Annyone who says he never trolls is an hypocrite.
If you're on internet, using message boards about controversial topics or the social medias, there's always a moment when you end up trollin' someone
True. Reason why I picked: Some guys just get me going
2nd definition: Starting threads that you know will get a rise out of members so they can react for the OP lulz.
I'm occasionally guilty of that. I like to set fires then admire them from higher ground.
Here's a pretty good list to start with- http://board.freeones.com/showthread.php?801850-***The-Trolls-of-freeones-2015*** yes, I'm on it, no, I don't object.
I never troll.Annyone who says he never trolls is an hypocrite.
If you're on internet, using message boards about controversial topics or the social medias, there's always a moment when you end up trollin' someone
If you're on the internet you're trolling. The question really comes down to this, what type of troll are you and what is your trolling style? This list isn't definitive, but it's one of the oldest ones I can remember on the topic, it's been archived from the original- http://www.politicsforum.org/images/flame_warriors/index.php
As this phenomenon plays the biggest role in this sub-forum, I think this topic belongs in here, too
So, how do YOU feel about this, and... ARE YOU TROLLIN'?
What would Freeones Statue Of Liberty look like? Would I have to wear a condom to take the tour?
And there would be some changes about the tabula ansata : http://rule34-data-000.paheal.net/_...tatue_of_Liberty featured_image inanimate.jpg
I don't know if you would have to wear condom to take the tour but you would certainly not be allowed to take your kids with you...