actually, were the tea baggers to take over a South Carolina town, no one would notice for quite some time, then they would not do anything - because it is a South Carolina town.

Excellent point.

"Hey y'all! We took ober 'dis heah tawn! Yee-haw!!!"

Response: "No shit. It's the town you already live in dumb-ass."


My Penis Is Dancing!
Excellent point.

"Hey y'all! We took ober 'dis heah tawn! Yee-haw!!!"

Response: "No shit. It's the town you already live in dumb-ass."

"We put dem der meyer in jail!"
"He's your cousin. And uncle. And brother. And dad. And granddad. He is also the town drunk. And he was seen running around town naked all night. He deserves jail."
"We'z iz ginst gubmint! We control da gubmint! We run this place likes we wants to!"
"Oh, the irony..."


Due respect should be given to the Tea Bag Party. They are just too stupid to realize how dumb they are. I respect that, but believe they should be enslaved. Apparently they are good workers, so I say crack the whip on 'em.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Due respect should be given to the Tea Bag Party. They are just too stupid to realize how dumb they are. I respect that, but believe they should be enslaved. Apparently they are good workers, so I say crack the whip on 'em.

Rep for that. I like that line very much. Mind if I borrow it from time to time?

They are just too stupid to realize how dumb they are.

:yesyes: Yeah, I like that one.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
The red staters have been predicting a(nother) civil war since, oh... 1866 or so.

They are just too stupid to realize how dumb they are.

Thanks again, Hondarobot. :clap:
Reading the comments on that article makes me want to move. How are there that many paranoid gun-nuts in this country? I can only imagine them all sitting in front their monitors in their underpants with a confederate flag on the wall and a new american civil war boner.