Teen Kills Self Over "Sexting"...


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Teen commits suicide after "sexting" spread her naked picture around.


(video clip of news story)

This is going to make me sound like a huuuuuge asshole, but SHE is the one who took the picture of herself and SHE is the one who willingly sent the picture to her boyfriend. So, how is anybody else to blame for her picture being seen by other people?

It's sad that she killed herself and I feel bad for her family and friends, but she brought the "harassment" upon herself.

Also, this serves as a perfect example as to why you shouldn't be taking naked pictures of yourself, especially when you're in high school.
Chef, seems to me that you're mad that you never got nudez when you was in high school. Am i right?
Honestly, that's one of the things that disturb me the most about the mindset of many Americans today. All this "you brought this on to yourself" and "you get what you deserve" attitude in America nowadays....no wonder that country made slogans like "gun your neighbor" world-famous. The US society grows more and more into a society which allows no mistakes and has no decency and respect for the lifes of others whatsoever.

Where I come from, there would be no question or argument about that it's at least to a large part the boyfriend's fault. To me, it's a huge breach of trust and an abuse of confidence from his side, if she sends him a naked picture of herself and he spreads it around to harass and "victimize" her. I mean, we're not talking about some random dude here, we're talking about her boyfriend, for christ's sake. Who else are you supposed to trust as a teenage girl? It's exactly the age we (as in all boys and girls) learn to socialize outside the nuclear family, we learn who we are or eventually what we'll become. Sure, there are some hard life lessons among the experiences of adolescence, but this.... come on, a girl killed herself over a nude picture! Hello, society, wake up call!


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Honestly, that's one of the things that disturb me the most about the mindset of many Americans today. All this "you brought this on to yourself" and "you get what you deserve" attitude in America nowadays....no wonder that country made slogans like "gun your neighbor" world-famous. The US society grows more and more into a society which allows no mistakes and has no decency and respect for the lifes of others whatsoever.

Nobody made her take the picture. Nobody made her send the picture to anybody. She did it all on her own, willingly, knowing that her boyfriend could easily show other people the picture and that everybody in her school could eventually know what she looks like naked.

Was it wrong for her boyfriend to show other people? Yes.
Was it the boyfriend's fault that she killed herself? No, absolutely not.

People need to stop blaming everybody else and start taking responsibility for their own actions.
Nobody made her take the picture. Nobody made her send the picture to anybody.
Oh, come on. That is one lame excuse for what could be called reasoning. You know exactly that the human mind doesn't work that way. She wanted to show off in front of her boyfriend, make him horny, make him socially/psychologically dependent from her and so on, because that's what teenage girls do. That's how nature works. The boyfriend on the other hand behaved crooked, malicious and deceitful. Instead of indulging and praising her, he betrayed her.
Perhaps you saw the last episode of "House". Then you'll probably know, what I'm talking about. There's something like a "social contract" and he just broke it.

Was it the boyfriend's fault that she killed herself? No, absolutely not.

People need to stop blaming everybody else and start taking responsibility for their own actions.

Of course is blaming everybody else not the right answer to everything, but you can't honestly believe that the boy's actions should be without consequences, do you? Where is his responsibility? You're putting the blame on the girl alone. But if the boyfriend had done the interpersonally and socially responsible thing about/with the picture, the girl wouldn't have been in the situation that led to her suicide either.
I can't walk into your apartment or house, piss on the floor and blame you for having such an ugly carpet that I have to pee on it.
Seriously, Chef, in my opinion not the right call here.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Oh, come on. That is one lame excuse for what could be called reasoning. You know exactly that the human mind doesn't work that way. She wanted to show off in front of her boyfriend, make him horny, make him socially/psychologically dependent from her and so on, because that's what teenage girls do. That's how nature works. The boyfriend on the other hand behaved crooked, malicious and deceitful. Instead of indulging and praising her, he betrayed her.
Perhaps you saw the last episode of "House". Then you'll probably know, what I'm talking about. There's something like a "social contract" and he just broke it.

You're right...she wanted to show off, which is exactly what happened when the whole school saw her naked picture. So, by your account, she got what she wanted.

So, how is it not her fault then?

Of course is blaming everybody else not the right answer to everything, but you can't honestly believe that the boy's actions should be without consequences, do you?

He didn't do anything illegal. Was it cool for him to show everyone the picture? No, but he didn't do anything illegal. What should he be punished for? Being a pissed off teenager? :dunno: If that's the case, then every single high school student should be sent to jail.

Where is his responsibility? You're putting the blame on the girl alone. But if the boyfriend had done the interpersonally and socially responsible thing about/with the picture, the girl wouldn't have been in the situation that led to her suicide either.

You're forgetting that when he showed everyone the picture, he was no longer her boyfriend. Therefore, eliminating any sort of boyfriend-like responsibility that he might be socially held to.

I can't walk into your apartment or house, piss on the floor and blame you for having such an ugly carpet that I have to pee on it.
Seriously, Chef, in my opinion not the right call here.

How does that relate to the story what-so-ever? That's not even close to being a valid comparison.

This is going to make me sound like a huuuuuge asshole, but SHE is the one who took the picture of herself and SHE is the one who willingly sent the picture to her boyfriend. So, how is anybody else to blame for her picture being seen by other people?

Because somebody else had to take it public. Obviously that part was never her intent.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Because somebody else had to take it public. Obviously that part was never her intent.

She was the one who took it public when she used her cell phone to send naked pictures of herself to her boyfriend. She was 18. She knew damn well that a ton of other people besides her boyfriend would probably end up seeing the picture.
I agree with Chef. I sure as hell wouldn't take a picture of my self naked and text it to ANYONE. You might as well just go to myspace and post it yourself. If she wanted him to see her naked why didn't she do it in private? Also, how long was she dating this guy anyway? Most teens these days seem to be in and out of a relationship within weeks. Its a sad story, but she didn't seem to be a very good decision maker. I don't think killing herself was the smartest idea either. She might have been embarrassed, but was it really worth her life?
She was the one who took it public when she used her cell phone to send naked pictures of herself to her boyfriend. She was 18. She knew damn well that a ton of other people besides her boyfriend would probably end up seeing the picture.

No, she did not take it public by sending it via cell phone. She sent it privately, to one person, and one person only, her boyfriend. HE is not the public. She had a more than reasonable expectation it would remain private.

Unfortunately her ex is a dishonorable prick. The fact there are a lot of dishonorable pricks in the world doesn't absolve him in any way.

To what extent, if any, he's responsible for her suicide is highly debatable; but honestly Chef I don't see how you can possibly argue that she's at fault for the photo getting around when HE took it entirely upon himself to vindictively disseminate what was obviously intended to be a private photo.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
To what extent, if any, he's responsible for her suicide is highly debatable; but honestly Chef I don't see how you can possibly argue that she's at fault for the photo getting around when HE took it entirely upon himself to vindictively disseminate what was obviously intended to be a private photo.

What high school boy do you know that isn't going to show a bunch of his friends naked pictures of girls that he has on his cell phone? Sure, he took it upon himself to show other people the pictures after they broke up, but she took it upon herself to put those pictures on his phone when she willingly sent them to him.

Somebody mentioned it before, but if she wanted it to be private, then why didn't she just show him her naked body in person, behind closed doors? Why go to the trouble of using a cell phone (which ANYBODY can look at) to show him her naked body?

I'm not saying that this isn't sad, but it's her own fault that there was pictures of her naked body out there in the first place.

:2 cents:

FYI - I'm not trying to say that this story isn't a sad one. Suicide is never something that should be looked upon lightly.


Closed Account
Honestly, that's one of the things that disturb me the most about the mindset of many Americans today. All this "you brought this on to yourself" and "you get what you deserve" attitude in America nowadays....no wonder that country made slogans like "gun your neighbor" world-famous. The US society grows more and more into a society which allows no mistakes and has no decency and respect for the lifes of others whatsoever.

Where I come from, there would be no question or argument about that it's at least to a large part the boyfriend's fault. To me, it's a huge breach of trust and an abuse of confidence from his side, if she sends him a naked picture of herself and he spreads it around to harass and "victimize" her. I mean, we're not talking about some random dude here, we're talking about her boyfriend, for christ's sake. Who else are you supposed to trust as a teenage girl? It's exactly the age we (as in all boys and girls) learn to socialize outside the nuclear family, we learn who we are or eventually what we'll become. Sure, there are some hard life lessons among the experiences of adolescence, but this.... come on, a girl killed herself over a nude picture! Hello, society, wake up call!

What he said. :thumbsup: :hatsoff: :helpme:


Closed Account
Maybe none of his friends thought to tell him he should not be doing that. He should keep his relationship to himself, respect the girl you are with.
What high school boy do you know that isn't going to show a bunch of his friends naked pictures of girls that he has on his cell phone?

I wouldn't have, and I'd wager you wouldn't have either. Again, just because there are many that would doesn't absolve them of responsibility for betraying a major confidence. Youth is no excuse either. High school aged kids are plenty old enough to discriminate right from wrong in that situation.

Anyway, I just can't wrap my mind around where you're coming from with this one, Chef. If you want to accuse her of being naive, that's fine. Foolish even, ok. Because yes there was some innate risk he'd turn out to be the type that would use them against her. But bottom line the photos only became public due to a conscious, vindictive act perpetrated by him and him alone.

Somebody mentioned it before, but if she wanted it to be private, then why didn't she just show him her naked body in person, behind closed doors? Why go to the trouble of using a cell phone (which ANYBODY can look at) to show him her naked body?

Why do people webcam with each other, or send digital photos via email? It's titillating. It's a form of foreplay. I see nothing puzzling about that at all :dunno: And unless otherwise stated it's implicit that kind of sharing is private.

I'm not saying that this isn't sad, but it's her own fault that there was pictures of her naked body out there in the first place.

It's her own fault that HE had naked pictures of her. It's HIS fault that anyone else saw them.

FYI - I'm not trying to say that this story isn't a sad one. Suicide is never something that should be looked upon lightly.

I understand Chef, and didn't in any way think you were trying to minimize that.
Apparently most of you have IQ's lower than 85. If you were abouts to send nudes on a phone, wouldn't you think of the risk you're taking? If you say no, then you probably have an IQ of less than 85 like I mentioned above. You could all say that this wouldn't happen if the boy didn't show the pics, but truth be told, it wouldn't have not happened if she never took them in the first place FACT.
Apparently most of you have IQ's lower than 85. If you were abouts to send nudes on a phone, wouldn't you think of the risk you're taking? If you say no, then you probably have an IQ of less than 85 like I mentioned above. You could all say that this wouldn't happen if the boy didn't show the pics, but truth be told, it wouldn't have not happened if she never took them in the first place FACT.

How low does your IQ have to be to not understand that even though she took them they'd have NEVER been public if HE hadn't made them so?

good grief :rolleyes: