SUPER Street Fighter IV - NEW gameplay footage of SSFIV, showing Dee Jay, T. Hawk, and newcomer Juri

Here's the rumor list that popped up before the game was publically announced, it seems to be legit as the announcement confirmed Juri to be a real character:

* The previously leaked characters are all said to be in the game. Dee Jay, T. Hawk, Dudley, Ibuki, Makoto, Adon, Cody and Guy. The new characters are rumored to be:
o Hakan - An Arabic grappler obsessed with oil.
o Juri - Evil Asian girl fighter working for Seth.
* All characters will have two Ultras. They will both be available at one time, not selectable like with Third Strike's Super Arts. The commands to execute your Ultras do not overlap.
o It sounds like the characters from Third Strike are set up with their prior Super Arts. They had three in that game, so one will be their Super and the other two their Ultras.
o Gen has four Ultras because of his two fighting styles. One of these is said to be an Air Ultra.
o All characters still have one Super, except Sakura who apparently has a Shinkuu Hadoken (Super Fireball) as well.
* Some characters will have Air Ultras.
* The Bonus Stages will be returning.
* This will be an exclusive arcade release at least for a few months.
* An official announcement is said to be coming at the Tokyo Game Show and on the Japanese Street Fighter 4 blog soon.
* Expect the return of the many familiar Supers, and a few new ones like Metsu Shoryuken. You'll see the return of Chun-Li's Kikosho (Super Fireball), Gouken's Denjin, Sagat's Tiger Cannon (Super Fireball).
* Ibuki has a run command.
* Guile has his Sonic Hurricane move from Marvel vs. Capcom 2.
* Dudley has his Chain combos from Third Strike, plus one additional Chain combo.
* Cody is the only character with an Alpha Counter and he still has his knife. He supposedly needs his knife to perform one of his Ultras.
* Rufus can cancel-break the last hit of his Spectacle Romance, or the launch kick of Space Opera Symphony.
* Guy has his Chain combos.
* Makoto has her Tanden Renki Super from Third Strike.
* Zangief is said to have a 720 degree motion Air Ultra called the Siberian Blizzard.
* The game takes place one year after Street Fighter 4.
* Dudley was searching for his car in Third Strike, in this game he's searching for a rose.
* T. Hawk's storyline involves him protecting Juni or Juli.
* Dhalsim's new Ultra is called the Yoga Shangri'la.
* There's a new gameplay system called Tadan Saving, the phrase implies a multi-hitting or multiple-level Focus Attack.
* The console characters are all said to be added to the upcoming arcade release, with the possible exceptions of Seth and Gouken.

It's gonna be awesome IMO, and released at a lower price because it is essentially an updated game. Also, from what I heard, people who keep their original SFIV games will get some bonuses, so hold on to your copies.
So...they are basically releasing an updated version of a game released, what, 3 months ago?

I had street fighter IV for a day, it came in a package with a replacement xbox I purchased and I can honestly say, it was shit. I wasnt impressed with the graphics and the gameplay was awful. I used to love the original street fighter 2 way back on the old sege mega drive, I took it thinking it would still have the same enjoyable gameplay. I played it for an hour and was happy to trade it in immediately.

Whats the angle on this? Add a couple of new characters, couple of extra levels and features, then release it again just to piss of the people who paid full price for it on original release. Why not make it downloadable content, least then you wont feel quite as ripped off.
They had wanted to make it DLC originally, but a lot of the changes/updates that are going to be put into effect are supposedly too large enough to warrant it as an entirely new (well, not really) game. Plus they're rebalancing the game from the bottom up and revamping the entire online gameplay, which they can't do with the current version, according to them.

Capcom actually planned on making Championship Edition and Turbo SFIV a la SF2 prior to this one with less updates, which would have meant more whoring out of the game, but they decided to cram all the updates into a "Super" version of the game instead.

I can accept this version, the other options they had in store would have been more of a rip-off. The amount of new stuff they've got is worth it, IMO, and it won't be out on consoles until Spring 2010, so that's more than enough time for me at least to be fulfilled by the original SFIV until SSFIV rolls around


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Why buy this one when a new one is going to be coming out in another three months?
:( Lame. I love this game, but ain't rebuying. guess they wanna relive the 90s when they redid this game a million times...
hmm, ive got SF4 and i like it, but i wouldn't fork out just for a few extra characters. Ill wait until a new SF comes along not an updated version.
I have to,have to,have to,have to,have to fucking get this game when it releases.
I cant wait to 'Double Dread Kick' muthafuckers with Deejay!:D
I don't see any problem with it coming out. All the sports games out there update their games every year (and slap a new number on it) and people buy them every year but Street Fighter does it with a release date of more than a year after the last one and people complain.:dunno:
I don't see any problem with it coming out. All the sports games out there update their games every year (and slap a new number on it) and people buy them every year but Street Fighter does it with a release date of more than a year after the last one and people complain.:dunno:

People have every right to complain, or at least the smart shopper does. I have never bought a game, which after a year gets the special treatment and is released again. How can you not feel anything but ripped off?

"You get all these new characters and bonuses - But you have to buy the game again!"

DLC, free upgrades etc, does anyone here have burnout paradise? Look at the amount of free upgrades they have released since the game was released, they practically rebuilt the game through the DLC and didnt cost a penny to do so to the player.

People will buy games now with a pinch of salt, cause they will start to fear a new version coming out in months to come. And if no one buys the first version, they wont make the second version and people who did wait, will just get pre owned copies, further taking money away from game makes who are already suffering as it is, and in turn holding games back from us as cash cows for the future.
People have every right to complain, or at least the smart shopper does. I have never bought a game, which after a year gets the special treatment and is released again. How can you not feel anything but ripped off?

"You get all these new characters and bonuses - But you have to buy the game again!"

DLC, free upgrades etc, does anyone here have burnout paradise? Look at the amount of free upgrades they have released since the game was released, they practically rebuilt the game through the DLC and didnt cost a penny to do so to the player.

People will buy games now with a pinch of salt, cause they will start to fear a new version coming out in months to come. And if no one buys the first version, they wont make the second version and people who did wait, will just get pre owned copies, further taking money away from game makes who are already suffering as it is, and in turn holding games back from us as cash cows for the future.

I actually see the reason why some are upset but the fact of the matter is these same people are the same ones who buy Madden, NBA Live, NHL, etc.... every year and all EA (yes I'm aware that Burnout is made by EA) does is add small upgrades and switch the roster around. What they can't do that through DLC? Very few people ever complain about that, instead they line up for Midnight sales. The sports games become obsolete after six months because six months later the new one comes out which isn't that much different than the current release. The exact same thing is happening with SSFIV. I don't see anybody getting upset over Madden. Hell, even Smackdown vs RAW does it. Some game companies follow this format so why complain about one and not the other.
They are probably going to release another version of the game called "Super street fighter IV turbo championship edition" later :1orglaugh
at least is cheaper. according to gamestop it cost 39.99 or 40 bucks, for for us puertoricans add 7% sales tax. glad it has more supers, etc. and i hope it takes saves from previous game.
It was bound to happen, they did it with street fighter 2 & street fighter 3. Just because the internet makes it easier to upgrade games doesn't mean they have to do it, besides other games do it all the time they make a new cover put game of the year on it & add just a few add-ons & put it on the selves. & to top it off ssf4 isn't going to be a full priced game it's 30 or 40 bucks. Stop bitching (only to those who are bitching if you're not that last part isn't directed to you, if you need to verify if you are don't hesitate to ask me lol)