The Answer to Our Debt Problems


Natural resources should be kept for as long as possible.
Selling or leasing land to corporations only leads to more pollution, greater corporate profit at the people's expense, and decreasing the assets future generations will inherit.
Wind and solar could power the entire planet and they are clean renewable energies.
There's no such thing as clean coal, clean gas, or clean oil, it's BS lies from the fossil fuel cartels.
Oil is destroying coastlines, devastating ecosystems, and destroying the livelihood of people who live on the coasts or in the countless areas that have seen oil spills.
Fracking aka fracturing is poisoning the land and underground water reservoirs, and fracking cause earthquakes FFS.
There are millions of areas around the world where greedy corporations have decimated for the resources and left toxic wastelands in their wake.
Fossil fuel companies should be more heavily regulated so the damage they are doing to the entire planet can be at least be slowed down.
Corporations have too much wealth and power, they shouldn't have so much control of the government. There should be greater restrictions on lobbying.
Foreign and domestic corporations and other self-interest assholes will try anything to get their greedy hands on the governments/peoples lands and resources.
Land and resources should not be sold to anyone for "beads".


The government should invest more in scientific research. This leads to new practical knowledge, patents, and inventions that can be sold or licensed to the highest bidding corporations.
NASA, Darpa, and other government-funded research agencies have created countless inventions and innovations that have changed society drastically for the better, the internet for example.
Corporations are more interested in profit above all else, including human lives. They spend more for marketing and advertising than they do for research.
Government agencies do a much better job of creating new practical technologies which can then be used to create new useful products, stimulating economic growth.
Creating new technology and knowledge is more profitable and better for everyone in the long run.
Natural resources should be kept for as long as possible.
Selling or leasing land to corporations only leads to more pollution, greater corporate profit at the people's expense, and decreasing the assets future generations will inherit.
Wind and solar could power the entire planet and they are clean renewable energies.
There's no such thing as clean coal, clean gas, or clean oil, it's BS lies from the fossil fuel cartels.
Oil is destroying coastlines, devastating ecosystems, and destroying the livelihood of people who live on the coasts or in the countless areas that have seen oil spills.
Fracking aka fracturing is poisoning the land and underground water reservoirs, and fracking cause earthquakes FFS.
There are millions of areas around the world where greedy corporations have decimated for the resources and left toxic wastelands in their wake.
Fossil fuel companies should be more heavily regulated so the damage they are doing to the entire planet can be at least be slowed down.
Corporations have too much wealth and power, they shouldn't have so much control of the government. There should be greater restrictions on lobbying.
Foreign and domestic corporations and other self-interest assholes will try anything to get their greedy hands on the governments/peoples lands and resources.
Land and resources should not be sold to anyone for "beads".

I can see where these are good for people and greedy corporations may need some control althought just how much might be debate able

As far as the national debt is concerned all your items are not related to it.
The govt needs to collect money that is more than its is spending. That solves the budget deficit.

As for the 19 trillion dollar debt we need to pay it off slowly thru time.

we cant do that if we keep on more borrowing money than we as a people supply to the govt. like taxes.

when we have segments of the population not paying there fair share it hurts the usa
when companies go over seas it hurts
people need a job so they can pay bills and pay taxes
companies need to feel rooted in the usa and able to do business and hire people so they can pay taxes
companies need to pay some taxes

If the govt is on the attack of businesses they do not hire and business and jobs get smaller- again fewer taxes paid

greedy bus is not the only problem

Thriving businesses create jobs for people like me
I no longer work- some people give up.
I have had some cheap employers and some good ones who cared
business that layoff people need to do it to survive sometimes
so rich politician business people have taken heat for layoff but they were saving the company
if your laid off like me it sucks but those that remain are paid and again continue to pay taxes- it does no good to anyone if the co goes out of existence
then NO ONE has a job

Imagine paying your bills monthly and you had to borrow money to pay them all among with some earnings from a job
you continue to borrow money and pay interest on a growing debt
at some point your creditors want to be paid back- you cant
they agree to lend more with a higher interest rate

imagine at some point your paying 3000 dollars a month for bills
your paying interest of 2000 dollars per month for the debt.
you have to borrow more money maybe from new creditors
soon your paying 2200 per month to service the debt and that is not paying off any of the principle

The USA in a few short years will be in that kind of problem- using half or as much as 70 percent of our tax money to pay off interest to avoid a default on our debt
leaving maybe only a small percentage of our tax money to run the govt and fix stuff and roads and social security and do our wars
ITS not a pretty picture and my dad was warning of this in the mid 80s
we are going to be fucked very soon and I hope I die b4 it happens
I like Paul Ryan and he has some plans- I hope its not to late

Paul Ryan has said if we go thru another presidency and do not fix our finances
the people getting and about to get social security wil have to take big cuts in benefits
right now taxes on those working held ssi - we can maybe avoid the prior stuff
if you are old and it becomes 2024 and our finances are not fixed- its gonna start hurting in a big way

there are some who think trump will not care about our debt-its scary time

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so I hope this applies- I do not know- frequently all you have is a link


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The article says the US has between 60 and 120 trillion dollars of oil reserves, plus all the government land and other resources, so the country isn't broke, it can pay off it's debt.
But the issue is how much of those natural resources should be exploited.
Like I wrote above, the gov. should invest more in scientific research, someone may be able to invent a practical fusion reactor or some other tech. that will replace all fossil fuels. :cool:
Corporations care more about profit than anything else, including human lives. How many billions of people have suffered, got sick or died because of corporation greed!?!?!?
If there are more stringent regulations on corporations there will be less corruption, less toxic shit sold to the public, and less polluting of our planet, and everyone wins.
assuming your numbers are correct- who owns the 120 trillion is it the govt or is it privately owned land/oil rights

corps are greedy but excessive regulation makes them want to relocate overseas

I am a printer- a bindery in bus for 50 years in LA - located over seas- what caused that- would like to knoqw the answer

another bindery big in size was sending folding and booklet making to mexico to have it done there and shipping it back TO USA- ITS IN LOS ANGELES

NOT SURE exact amount BUT if every person paid around 30000 dollars it would pay off the debt

I personally think the world banking organizations iare controlling things all over the world and pulling the strings of most all nations.
The fed govt makes monuments and national parks and preserves and governors complain of a federal land grab.
The land is then owned by the fed govt.
You might be unaware of the fact that many of our prized federal natl monuments like the Lincoln memorial actually stand on land not owned by the usa any more.

It helps preserve parks like Yosemite and Yellowstone but it also makes it possible with slight of hand to be sold.