Surname Origins Site


Prince of the Rotten Milk


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
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It can't find my surname.
Don't hit the link. I tried when I posted to disable the link so it would make more sense but the system wouldn't let me. you have to put your name from the back slash on the active link and connect it to the hyphen and it will work.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
My last name isn't common.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I don't know her maiden name.
English, Scottish and Irish for me

That's one thing about surnames is they can be so misleading nowadays with all the variables like people migrating, and adoption, etc. I still know my lineage to a certain extent and have checked with other people and they said that site is reputable and accurate and it was right with my name.


That is a fascinating link!
I put in my Mom's family name, and sure enough it came back correctly...and I read some threads from others who had the same origin and were looking for long lost relatives.
My Mom's name is not common, and I am probably related to some of those people from that site.
We are, both sides of my family, nearly 100% Russian. One Dutch ancestor which is pretty cool.
That is a fascinating link!
I put in my Mom's family name, and sure enough it came back correctly...and I read some threads from others who had the same origin and were looking for long lost relatives.
My Mom's name is not common, and I am probably related to some of those people from that site.
We are, both sides of my family, nearly 100% Russian. One Dutch ancestor which is pretty cool.

I know it's pretty damn cool. My name is so common in America there are tens of thousands. Other's, like my mom's, there are only a few dozen and most are listed in her native state which is correct. Just curious, how do you meet up with others there? What was the link?

edit: Never mind. There are tons of links on there and all kinds of cool stuff. I just never bothered to look around at the site. Honestly I thought it was a "pay for" site.
Fathers side is Swiss/German with one English branch. Mother side is all English/Scottish.