The Best fight scene ever!


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
It's Captain Kirk :D


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Rough Synopsis:

Skitzo lizard-man is well up for a stick fight, Kirk's not all that keen, but he cunningly uses the tree for protection. Lizard-man unexplainably moves in for a big hug, with millimeter precision, kirk dodges the advance, noticing Lizardman's vulnerability he goes for the invisible dagger - No luck, another big hug comes his way, perrilously close to showing some love! There's nothing for it but to use the mighty Kirk-chop that does little more than clear Lizard-man's throat. Again Lizard-man moves in for the big hug, kirk goes for a kick, but Lizard-man's one step ahead, he fling's kirk as if he was rockin' out on guitar hero! with Kirk on the floor, Lizard-man fancies his chances at a little waltz that suprisingly goes quite well, untill kirk smells Lizard-man's breath. Lizard-man suddenly turns into rape-mode, they both kind of have "a moment" before the lightning quick double-slap from kirk rattles the Lizard! Then some furious rock throwing ensues!! Lizard-Man Wins!!
Rough Synopsis:

Skitzo lizard-man is well up for a stick fight, Kirk's not all that keen, but he cunningly uses the tree for protection. Lizard-man unexplainably moves in for a big hug, with millimeter precision, kirk dodges the advance, noticing Lizardman's vulnerability he goes for the invisible dagger - No luck, another big hug comes his way, perrilously close to showing some love! There's nothing for it but to use the mighty Kirk-chop that does little more than clear Lizard-man's throat. Again Lizard-man moves in for the big hug, kirk goes for a kick, but Lizard-man's one step ahead, he fling's kirk as if he was rockin' out on guitar hero! with Kirk on the floor, Lizard-man fancies his chances at a little waltz that suprisingly goes quite well, untill kirk smells Lizard-man's breath. Lizard-man suddenly turns into rape-mode, they both kind of have "a moment" before the lightning quick double-slap from kirk rattles the Lizard! Then some furious rock throwing ensues!! Lizard-Man Wins!!

Your description is a far more exciting version of the events. I kept thinking that it must be 'real time' footage that they needed to edit to make it more dramatic, but the music playing kept throwing me off. Wow, I don't know why you boys like Star Trek so much, seems fairly lame from the snippets I've seen.


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Your description is a far more exciting version of the events. I kept thinking that it must be 'real time' footage that they needed to edit to make it more dramatic, but the music playing kept throwing me off. Wow, I don't know why you boys like Star Trek so much, seems fairly lame from the snippets I've seen.

I just want to state that I've never enjoyed star trek before viewing this clip!


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Kirk fight scenes are what made him the greatest Captain ever.
Honorable mention goes to this fight:

At around :18 he does this off the wall move that cannot be explained, and at around :23, the bad guy has a chance to stab him in the back, and it looks like he almost does, but the blade was apparently deflected by Kirk's awesomeness.

He could've stabbed him in the arse! Prime opportunity gone begging!
Those were fucking lame scenes cant think what actually fascinated people so much about Star Wars (oops sorry Star Trek)!


Closed Account
Those were fucking lame scenes cant think what actually fascinated people so much about Star Wars (oops sorry Star Trek)!

I always liked the advanced side effects, like the doors opening and closing! high tech as fuck! a piece of paper being pushed in and pulled out of an envelope!