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Sweden: Migrants are responsible for 95% of all cimres, overrepresented by +430%

Sweden: Refugee brutally rapes a 12 year old and is given 180 hours of community service. His family are furious at the victim for getting him punished. They continue to assault and batter the girl long after restraining orders have been placed

translated from Swedish:
Muhamed was sentenced to 180 hours of community service after having brutally raped a twelve year old girl. The girl has after the rape been harassed, threatened and on several occasions beaten by Muhamed's friends and relatives on a systematical basis.

Ida, who had just turned twelve when she was lured to the now 19-year-old Somali's apartment in Sundsvall. Upon entering the apartment, he tore off her clothes and raped her, while throwing punches against her face and holding her mouth shut.

"Black dick is expensive", the Somali commented while he raped the 12-year-old, who subsequently bled heavily from her abdomen. Muhamed was charged to 180 hours of community service last summer, something that Fria Tider wrote about. But the now 13-year-old girl is still living in fear.

Muhameds friends and two brothers have together with other family members started to systematically follow, threaten and assaulted her, Sundsvalls Tidning writes. They have in a long series of occasions attacked her when they've encountered her i different places.

The girl tells how she on Maundy Thursday encountered the family at a bus stop. At first she was beaten by one brother.

"Then came second brother, who have a restraining order and who I thought was going to help me up, gave me a punch on the mouth. Then came his mother and I thought they would stop, but she kicked me", says the girl to Sundsvall Tidning.

The 13-year-old had to be taken to hospital with several injuries on the back of the head and several loose teeth. She's also received threats about how she will "get beaten six more times", according to the local newspaper.

Because of the violence and harassments the girl stayed home from school during three months and then even changed school. But the attacks still continued.

Her younger brother have also been exposed to the Somali family's harassments. Windows have also been shattered in the apartment where she lives. The social services have now offered the family to move to a foster home or hostels.

The girls dad says that the violence continues despite the fact that the most active of the Somali brothers have a restraining order, and is therefor not allowed to contact the 13-year-old girl.

"She needs her rights", the dad says to Sundsvalls Tidning.

Ida's real identity is something else.

Wow, a US antimuslim blog publishing a transcript from a swedish nationalist blog, talk about a credible source.
The truth is you conservatives would take any article from any source as if it was as serious as The Guardian or the New York Times, as long as it matches your talking points.

I saw a video of a Swedish man at some townhall assembly with members of the government and he basically says that if any of these migrants assaults his daughter he is going to kill the perpetrator then come after the politicians.
If that is true (which I doubt, please post a link to the video) this man is particulary stupid : now that there's a video on him saying that on the net, you can be sure that swedish authorities have him under surveillance...
The truth is you conservatives would take any article from any source as if it was as serious as The Guardian or the New York Times, as long as it matches your talking points.[/quotes]

If that is true (which I doubt, please post a link to the video) this man is particulary stupid : now that there's a video on him saying that on the net, you can be sure that swedish authorities have him under surveillance...

So, Sweden DOESN'T have the 2nd highest rape rate in the world behind South Africa? And it's so close they've alternated the title over the years. So do you reject the premise that migrants from muslim countries are overrepresented in their perpetration of crimes or just to the extent the article states? Didn't a Swedish police officer/detective come out recently and say the same thing? He was blasted of course by your types but also hailed for telling the truth.

And yes, that Swedish dad was stupid for making that public threat. He'll probably serve more time for just that than a muslim migrant does for brutally raping and beating a 12-year-old.

But you all in the cucked EU have to stew in it. I don't have family over there. reap it. And I'll find that video.

The truth is you conservatives would take any article from any source as if it was as serious as The Guardian or the New York Times, as long as it matches your talking points.[/quotes]

lol you said The Guardian or the New York Times. No, you'd have to twist their arm to report something like this because it doesn't fit THEIR narrative. Once again, projection.

Will E Worm

The reason this is happening.

Barbara Lerner Spectre:

Europe has not yet learned how to be multicultural. And I think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Europe is not going to be the monolithic societies [sic] that they once were in the last century. Jews are going to be at the center of that. It’s a huge transformation for Europe to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode, and Jews will be resented because of our leading role.

She needs to be executed for treason, along with everyone who supported and helped her.

I saw a video of a Swedish man at some townhall assembly with members of the government and he basically says that if any of these migrants assaults his daughter he is going to kill the perpetrator then come after the politicians.

Good, self-defense and protecting your own country is needed.

is given 180 hours of community service. His family are furious at the victim for getting him punished. They continue to assault and batter the girl long after restraining orders have been placed

The girl's family is just going to have to kill the terrorist family.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Community service for rape is pathetic, he should be in prison for life.

The Penis Mightier

Kameltoe Harris = Poop
Can anybody claim that Muslim migrants are not responsible for a disproportionate amount of rape and other violent crime based upon their population in countries like Sweden?
Can anybody claim that Muslim migrants are not responsible for a disproportionate amount of rape and other violent crime based upon their population in countries like Sweden?

Johan seems to want to.

Again, it goes against the left's multicultural agenda. There are those in Sweden who think that simply pointing this out is racist (hence the problem just gets worse). Chances are, their own daughter, sister, wife or mother hasn't been raped. Yet.

Sweden should be #2 or #1 in the world for the LOWEST incidences of rape. If it were just their native population and didn't take on this idiotic experiment of letting barbarians in the gate.

Heck, if I were a horny somali and and knew I'd get a slap on the wrist, I'd be doing the raping too.
Sweden Won’t Deport Asylum Seekers Accused of Broadcasting Gang Rape on Facebook

By Lukas Mikelionis | 7:36 am, April 14, 2017

Two asylum seekers standing a trial for raping a Swedish girl and streaming the crime live on Facebook won’t be facing deportation.

The alleged rapists, aged 18 and 21, will not be deported if found guilty, after the prosecution withdrew their previous claim, according to Swedish news outlet 24 Uppsala.

“The prosecutor has taken a wise decision. It is against the Aliens Act, which I pointed out here before,” said lawyer Stefan Wallin defending one of the two men accused of the rape.

According to Wallin, his 21-year-old Afghan client and 18-year-old co-defendant arrived in Sweden when they were under age of 15.

There is a third defendant in the case, a 25-year-old Iranian immigrant with Swedish citizenship. He’s being tried for filming the rape and not reporting it to the police. In addition, he also being charged with defamation as he livestreamed the ordeal on Facebook. Because he’s a Swedish citizen, he cannot be deported.

Prosecutor Pontus Melander claims the men will be found guilty due to overwhelming evidence showing the crime. “We have an incredibly good evidence in the form of film material, but it is always up to the district court.”

He added that the two men who committed the rape will be looking at around 3 years in prison, while the man who filmed the incident could receive one-year sentence.

Melander argued in court that the 25-year-old who filmed it should receive one year in prison for slander because the video was widely shared on social media and the victim will have to live with it for the rest of her life.

The lawyers for the accused men, meanwhile, argued that the sex act was consensual and they have evidence showing the woman willingly participating in the act.

The trial, which ended on Tuesday, is thought to have gone quickly as it began just several weeks ago in March while the incident took place back in January. Similar cases have taken a lot longer to get to the court.


I'd like cucked libs (redudant) but in particular, johan and rivasky to weigh on this please. Nationalist/racist propaganda?
So, Sweden DOESN'T have the 2nd highest rape rate in the world behind South Africa? And it's so close they've alternated the title over the years. So do you reject the premise that migrants from muslim countries are overrepresented in their perpetration of crimes or just to the extent the article states? Didn't a Swedish police officer/detective come out recently and say the same thing? He was blasted of course by your types but also hailed for telling the truth.

According to George Mason University, Worldwide Sexual Assault Statistics, 1 in 3 American women will be sexually abused during their lifetime
Statistics now suggest that 1 out of every 4 Swedish women comes out to be the victim of rape.
Mind your own raped women

I don't deny anything. I just say I need a more credible source than a transcript of a nationalist swedish blog on an anti-muslim blog.

Also, if muslims are massive rapists, since the poroportion of muslims in France is much higher than in the US, how is it possible that the US have a much higher rape rate than France ? Same with Germany, Italy and Greece

lol you said The Guardian or the New York Times. No, you'd have to twist their arm to report something like this because it doesn't fit THEIR narrative. Once again, projection.
You could twist their arm as much as you want, even brake it, they wouldn't publish a transcript of a swedish nationalist blog. And that's why I trust them : they do their job seriously.
Just inform yourself about this topic on the official swedish governments website.


Of course, if you are already too far gone into the Trump/FOX and Alt-Right way of news, you will believe whatver fits your opinions

the "official swedish government's website"

nothing to see here folks. We're the #2 rape country in the world. We're not #1 and don't you forget it.

How are things going in Germany? You'd know more than I, but weren't there official announcements for parents to make sure their daughters did not dress provocatively so as not to provoke muslim migrants?

Is that true?

And are rapes by muslim migrants in Germany far beyond their proportionality in the population? No, you live in Germany, so of course you don't know that unless it's affected you personally.

I'm thinking this is some kind of punishment on western europe for their past sins of anti-semitism. The french gave up their jews to the nazis without even being asked. The British White Papers effectively condemned millions of jews to the gas chambers. then there's Germany of course.

nevermind. carry on.

we should've nuked you.
Mind your own raped women

I don't deny anything. I just say I need a more credible source than a transcript of a nationalist swedish blog on an anti-muslim blog.

Also, if muslims are massive rapists, since the poroportion of muslims in France is much higher than in the US, how is it possible that the US have a much higher rape rate than France ? Same with Germany, Italy and Greece

Swedish women are more desirable? And Sweden is more cucked? a 19-year-old can brutally rape a 12-year-old and get only community service in Sweden. 4 migrants can rape a swedish woman live on facebook and not get deported.

and go beyond rape, what about crime in general? what is the muslim population's crime rate in the EU?

but as I said, you all are paying for it. it's obvious by your abject blindness. reap it, you deserve it.
Mind your own raped women

Also, if muslims are massive rapists ...

According to rape crisis advocates in Sweden, 1 out of 3 Swedish women have been sexually assaulted by the time they leave their teens. During the first half of 2013, more than 1,000 Swedish women reported being raped by Muslim immigrants in the Stockholm; over 300 of those were under the age of 15.

what would muhammad do?

“For while Communists make full use of liberals and their solicitudes, and sometimes flatter them to their faces, in private they treat them with that sneering contempt that the strong and predatory almost invariably feel for victims who volunteer to help in their own victimization” - Whittaker Chambers, Witness
How Sweden, the most open country in the world, was overwhelmed by migrants
Sweden used to pride itself on giving a warm welcome to outsiders. But as the refugee crisis grows, so too does its sense of injustice

By Fraser Nelson

9:00PM GMT 12 Nov 2015

When it opened 15 years ago, the Öresund Bridge was seen as a glistening symbol of the new Europe. Sweden and Denmark had been joined together by a motorway with no border controls, fusing together economies and even blurring national identities. Many Swedes in Malmö have come to relish the city’s growing reputation as a suburb of Copenhagen, just half an hour away by train. It seemed to embody many dreams about the future: a continent where national borders would come to mean nothing. That dream was shattered at noon today.

After months of fretting, police finally introduced border controls on the Swedish side of the bridge: the latest symbol of Europe’s unravelling free movement project. There are many others: the razor wire separating Slovenia from Croatia; the border patrols on trains between Germany and Austria.

This has been painful for everyone, but devastating for Sweden because its main political parties barely know how to respond. Openness is the closest thing the Swedes have to a national religion, this policy is visibly failing – and there is no back-up plan.

When David Cameron set up the Northern Future Forum five years ago, it seemed like application for honorary British membership of Scandinavia. Then, it seemed to make sense. This was the land of snow, sea and supply-side economics – where tax cuts had steered the country out of recession long before any other European country. Sweden seemed to be lodestar to the world: George W Bush had copied its pensions policy, Tony Blair borrowed its hospitals policy, the Tories aped the free schools. The most socialistic country in the free word – yet still so entrepreneurial that it could sell cider to the English.

The headlines now suggest a country that is coming apart. Just last month, an asylum centre in the picturesque town of Munkedal was set alight, the latest in a series of arson attacks against refugees. Anti-Semitic incidents in Malmö have raised such concern that Swedes have now started “kippa walks”, gathering in their hundreds to accompany Jews home from the synagogue in a show of solidarity. The Sweden Democrats, a party routinely denounced by Swedish media as “neo-fascist”, is now leading in the national opinion polls. Economically, Sweden remains strong. But politically, it’s in crisis.

The problem stems from its famous openness. Swedes have long seen their country as a humanitarian superpower – one that may avoid military conflict, but stands in the front line of helping the world’s dispossessed. In the late Sixties, it welcomed Eastern Europeans who fled the Soviets, my wife’s parents among them. They were given everything by this wonderful country – food, accommodation, lessons in Swedish and even help to make sure their Stockholm-born daughters could still speak Czech. My family is one of many with reason to be grateful for Sweden’s habit of treating its openness as an article of faith.
But this became the problem. When the migration situation changed, Swedish policy did not. The numbers now arriving were never envisaged: this year alone, almost 200,000 are expected to arrive in this sparsely populated country. Adjust for population size, and it’s like Britain finding space for a refugee population the size of Birmingham each year. Sweden’s immigration agency has already run out of beds, and has been accommodating asylum-seekers at its head office.

The problem of professional Romanian and Bulgarian beggars is, for visitors, the most striking. They sit outside Stockholm’s underground stations and coffee shops, often piling their belongings in plastic bags on the street. This seems to advertise that the authorities have lost control. A violinist friend of mine who lives in one of Stockholm’s main shopping streets complains that, if she’d start busking, she’d be removed by police very quickly. But the beggars literally camped outside her front door are undisturbed. It doesn’t take a xenophobe to feel a sense of injustice – and yet, right now, the only party articulating the injustice is the Sweden Democrats.

If the finest political minds in Sweden had set out to incubate a far-Right backlash in the world’s most tolerant country, they could not have done better than what has happened over the last few years. First, run an open-door immigration policy making your country the top destination in the middle of a global migration crisis. Next denounce as “neo-fascist” anyone who raises objections. All of this has handed entire sections of the electorate on a plate to the Sweden Democrats. Its leader, Jimmie Åkesson, was on sick leave for five months – he need not have returned. His rivals have been doing all his work for him.

During the summer, I spent a few days at the Swedish political festival in Almedalen, in the island of Gotland. It was, itself, an advert for openness: an open-air party conference with no security checks. The Prime Minister wanders around, addressing anyone who pulls up a chair. At the time, David Cameron’s election victory was being much discussed. The Swedes were taken aback, some even appalled, at the language used: stopping migrants from claiming benefits for four years? Pulling out of the European Union? How can a globally minded nation like Britain have such dirty-sounding politics?

The explanation is simple: Britain is a country that is unsure about immigration, but loves immigrants. In Sweden, sadly, it’s the other way around. Britons fret about border controls, but we don’t hesitate to hire immigrants when they arrive. In Sweden, immigrants are twice as likely to be unemployed as natives, one of the worst ratios in the developed world. Accepting immigration at such a level, while being unable to integrate it, is the recipe not just for a political crisis but a national identity crisis.

A few weeks ago, a nursery near my wife’s family’s home announced that it would do its bit, by accommodating some asylum-seekers. The next night, it was set ablaze. Such stories would have seemed unthinkable only a few years ago. A surfeit of compassion is not the worst vice for a country to have – yet this has, now, ended up roiling far darker forces which it is struggling to contain. Sweden has spent almost 20 years being admired and imitated for reasons that are still valid. But in misjudging the immigration crisis, it now stands as a tragic example of what not to do.

Just inform yourself about this topic on the official swedish governments website.


Of course, if you are already too far gone into the Trump/FOX and Alt-Right way of news, you will believe whatver fits your opinions

Has your government tried to cover up incidents of sexual and assaults and rape by muslim migrants?

Remember that grope gauntlet on New Year's?

if german males are cucks are german females whores? despite what the soviets did.

But I imagine there are people, even in Germany, who object to having their daughters sexually assaulted or sexually assaulted themselves.