Supermarket Defends Itself Over Adolf Hitler Cake


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
These parents named their child Adolf Hitler Campbell and were denied in their request to have a birthday cake decorated with that name on it by a local grocery store.

Is this a violation of the parents' rights under the first amendment? Or is the store within their rights to refuse to print anything on a cake that might be deemed "inappropriate"? I'd love to hear any thoughts on this.
I used to work at a grocery store and I hated it so much, but I'm gonna have to side with the store with this. I'm sorry, but you can't make me do something I don't feel comfortable doing. The parents were stupid to name their child Adolf Hitler. If they want a cake that has the childs name on it, then freaking buy a plain cake and some icing and do it yourself.

Some stores only have one cake decorator. Not everybody that works in the bakery knows how to decorate a cake. What if the cake decorator was Jewish? Doesn't matter if the child's last name was "Campbell." Who puts a child's full name on their birthday cake. If the parents wanted "Happy Adolf" then I don't see the harm. They probably wanted the caked to say "Happy Birthday Adolf Hitler!"

I personally think the parents are either Nazi's, or they named their child that so something like this would happen, and then they would sue and get lots of money.

Just my two cents.

The Paulinator

Spreading the seed
The Wal-Mart made them their stupid fucking cake. It was not mentioned in the article whether WallyWorld incorporated the swastika they desired.

They also, by the way, have a daughter named JoyceLynn Aryan Nation Campbell.

My opinion on this? Sometimes, and the victimhood culture in this country may disagree, it is not always necessary to call attention to yourself. Lesson number two is this: If you overturn a rock and discover a bunch of disgusting creatures, sometimes it's better to replace the rock, rather than poking at the creatures.
I just read the story ,its a family of american nazis lol.
The store has every right as they say to refuse to print the things on cakes they find offensive,2 years ago the family wanted a cake with a swastika.
The walmart that did the cake for them apparently has gotten heat from other customers for making the cake and will probably refuse to do one next time.
I don't really see this as a free speech issue.The stores can choose or not to choose to do as they say anything they find inapproriate it would be like if they went to a t- shirt guy and wanted swastikas printed on t-shirts.There is no law saying he couldn't but no law eitheir saying he has too.
These parents are whacked If you ask me naming there kids nazi names and then make issues and publicity over it.They are gonna buy their kids nothing but trouble with it.I remember (and I live in NJ like these parents) going to school with a kid whose parents had been in a concentration camp in germany.He would have had a lot to say about somebody named Adolf Hitler Campbell.I see this kid having a lot of trouble in school if they send him to public schools.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Yeah, if they want the cake with that on it, they can do it themselves. That crosses a line, and like Xombie said, what if the decorator was Jewish?


Closed Account
Ok nevermind, that is a guy.

"So what, its just a name, it doesnt mean race......"

Yeah maybe so, but its not a name you just pull out of your ass. That guy is an idiot, wait till his kids grow up and get fucked by society.
I personally think the parents are either Nazi's, or they named their child that so something like this would happen, and then they would sue and get lots of money.

I'm leaning towards the latter theory. Seems much more likely to me. They ARE American after all :thumbsup:
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Closed Account
I saw a clip and I couldn't tell if the kid was girl or boy:dunno:

I would like to take up a nationwide collection. I will PAY ANY NATION to take this STUPID FAMILY IN. PLEASE.

Maybe if we OUTSOURCED our Stupid Citizens instead of our jobs we could improve the quality of life here in America?:dunno:

I was talking about the dad. You gotta admit in that pic he looks like a dike with a pony tail.
I saw a clip on MSNBC tonight and I couldn't tell their son and daughter apart. The son (Adolf) looked like a girl basically.

Just looking at that slack-jawed gawker loser father gives me the creeps....


Is this a violation of the parents' rights under the first amendment? Or is the store within their rights to refuse to print anything on a cake that might be deemed "inappropriate"? I'd love to hear any thoughts on this.

the latter, I would gather. ;)

Funny though - the freako parents probably could have had their cake prepared to their satisfaction, had they requested "Happy Birthday mao tse tung" , "Happy Birthday che guevara" or "Happy Birthday joseph stalin" lol .


Hiliary 2020
I think naming a kid adolph hitler is just dumb.
butttttt.........they shoulda made the cake.
big deal.
why stop at the full name, what about just adolph?
or a kid named saddam,little joey stalin or jesus?
people in the usa gotta lighten up about things that don't matter.