tell your children about tank man

Well, I can say that he definitely ranks higher on my list than Tank Girl.


Closed Account
Ending up getting shot, didn't he?

Iconic moment in history. I don't need to tell my children about it because it will never fade away.
It's too bad more of his countrymen didn't appreciate what he did more than they did. I guess for a lot of people out there it's easier to live your life being sheep.
Well, I can say that he definitely ranks higher on my list than Tank Girl.

HAahahha well anything ranks above that. I forgot about Lori Petty(I think thats her name).

Either way to the topic. Its a story more ppl should hear besides children who wont give a damn.


It's too bad more of his countrymen didn't appreciate what he did more than they did.
I think they would if they could.

I guess for a lot of people out there it's easier to live your life being sheep.
Put firearms in their southpaws . . A different outcome ! ;)

A conscientiously armed populace has the greater ability to rise up and over their oppressors.

Imagine the tyranny in that environs ! Today, they'd likely haul your ass off to a work (and maybe organ harvesting) camp in the event you bring the honorable "tankman" to the forefront.

"Most favored nation status" (?) they tell me ? ! :thefinger
It's too bad more of his countrymen didn't appreciate what he did more than they did. I guess for a lot of people out there it's easier to live your life being sheep.
imagine if, instead of pulling him to the safety of the crowd, his friends stood with him against the tanks.

i remember, at the time, most people in china had absolutely no idea that anything was happening at all. the news was only available to certain chinese by fax machine from the west. to this day, most people who live around and work in tiananmen square either refuse to remember when questioned about it, fearing reprisal; or truly don't know, victims of orwellian reinformation.

the goddess of democracy