Teacher fired for being in porn movie

Did anyone hear that story on the news about that High school teacher in Kentucky that got fired for being in a porn movie 10 years ago?? I think that's ridiculous.....But needless to say I would take a look at the video out of sheer curiosity..I bet after that story it will be all over the web
Yeh heard about that, anyone have any knowledge od the teachers name, or a clip or anything


Lord Dipstick


temp ban
She didn't just star in one movie before she become a school teacher, she starred in fourteen films. IAFD doesn't catch everything so there could be more movies. Being a teacher means you have to command discipline amongst students in the class, which would've been very difficult for Tericka Ringler to do. Girls wouldn't respect her and boys would've made her the butt of jokes. Good call firing her.
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