Teen Idol Corey Haim Dies at 38

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
This sucks. RIP Corey.

Spending the last fifteen to twenty years as a punchline probably didn't help. Sad, but not unexpected.

Is it sad? Whenever a drug addict ODs, people talk about how sad it is. I don't see it. It seems that he spent most of his adult life trying to escape reality and now he finally has. So good for him...and I mean that without any sarcasm and without any condemnation for addicts. It seems like a shitty life to live.


Postal Paranoiac
Tragic. Was he in anything I liked?:confused:


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
License To Drive was a great film
What? Wow that I did not expect to read when I woke up. Hope he has found his peace because he obviously didn't have it here in life.
Yeah how sad I feel for him...

Let me see... He was probably millionare at the age of 20 and choosed to do drugs... eveyone had to feel bad about him beeing an idiot... sorry, an addict, because he did choose to.
After years of not working and spending he probably had no money left for party.. and no one would hire him cause he was a human ruin...

So everyone of you who are responsible, wake up in the morning to do a boring job for no money at all and have to save trought the year to have ONE party have to feel very very sorry...

he had it all once but to bad drugs ruined him rip may he be at peace now

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
License To Drive was a great film

I was half tempted to neg rep for that statement (I'm kidding. Sort of.) but this topic is about one of the stars of that "film." Remembering him as an actor that occasionally made a film that entertained us in our youth is important as is the manner in which he died, apparently, as many are stating their view about that as well.

Personally, I watched about five minutes of "License to Drive" and sneaked out of the theater to watch "Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo" or something of equal stupidity. Your sentiment is appreciated and I hope the rest of the posters are as honest with their opinions, pro or con.
Shocking news, he was great in Lost Boys. . .& Crank 2 (what a shortlived comeback)
Shame his little cameo in Lost Boys 2 will obviously now not lead to a starring role in Lost Boys 3

"Thou shall not fall. . .Thou shalt not die. . .Thou shall not fear. . .Thou shall not kill" :sing:

Turn it up to 11, for Corey. . . :crying:
I just watched the lost boys.
Sorry he left so early.