Natural resources should be kept for as long as possible.
Selling or leasing land to corporations only leads to more pollution, greater corporate profit at the people's expense, and decreasing the assets future generations will inherit.
Wind and solar could power the entire planet and they are clean renewable energies.
There's no such thing as clean coal, clean gas, or clean oil, it's BS lies from the fossil fuel cartels.
Oil is destroying coastlines, devastating ecosystems, and destroying the livelihood of people who live on the coasts or in the countless areas that have seen oil spills.
Fracking aka fracturing is poisoning the land and underground water reservoirs, and fracking cause earthquakes FFS.
There are millions of areas around the world where greedy corporations have decimated for the resources and left toxic wastelands in their wake.
Fossil fuel companies should be more heavily regulated so the damage they are doing to the entire planet can be at least be slowed down.
Corporations have too much wealth and power, they shouldn't have so much control of the government. There should be greater restrictions on lobbying.
Foreign and domestic corporations and other self-interest assholes will try anything to get their greedy hands on the governments/peoples lands and resources.
Land and resources should not be sold to anyone for "beads".
Selling or leasing land to corporations only leads to more pollution, greater corporate profit at the people's expense, and decreasing the assets future generations will inherit.
Wind and solar could power the entire planet and they are clean renewable energies.
There's no such thing as clean coal, clean gas, or clean oil, it's BS lies from the fossil fuel cartels.
Oil is destroying coastlines, devastating ecosystems, and destroying the livelihood of people who live on the coasts or in the countless areas that have seen oil spills.
Fracking aka fracturing is poisoning the land and underground water reservoirs, and fracking cause earthquakes FFS.
There are millions of areas around the world where greedy corporations have decimated for the resources and left toxic wastelands in their wake.
Fossil fuel companies should be more heavily regulated so the damage they are doing to the entire planet can be at least be slowed down.
Corporations have too much wealth and power, they shouldn't have so much control of the government. There should be greater restrictions on lobbying.
Foreign and domestic corporations and other self-interest assholes will try anything to get their greedy hands on the governments/peoples lands and resources.
Land and resources should not be sold to anyone for "beads".