The FIRST video!!!!
Holy Moly Golly FUCK!!!
I know! First time I watched it, and the camera keeps tracking back and back and back and there's just nothing but this steel-grey wall of water; until you finally see he's basically sliding down the a solid water face the size of a small apartment building.
They estimated the wave in that vid was 77 feet high - but if you look at the volume of the thing and then factor the speed as well....... that's a lot of energy that has to be dispersed.
By comparison the Tsunami wave in Japan was 13 feet high and broke out to sea, which meant by the time it made landfall much of its energy - probably the majority - was already gone. Frightening.
On a slight tangent - somewhere around there's footage of the US SuperCarrier Kitty Hawk having waves roll over the top of her prow. The KittyHawk, I believe, is about 100 feet from water line up to the deck.
A wave that can roll over 100 feet high, is a slice of nature I never want to be within a continent's distance of .....